How much money did you many yuan? Yan Chixia asked.

220 yuan coins. Shi'er didn't dare to raise his head.

Hmph! The amount matched the figure Wu Siyuan said, but Yan Chixia was even more angry. He snorted coldly and asked, Then do you know how much the other party sold it for?

I haven't touched the 220 yuan coins, and they are still there with him! At worst, I will go and tell him to exchange those two magic weapons back. Shi'er raised his head and glanced at the furious Yan Chixia, and then hurriedly He lowered his head and said.

He's selling it for 400 yuan now. Do you think he's willing to do it? Yan Chixia glared at Shi'er fiercely and said.

No way? Such a profiteer? Shi'er was shocked, hesitated, and said without confidence, Maybe this price is for other people. I used to be different.

The more Shi'er talked, the less confident he became.

Yan Chixia said nothing.

Shi'er didn't dare to speak anymore.

the next day.

Shi'er went to the town [Pawn Shop No. 9].

Yan Chixia was worried, so she got up early and followed him. One of the important reasons was the fear Wu Siyuan gave him.

The appearance of a ghost king who loves to steal brides in Changling Town is troublesome enough.

Now there is another pawnshop owner with unknown purpose.

Especially this pawn shop owner, who was just a shabby scholar a few days ago.

Anyone can tell that such a big and fast change is unusual, and there must be something fishy behind it!

So Yan Chixia also followed.

But when they arrived, they discovered that they were not the first customers in the store.

Li Banxian from Changling Town, accompanied by two Taoists and a man in strange makeup, was lingering in front of the shelves filled with treasures at No. 9 Pawn Shop, his eyes wishing they could grow on the shelves.

It was obvious that the things on the shelf were to their liking.

Shopkeeper, what do you mean by this thing? The Taoist with a garlic nose, a crooked mouth and a blue gourd on his waist couldn't help but ask Wu Siyuan first.

Wu Siyuan looked around and saw that what the Blue Gourd Taoist was talking about was the ghost jar that had just been put up last night.

He smiled slightly and said to Taoist Blue Gourd, There is a ghost general-level ghost inside, and its memory has been refined. After the buyer buys it back, he can easily control it through a blood contract or other contracts. As a ghost, there is no need to worry about backlash. This ghost is of high quality, has thirteen ghost veins, and has a certain chance of becoming a ghost king. Because it is precious, the price is not low, and it requires 1,500 yuan coins.

This ghost general-level ghost is none other than the red-clothed ghost boy who was captured by Wu Siyuan into [Shennongjiao Space].

This time, Wu Siyuan did not use the [Shennongjiao Space] to kill the red ghost boy, but used the power of space to search for the memory of the red ghost boy.

[Shennongjiao Space] has this ability.

In the original work, the male protagonist Romon used this ability to obtain the memory of the divine vampire who entered the space.

Wu Siyuan is just trying his best.


This skill is not free.

After all, this red-clothed ghost boy is a foreign object. When the power of [Shennong's Corner Space] enters his soul, he will encounter strong resistance.

Two of the four red-clothed ghost boys were killed by Wu Siyuan on the spot, and their souls were gone.

The remaining one was half dead, and was eventually sent to be used as fertilizer by Wu Siyuan.

As long as the last red-clothed ghost boy has enough experience, it has been completely preserved, and because of the space soul search, all the original memories have been washed away, including the soul, which the ghost king nine-tailed fox uses to control Their soul imprints were also shattered, turning into ghosts that could be called blank sheets of paper.

Although Wu Siyuan did not like this ghost boy in red, he was a priceless treasure to some cultivators who raised and refined ghosts.

Especially since this red-clothed ghost boy is highly qualified and has the opportunity to be promoted to the Ghost King, it is even more amazing.

Although the Ghost King is almost at the bottom of the same level in terms of combat power, even if he is at the bottom, he is still at the Golden Core level.

In this world where the Nascent Soul does not exist, the Golden Core level is basically the top group.

In modern terms, this is strategic nuclear weapons.

In ancient terms, this is the treasure of the town!

However, other people's treasures are useless to Wu Siyuan.

The value of this red-clothed ghost boy is not as valuable as the fragments of the [Rakshasa Ghost Mother Sutra] obtained from their memories by Wu Siyuan using [Soul Search].

Although due to confusion in his memory, the fragments Wu Siyuan obtained were only the cultivation methods of the [Six Yin Ghost Formation] and [Resentful Ghost Art].

Not to mention the [Six Yin Ghost Formation], the [Yin Sha Ghost Art] is a method of cultivating ghosts, and you can eventually become the Ghost King of Resentment.

That is the golden elixir realm of monks.

Although Wu Siyuan cannot practice, it can also be used as a reference for him.


Can I take a look? After all, Wu Siyuan's words were unfounded, and Taoist Blue Gourd still wanted to take a look with his own eyes.

Of course! Wu Siyuan motioned to Master Blue Gourd to help himself.

So the Blue Gourd Taoist took down the ghost jar from the shelf and opened the lid.

Immediately, the ghost boy in red flew out of the urn and stood on the ground.

Normal people cannot see ghosts when the ghosts are not visible.

But except for Luo Weiwei and the others, everyone present was not a normal person. They all had magical powers and could see ghosts.

After the red-clothed ghost boy came out, he didn't hurt anyone or dodge. He just stood there, motionless.

The blue gourd Taoist's face was filled with joy. He pinched his fingers and cast spells. He used several methods to test the red-clothed ghost boy and found that his quality was indeed as Wu Siyuan said. There was a certain chance that he could advance to the ghost king.

In fact, he felt that Wu Siyuan was being conservative in what he said. If this red-clothed ghost boy was well cultivated, he would have a high probability of becoming a ghost king.

The blue gourd Taoist was immediately moved. He cast a spell to put the ghost boy in red back into the ghost urn, and then made a show of putting the ghost urn into his pocket.

Li Banxian's face suddenly turned ugly. This was the person he had found.

He was about to speak, but suddenly his mind moved and he stopped talking.

The other two people also looked like they didn't see it.

Only Yan Chixia, who was standing in front of the door, looked very unhappy when she saw this scene.

But he didn't speak yet, he just looked at Wu Siyuan, wanting to see how Wu Siyuan would deal with it.

Fellow Taoist, what do you mean by this? Wu Siyuan looked at Taoist Lan Hulu blankly and asked knowingly.

This treasure is destined for me! It's disrespectful for me to reject it! Taoist Lan Hulu said with a smile on his face.

In fact, he saw that Wu Siyuan had no magic power and was ready to rob him!

Even if Wu Siyuan has a deep background behind him, if he grabs something and runs away, and later cultivates the red ghost boy into a ghost king, then what can this store do to him?

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