
Lin Weinan is an ordinary person with no money and no power, and wants to survive for five years.

It's hard.

Because cancer is the most cunning enemy.

If a drug is used for a long time, drug resistance will develop.

This kind of medicine has no effect.


Lin Weinan was incurable.

It is also a hope to encounter a targeted drug such as [ledimumab] that has an obvious effect on him!

Lin Weinan's attending doctor told the three members of the Lin family the news.

Father Lin and Mother Lin cried with joy and kept thanking the doctor.

Father Lin took out all the money from his pocket, except for two red bills.

The rest are loose bills of ten yuan, one yuan, and five yuan, and the total does not exceed fifty yuan.

Father Lin picked up the two red bills and put them in the pocket of Lin Weinan's attending doctor.

Lin Weinan's attending doctor refused.

It’s not that he doesn’t accept red envelopes.

When many patients come to see a doctor, they have to rely on leadership relationships and give red envelopes.

They are afraid that the doctor will not treat them with all their heart and soul.

Lin Weinan's attending doctor did not accept red envelopes at first.

Later, after a long time, he saw others accepting it, so he accepted it too.

It's a bit unsociable not to accept it.

He is equally attentive to those who give red envelopes and those who do not.

But there is one thing. He only accepts red envelopes when the patient's family has the financial conditions.

He would not accept red envelopes from a family like Father Lin and Mother Lin who ate the cheapest food just to save money for their children's treatment.

Lin Weinan gave some more instructions and then returned to his office.

An impulse suddenly arose in his heart to understand the treatment effects of patients in other experimental groups.

Several of his patients with terminal cancer joined this experimental group.

In addition to Lin Weinan, a 20-year-old terminal lung cancer patient, there are two more than 50-year-old terminal esophageal cancer patients.

The two patients with advanced esophageal cancer were both from Chaozhou City, Yue Province.

As the country with the highest incidence of esophageal cancer in the world, the number of new cases of esophageal cancer in China every year exceeds 50% of the global total.

Among various regions in China, the Chaozhou area in Yue Province has a high incidence of esophageal cancer.

Research shows that the high incidence of esophageal cancer is closely related to dietary habits. Hot, fast, and rough eating habits, including unrestrained dining habits such as squatting, are more common in high-incidence areas.

In high-incidence areas across the province, most people have the habit of eating pickled foods, which is also a high-risk factor for esophageal cancer. Especially in the Chaozhou area, the mixed salty pickled products in left-behind dishes are famous, and there are countless types, from vegetables to seafood to soy products.

Pickled products contain nitrite amines, and long-term consumption will greatly increase the risk of cancer.

It would be okay if the food is eaten in one go, but in the Chaozhou area, there are not that many people who love to have children and can eat all the pickled products in one go.

Diligence and thrift are the virtues of Chaozhou people. They rarely throw away pickled products before they are finished. Instead, they keep them for a long time and eat them often!

In this case, the probability of mildew in pickled products is very high.

And due to the pickling, the appearance is also difficult to see.

Eating too much will have a great impact on your health.

In addition, the trendy people's well-known love of drinking Gongfu tea is also considered to be the main reason for the high incidence of esophageal cancer.

Long-term drinking of very hot Gongfu tea and hot soup may also cause repeated burns to the esophagus, causing repeated scarring, thereby inducing cancer.

Now there is an additional problem. Eating hot food in hot pot for many times can easily cause repeated burns to the esophagus, which may lead to cancer.

These two fashionistas in their fifties were already in the late stages of esophageal cancer when they showed obvious symptoms because they often drank hot tea and ate pickled products.

Most esophageal cancer in the country is squamous cell carcinoma.

As for this kind of cancer, there are no obviously effective targeted drugs in the world.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …

This knowledge flashed through the mind of Lin Weinan's attending doctor.

He walked to the room where the two patients were for his rounds.

One still has a hoarse voice, can’t make out his voice when speaking, and can barely eat.

Lin Weinan's attending doctor understood that it was cancer cells that were constantly multiplying and blocking his esophagus.

One day, his esophagus was completely blocked, and he couldn't even drink water.

Or rely on intravenous drip to maintain the last chance of survival.

Otherwise, you will have to starve to death!

Damn cancer.

Lin Weinan's attending doctor thought, and he turned to look at another patient.

This patient was dying a few days ago. Because the cancer cells had irritated the trachea, he kept coughing every day. But this time Lin Weinan's attending doctor came over and found that the patient's coughing had significantly reduced and he could eat.

Lin Weinan's attending doctor asked them some more questions, comforted them a few words, and then left.

Among the three members of the [ledimumab] experimental team, two are effective and one is ineffective?

Having been a doctor for so long, in fact, in some cases, he does not use instruments for examination. He just looks at the patient's condition and listens to their descriptions, and he has a general idea in his mind.

The results of the instrumental examination were only used to support his diagnosis.

Lin Weinan and one of the patients with advanced esophageal cancer showed significant improvement after participating in the experiment, and no obvious side effects were seen.

[Xuanhu Technology] This anti-cancer drug is really not simple.

And... one of the patients with esophageal cancer did not improve. It does not mean that the drug is useless for him. It is most likely because this guy took a placebo. Lin Weinan's attending doctor thought to himself.

Although he has patients on hand who have joined this experimental group.

But even the doctor in charge of these patients didn’t know who was taking a placebo and who was taking the real drug.

This is to ensure that the double-blind experiment is as free from interference from external factors as possible.

But his intuition told him that Lin Weinan and the advanced esophageal cancer patient who improved were taking real medicine.

Another patient with esophageal cancer who did not improve was given a placebo.

He thought for a while and contacted other doctors.

[Xuanhu Technology] naturally couldn’t have chosen just these two or three people for new drug experiments in their cancer hospital.

In fact.

[Xuanhu Medical Technology] This time it was very ambitious and very confident. A total of hundreds of patients with advanced cancers of various types were selected to participate in this experiment.

In addition to several terminal cancer patients under his name, many terminal cancer patients under his name also participated in this experiment.

Lin Weinan's attending doctor contacted them to learn about the condition of their experimental patient.

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