Yan Chixia doesn't look at anything - it's useless to look at it. He can't afford good things, and he doesn't like the things he can afford!

He took his apprentice Shier and left.

Poor Shi'er, after all, he didn't have the courage to say what he wanted to borrow money from his master.

Yan Chixia left with his silly apprentice Shier.

Li Banxian and his fellow leftist monks also left Changling Town with different purposes after taking the elixir and confirming its authenticity.

Pawnshop No. 9 returned to calm.

Wu Siyuan handed over his daily work to Luo Weiwei, while he went to the quiet room at the back and took out the [Tian Yuan Sutra].

Yes, he is ready to practice this technique! +

[Tian Yuan Suan Sutra] can only be cultivated to the realm of golden elixir. It is not as good as the best [Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra] in his hand, which can be cultivated to the realm of golden body comparable to the Nascent Soul stage.

However, Wu Siyuan had no intention of changing his profession and becoming a monk. Secondly, he had other plans to practice Tian Yuan Suan Jing.

This [Tian Yuan Suan Jing] is the inheritance of Li Banxian from Changling Town.

His personal cultivation is not very good, and Yan Chixia calls him Li Shengun, but his inherited skills are indeed unique.

It is not impossible to do calculations about people and things, and to predict the secrets of heaven when you practice to a very advanced level!

What Wu Siyuan values ​​​​is precisely his deductive ability.

Of course, Wu Siyuan was not used to deduce secrets.

He has the special ability of [predicting the future] - although this ability is in a sealed state, it has not been used for a long time recently.

Wu Siyuan actually planned to use this derivation ability to combine the strengths of hundreds of schools of thought to come up with a magic formula that was most suitable for him.

Just like in the world of [Wind and Cloud], Wu Siyuan learned from various martial arts schools and created a martial arts that is most suitable for him based on his own Nine-Yang Divine Skill, Nine-yin Divine Skill and Xiongba's three-point returning vitality!

It was precisely because of this martial arts that Wu Siyuan finally broke through to the extreme level and became an extreme level master comparable to Emperor Shitian!

However, the journey to martial arts is relatively simple.

But to deduce a cultivation technique that is most suitable for him, it is not that simple!

Moreover, Wu Siyuan has great ambitions.

He traveled through many worlds and obtained many resources, including a lot of knowledge about extraordinary cultivation.

Such as the magical knowledge of the world of [Beast Blood Boiling].

Wu Siyuan has always wanted to synthesize all kinds of extraordinary knowledge, learn from each other's strengths, and integrate it into his fundamental practice system.

But it’s hard!

But no matter how difficult it is, you have to do it!

Li Banxian's [Tian Yuan Suan Jing] was an unexpected gain for Wu Siyuan.

He had been studying it during this time and finally made the decision to practice this technique.

Of course, he only did this in the world of [Fairy in the Painting]. He would not do this in the real world.

There is no other reason.

The upper limit is too low!

When the time comes to encounter a bottleneck, Wu Siyuan will have to change his technique again!

What a hassle!

And to be honest, [Tian Yuan Suan Jing] is really not that outstanding of techniques!

That is to say, in this different world, Wu Siyuan must use this technique to assist himself in deriving new techniques before he can practice!

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …

Now that he had made his decision, Wu Siyuan began to sit down cross-legged to practice!

He took out a pack of [Dragon Blood Powder] and drank it with water, and a warm current of warmth soon appeared in his body.

The method of [Tian Yuan Sutra] appeared in Wu Siyuan's mind, and he began to breathe and refine it.

Hu... Si...

There is no time to practice.

It was night before I knew it.

Inside the completely darkened quiet room.

Wu Siyuan opened his eyes and frowned slightly.

The process of practice is not ideal.

With the help of Dragon Blood Powder, Wu Siyuan successfully condensed a trace of Tianyuan mana in his body.

But this result was much worse than Wu Siyuan imagined.

In the final analysis, the host's qualifications are still not good enough.

Also, the original owner was just an ordinary scholar, not a genius, and his cultivation aptitude was average.

In fact, it is not easy to get started with cultivation with this body!

In the secular world, there are many people who cannot get started!

Wu Siyuan estimated that even with the aid of elixirs, his cultivation speed would not be able to reach his ideal situation.

He is planning to cultivate to the golden elixir realm as soon as possible so that he can deduce the techniques.

The [computing power] in the foundation building period was too weak for Wu Siyuan.


Wu Siyuan just thought for a moment and took out the [Tianzhu Pill] from the [Shennongjiao Space]!

Yan Chixia bought [Tianzhu Pill] and went back to improve her apprentice Shier's qualifications. Wu Siyuan never thought that he would have to experience this.

However, Yan Chixia spent 15,000 yuan on [Tianzhu Pill], which made her feel very distressed. After seeing the techniques behind it, she felt even more heartbroken.

But for Wu Siyuan, there was no feeling at all!

Just [Tianzhu Pill].

To him, they are just consumables.

He swallowed the green [Tianzhu Pill].

[Tianzhu Pill] melts in the mouth, turning into a sticky and cool green air flow, penetrating into the depths of Wu Siyuan's origin.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………

The shopkeeper's...the shopkeeper's...

Wu Siyuan, who had recovered from the life transition, heard Luo Weiwei's voice outside the door.

What's the matter? Wu Si asked without raising his head.

You haven't eaten for a day. Do you want me to send you some food? Luo Weiwei asked with concern.

No need! Just go about your business! Wu Siyuan said.


Luo Weiwei leaves.

Only then did Wu Siyuan begin to evaluate his own situation.

There is no situation in the novel where Yi Jin washes his marrow and sprays feces from the pores of his body.

The whole body is still clean.

Nothing strange at all.

Only when I breathe, the air feels sweeter.

Why does this feel weird... Wu Siyuan thought to himself.

He closed his eyes, adjusted his breath, and entered a state of cultivation.

After one week of meritorious service.

Wu Siyuan opened his eyes, with a hint of joy in his eyes.

Sure enough, the practice efficiency doubled.

This is barely enough to meet the qualifications of a middle-aged person.

Wu Siyuan can't expect too much.

The rest can only be left to drug addiction!

Wu Siyuan first mobilized a trace of the life energy of [Shennong's Corner Space] to restore his own state to the best - normally, the daily practice time of a monk in the early stage is limited, and if he practices non-stop, his body will not be able to bear it. of.

Just like an electric car, when it runs out of power, it needs to be recharged!

However, Wu Siyuan has the life energy of [Shennongjiao Space], which can solve this problem.

To others, Wu Siyuan is like someone with unlimited battery life.

Wu Siyuan took a pill of He Youman's Bigu Pill, and then continued to swallow Dragon Blood Powder...

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