The white-headed ghost has a ghostly aura all over his body, with ghostly hair entangling his life and ghostly claws tearing apart his soul.

The general Qi refining period is not necessarily an opponent.

However, in addition to the ax weapon, the young man also has a spiritual armor.

The white-headed ghost's attacks fell on the young man's body, but were blocked by the spiritual light on the spirit armor, and could not be hurt at all.

The young man's ax weapon fell on the white-headed ghost, causing its ghostly body to tremble every time.

Finally, when the house was almost collapsed, the white-headed ghost was beaten to pieces by the young man. With his protection, it could not hurt Wu Siyuan.

So after some weighing, it decided to retreat, turned around, and leaped away to the distance of the river.

The young man threw the ax weapon, and the ax emitted a dazzling yellow light. There seemed to be a faint sound of Sanskrit singing, and it flew in the air towards the white-headed ghost.

The white-headed ghost also sensed the danger, and was surrounded by ghostly energy. Accompanied by bursts of ghostly cries and howls, he immediately protected himself.

In the end, the ax weapon cut off half of the white-headed ghost's body and severely injured it, but it took the opportunity to enter the water and use the water to escape.

The ax whirled around and returned to the young man's hand.

Although he defeated the white-headed ghost, the young man's face showed no joy at all.

Originally, his original intention was to kill this water ghost that had been causing trouble to the nearby countryside for a long time.

This time it ran away, and next time you want to find it, it will be difficult to catch it.

The young man thought with regret that when he left, no one knew how many people would die at the hands of this water ghost who got worse.

At this moment, slight footsteps came from behind.

The young man turned his head and saw Wu Siyuan, holding a roasted chicken leg wrapped in ink paper.

Wu Siyuan saw the young man looking at him, smiled slightly, handed over the chicken drumstick in his hand, and said softly, You must be hungry.

The young man looked at Wu Siyuan deeply.

Regarding Wu Siyuan, the young man actually thought that he was just an ordinary scholar at first, but later when he fought with the white-headed ghost, Wu Siyuan acted too calm during the whole process, which made the young man feel that he was very unusual.

He hesitated for a moment, then took Wu Siyuan's chicken leg, took a bite, and couldn't stop.

Foods made with seasonings in the modern world are extremely lethal to people of this era.

The young man ate very quickly, breaking even the soft bones in three or two licks, chewing them till they were chewed, and swallowing them into his stomach. Then he raised his head with unfinished content, looked at Wu Siyuan, and then remembered the gaffe he had just made. , a little embarrassed, he thought for a moment, took out a steamed bun from somewhere on his body, and handed it to Wu Siyuan.

This was the only food he had on him.

Wu Siyuan saw it and took the steamed bun over with a smile - he was really an innocent child.

When the young man saw Wu Siyuan taking his steamed buns, he also had a smile on his face. He nodded to Wu Siyuan, then walked into the room, picked up his things, and was about to leave.

In front of the door.

Wu Siyuan suddenly said, Meeting is fate.

I'll let you take shelter from the rain, and you save me from danger. I'll give you chicken legs, and you give me steamed buns.

Isn't it too much to ask you a name?

When the young man heard this, he was stunned and hesitated.

Wu Siyuan said, I know you are not mute.

The young man laughed, no longer hesitated, turned his head and said to Wu Siyuan, My name is Shi'er! Shizhi's son's son!

After the man who called himself Shi'er finished speaking, he smiled, then turned his head and walked away, just as he came silently.

It's so interesting! Shi'er, Shi'er, Shi'er's son...

Wu Siyuan murmured, a light flashed in the depths of his eyes.


When he heard this name, along with his identity as a scholar and the white-headed ghost, he already knew the world he was in!

【Fairy in Painting】!

That fantasy movie with Yan Chixia, Shi'er, the ghost king Nine-tailed Fox, and the female ghost Mochou.

Wu Siyuan was also a little surprised to come into this world.

But looking back, it wasn't bad.

In this world, there are swordsmen who can cross the boundary between yin and yang, and ghost kings who carve out land and rule in the yin and underworld. Their power is not low.

The most important thing is that he has seen from Shi'er that the cultivation system of this world is very similar to his main cultivation system, which means that it is possible for him to connect to the road ahead.

To know.

The [Maoshan Secret Technique] that Wu Siyuan obtained in the world of [Uncle Zombie] only supported his cultivation to the foundation-building stage, and there were no follow-up techniques.

During his later world-traveling journey, he never entered the world of Eastern immortals, so in reality, his cultivation realm was always stuck in the foundation-building stage.

[Shennongjiao Space] has abundant energy reserves, just waiting for Wu Siyuan to obtain the follow-up skills to break through the ranks and advance.

But unfortunately, it has never been available before!

But luckily, this time I came to this fantasy world.

Wu Siyuan immediately set his target on Yan Chixia.

In his memory, Yan Chixia, in the movie The Fairy in the Painting, is a powerful person who can physically travel through the Yin and Yang realm, and his level of cultivation is unknown.

At least, let's face Wu Siyuan in the real world. He cannot physically travel through the Yin and Yang realm.

There is no problem for his soul to leave his body and enter the underworld, but he cannot bring his physical body there.

Compared to the soul, the physical body is too heavy!

It is precisely because of the comparison that Wu Siyuan can personally feel the power of Yan Chixia.

However, although Yan Chixia has a good heart, she is not easy to deal with.

It is not that easy for him to hand over what he has learned throughout his life to Wu Siyuan.

You need to plan carefully!

Wu Siyuan thought silently in his heart. He turned around and glanced at the house that was about to be turned into ruins due to the fighting, and couldn't help but laugh.

Shi'er was really out of touch with the world. He fought with ghosts and monsters, demolished his house, and then walked away.

He didn't even think about how the owner of the house would live in the future.

If Cui Hongjian was really a scholar, it would be much more difficult for him.

This house, together with the hundred volumes of poems and books in it, is his last property!

Wu Siyuan saw in Cui Hongjian's memory that the Cui family's family background was not bad before, otherwise they would not be able to support a nerd like Cui Hongjian who did not work in childbirth.

But later, his parents passed away and no one took care of the family business, and no one could take care of him.

Cui Hongjian became stupid in his studies. He failed to pass the examination as a scholar or a scholar, but he also invested heavily in studies. As a result, his family property was continuously sold off, and in the end only this old thatched hut by the river remained.

This thatched hut was occupied, and Cui Hongjian was truly homeless.

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