No wonder Li Banxian is so scared! Wu Siyuan frowned slightly, thoughtfully.

As for the weird boy, Wu Siyuan was not afraid.

Although his current strength is at a low point, a mere brat can't do anything to him.

Wu Siyuan continued to wander around Changling Town.

He wanted to visit the house in the town where the spiritual light protected him.

As a result, the other party refused Wu Siyuan's visit because her husband was not at home.

Wu Siyuan was not a good person, but he was not a bully either. When the other party said this, Wu Siyuan left angrily.

After walking around the town, he found no other unexpected gains, so he came to the only restaurant in the town.

The waiter of the restaurant was a young man with a big mole on his lips. He was not very old, but he had already developed a pair of snobbish eyes. When he saw Wu Siyuan, a sarcastic look flashed through his eyes, and he opened his mouth and said , Isn't this Mr. Cui? You haven't been here for a long time.

The waiter was mocking Cui Hongjian for having no money.

It seems that Cui Hongjian is not unknown in the town, but has some reputation.

Wu Siyuan just glanced at the waiter with the big mole on his face. He could hear his sarcasm, but his heart remained unmoved.

He calmly walked into the restaurant, sat down at an old table, threw out a small piece of broken silver, and said calmly, A pot of shochu, a plate of plain meat, and a plate of tofu.

Although from a historical perspective, the price of silver has been falling.

In the early Ming Dynasty, the value of one tael of silver was equivalent to the current purchasing power of 1,200 yuan.

One tael of silver is equal to 1,000 Wen, which can buy 400 kilograms of rice. At that time, one tael could buy 480 kilograms of modern rice.

Modern rice costs about 2 to 3 yuan per catty, and if we take 5 yuan per catty, one tael of silver at that time would be equivalent to about 1,200 yuan today if we simply use the price of rice as the standard to measure purchasing power.

By the middle and late Qing Dynasty, the value of one tael of silver had shrunk to around RMB 150-220.

It is now the middle of the Ming Dynasty, and the price of silver has not fallen so sharply. One tael of silver is equivalent to about 660 yuan in modern purchasing power.

Of course, silver ingots are divided into official casts and private casts. Official casts are mostly cast with the name of the bank, while privately cast silver ingots are generally cast with private banknote numbers and so on. There is a big price difference between the two, with official castings being several times more expensive than private castings.

Wu Siyuan's coin must be equivalent to private coin, and its value is not as high as the official coin.

Wu Siyuan brought this silver from the modern world, and its purity must be higher than that of this world, but people don't recognize it.


Even so, this small piece of broken silver has a purchasing power of one or two hundred yuan, which is definitely enough for a meal in this restaurant.

So when the waiter with the big mole on his face saw the broken piece of silver, he smiled brightly and went to work for him.

Not long after, what Wu Siyuan ordered was brought out.

The waiter with a big mole on his face said, Mr. Cui, please take it easy and was about to leave, but Wu Siyuan stopped him and poured him a glass of wine.

I have a few questions to ask you. Wu Siyuan said in a tone that left no room for doubt. The answers satisfy me. I'll treat you to this table of food and wine.

Wu Siyuan pushed the plain meat and tofu on the table in front of the waiter.

These wines and dishes are not worth mentioning to Wu Siyuan, who has eaten delicacies from the mountains and seas in the real world.

But for waiters with average quality of life, it is very tempting.

Wu Siyuan saw the waiter's Adam's apple squirming as he swallowed saliva, and he smiled slightly.

The waiter with the big mole on his face initially looked down on Wu Siyuan, oh, and Cui Hongjian. He nodded and bowed and said, Master Cui, please tell me.

The girls in the town are getting married... Before Wu Siyuan finished speaking, the waiter in the shop said flatteringly, Mr. Cui, do you want to get married?

No. Wu Siyuan glanced at the waiter indifferently, and then said, I haven't finished speaking, so don't interrupt.

Yes, yes... The waiter nodded repeatedly.

Wu Siyuan continued, Is it normal for girls in this town to marry elsewhere?

It's normal. This is a big happy event! said the waiter.

Is there nothing abnormal? Wu Siyuan asked with a slight frown.

Mr. Cui, what abnormal situation are you talking about? the waiter asked.

During the marriage process, we discovered a robbery incident or something... Wu Siyuan was silent for a moment and said.

Haha... how is that possible? the waiter categorically denied.

No? Wu Siyuan suspected that the Ghost King Nine-tailed Fox was very averse to weddings and other happy events because of its own tragic problems. Whenever it passed through its area, the bride would be killed by it, and the ghosts would be enslaved by it.

Judging from what Wu Siyuan saw in the movie, there were quite a few brides who died tragically at the hands of the Ghost King Nine-tailed Fox over the years.

The death of one or two brides can be said to be an accident.

With so many brides dead, even a fool would know something is wrong!

There’s no way the locals don’t know about such a weird situation!

Why are there still cases of people marrying off girls one after another?

Wu Siyuan had this doubt in his mind.

But the waiter said, Yes, Mr. Cui, I have never heard of bride-robbing! Did you hear it wrong?

Where are the brides who married outside? Wu Siyuan asked.

The bride who married outside? Everything is fine! Mr. Cui, you are so curious, are you... attracted by Fanfan? Do you want to marry a beautiful woman? the waiter said hehehehe.

Speaking of which, in our town, a family really wants to get married recently!

Wu Siyuan did not expect that the waiter in this store was a know-it-all and a master of gossip.

He raised his eyebrows and said, Tell me and listen.

Unexpectedly, the waiter stopped talking and looked back and forth over the food.

Wu Siyuan understood immediately, put Kuaizi in front of him and said, Sit down!


The waiter had a successful smile on his face and sat down in a hurry. He picked up the kuaizi, picked up a piece of white meat, put it in his mouth, drank another glass of soju, and suddenly his whole face turned red.

Wu Siyuan didn't eat either and just looked at the waiter with the big mole on his face.

The waiter picked up a few more pieces of plain meat and wolfed it down, and then said to Wu Siyuan, The girl who is marrying is a sewing kit seller in the town. She belongs to Lao Luo's family. Lao Luo was greedy for the bride price and promised his eldest daughter to Zhu Yuan outside the city. My silly son is going to be my wife, and she’s going to get married in a few days.”

Oh... Wu Siyuan thought. He sells sewing kits? He couldn't be Yan Chixia's apprentice's favorite person.

In the movie, not only did this woman get married, she could not escape the persecution of the ghost king Nine-tailed Fox. After her death, she turned into a ghost and was controlled by the Nine-tailed Fox. Finally, she died in the hands of Shi'er, leaving her soul scattered. The ending was also very tragic.

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