$398 billion was made from stock trading.

[Elephant Weather] Global franchise fees collected US$26 billion.

[Elephant Weather] After the global reopening, the number of international members surged to 200 million.

This is due to the global sensation caused by the Yellowstone volcanic eruption.

It’s like giving [Elephant Weather] an expensive advertisement.

Well, this advertisement was launched at the cost of more than 10 trillion US dollars evaporating from the global stock market.

It is indeed very expensive.

It only converted 200 million users.

On average, the customer acquisition cost per user is as high as $9,803.

200 million users, this data is certainly not on the same level as the number of members of the international social giant [Lianshu].

The global daily active volume of [Lian Shu] software has reached 600 million, and the monthly active volume has also reached about 2.9 billion, which means that the number of users of the software [Lian Shu] has reached or even exceeded 3 billion.

The number of users of [Elephant Weather] is only one-third of [Lian Shu].

But the 200 million members of [Elephant Weather] are paying users.

[Lian Shu] These 2.9 billion users are not paying users.

Otherwise [Link Book] would not need to rely on advertising fees to make money.

There will also be no situation where [Lian Shu] will suffer a huge loss as soon as it is restricted by Apple's system. Some executives will come out to criticize Apple, saying that its behavior disrupts their company's advertising business, causing its advertising revenue to drop by 100%. Fifty.

This can be described as a serious blow.

Many technology giants around the world appear to be glamorous and high-end, but they are actually just selling advertising space.

It’s just that it used to be in newspapers, then it moved to television, and now it’s on the Internet.

They are all trying to squeeze traffic money.

Back to [Elephant Weather].

The overseas monthly fee for [Elephant Weather] is one dollar.

200 million users can contribute US$200 million to [Elephant Weather] every month.

This has been paid to the capital account of [Elephant Weather].

Plus advertising revenue.

Well, some advertisers with keen business sense have already heard the news.

After all, the 200 million users of [Elephant Weather] should not be underestimated.

The total advertising revenue is 80 to 90 million US dollars.

Adding up all aspects, [Elephant Weather] earned US$27.1 billion this month.

Coupled with Wu Siyuan's income from letting Four-Armed King Kong cut leeks in the stock market, the total is as high as 410 billion US dollars.

This US$410 billion was remitted into China immediately.

After all, it’s not safe abroad.

A certain country and its allies are already sharpening their swords against pigs and sheep. They are salivating over the funds of the oligarchs who have fled abroad, waiting to find an excuse to swallow them up.

Prior to this, the other party had frozen the capital accounts of many oligarchs.

Therefore, for safety reasons, Wu Siyuan chose to remit it into the country as soon as possible.

Such a huge inflow of foreign exchange directly led to the appreciation of the RMB exchange rate.

This is another matter.

The issue of RMB exchange rate needs to be weighed by the authorities.

Wu Siyuan doesn't have to worry about this yet.

However, the funds he has on hand must be managed.

410 billion US dollars.

If you include the profits of [Chaoqun Group] in the past few months, the total can reach 500 billion US dollars.

500 billion U.S. dollars, calculated based on the exchange rate, is close to 3.5 trillion RMB.

In 2008, there was a global financial crisis.

At that time, the Chinese authorities only spent 4 trillion yuan to rescue the market.

Wu Siyuan has 3.5 trillion in his hands.

The difference between the two is only 500 billion.

Of course, if inflation is taken into account, the gap between the two is even greater.

But it is undeniable that 3.5 trillion yuan is a lot of money.

Wu Siyuan no longer has to worry about the [New Vision Fund].

It is amazing that only more than 1 trillion yuan is invested in this year.

In this way, Wu Siyuan still has 2.5 trillion yuan in his hands.

Even more than 2.5 trillion yuan.

Because [Chaoqun Group], a money-attracting beast, will continue to create profits for Wu Siyuan.

Wu Siyuan's headache now is how to spend the money!

There are many people in the country who are jealous of this money.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …

[Forbes] is a famous business magazine in a certain country, published every two weeks.

But what makes it famous around the world is the various lists it publishes every year, including the most prestigious rich list.

Under normal circumstances, [Forbes] will publish these lists in October every year.

In the past few years, Wu Siyuan was listed by Forbes as the richest man in the world, the richest man in Asia, the richest Chinese, and the richest man in mainland China.

In the past few days, [Forbes] released the list of the world's richest people in advance for the first time.

There have been some changes to the list of the world's richest people.

Some rich people are getting richer.

Some rich people's wealth has shrunk significantly, and some rich people have disappeared from this list.

But apart from the parties concerned, few people paid attention to this situation.

Because they all guessed who [Forbes] was releasing the global symbol list so many months in advance for the first time.

They all set their sights on the top row of the list.

That name is still Wu Siyuan.

It's just that the amount of wealth marked on the back is so exaggerated that it's unbelievable, reaching as much as 1 trillion U.S. dollars, which is far more than the total net worth of the top ten richest people below.

Musk, who ranks second, was worth 300 billion U.S. dollars at his peak. That was when his electric vehicle company became popular and his market value increased to 0.8 trillion U.S. dollars. As a major shareholder, his net worth has also risen.

At that time, it seemed possible to catch up with Wu Siyuan's status as the richest man.

However, as [Chaoqun Group] developed [infinite charging technology] and [holographic projection technology], Musk's electric vehicle company's new technology development has been delayed and has lost its imagination space, and its market value has also declined. His net worth also dropped as a result, and the gap with Wu Siyuan became wider and wider.

Musk might mind that.

But Wu Siyuan didn't feel anything about it, and there was no disturbance in his heart.

Because at his level, money is really just a number to him.

What he is thinking about now is how to use the money to increase his influence.

Then use the energy brought by influence to travel through the new world, obtain resources, and improve yourself.

However, as Wu Siyuan's influence in the world grows, it becomes more difficult for him to gain greater influence.

Unless something bigger happens.

Just like when he first started, selling some fruits and opening a store would be enough to gain enough influence energy to travel through time.

Later, it was time to open a company and build a brand.

Later, it developed into a group and penetrated into the industrial chain, affecting tens of millions of people.

But now, we have to base ourselves on the international stage, and our opponents are countries one by one.

Wu Siyuan could not imagine what he would do to obtain enough energy to travel later.

Is the goal the sea of ​​stars?

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