Gentlemen and ladies, just imagine, when Asian children watch cartoons from a certain Eastern country, and when European children only know cartoon characters from a certain Eastern country, do you know how terrifying this situation is?

The new generation of children don't know Mickey Mouse, they don't know Donald Duck, they don't know Tom, they don't know Jerry. This is such a terrible thing.

They won't be interested in Iron Man, Thor, Captain and the like!

Even the children of our country will be eroded!

An iron curtain of thinking separates us from the world! Separates us from the new generation!

Gentlemen and ladies, when we lose our children, we lose our future!

The great country will come to an end and the empire will decline. After a few years, no one will remember it anymore!

There are many reasons!

But I think the fall of the propaganda position will be crucial! The boss of the lobbying team had a low voice and deep eyes.

One member sarcastically said, So, is this the reason why [Nisdy] violated the national ban? Sir, I have to admit, you package it beautifully, but you can't change its essence!

The essence of [Nishidi] is to defend the world of children in our country and protect their values ​​of freedom, democracy, and justice. The real world is very bad. Gentlemen and ladies, the enemy has developed such a weapon, and our country Internet high-tech companies are so disappointing. You can't let our soldiers hold rifles from the 1930s to fight against the enemy's machine guns from the 21st century.

This is costing the lives of our soldiers!

Similarly, ladies and gentlemen, the resolution you are about to reach may also determine the fate of this country and the companies that are committed to providing the best childhood for children! Survival or destruction is in your hands! Lobbying The team leader said with a serious expression.

I have always believed that what touches people's hearts is the content that shocks and touches the soul, rather than the so-called tools. A committee member said to the boss of the lobbying team.

You are right, Mr. Committee Member. It is shocking and the content that can arouse people's resonance is the content that can touch the depths of the soul. But unfortunately, what we have, the other party also has, and what the other party has, we do not.

We had the opportunity to be on the same starting line as them, but the actual situation is that the other side is running, but we have tied our hands and feet.

The boss of the lobbying team nodded first, then looked at all the committee members and said loudly.

We need at least 100 million U.S. dollars to make a high-quality animated movie that children can like. But the other party only needs less than 20,000 U.S. dollars! With our 100 million U.S. dollars, the other party can produce at least 5,000 animated movies.

It's 5,000, not 50, not 500!

Hear this data.

The committee members present discussed among themselves.

After a while, the member sitting in the center said, Okay, sir, we will consider your opinion. Thank you for your valuable opinions, which provide us with sufficient material for decision-making.

Judging from the looks of many committee members present, they already appeared to be moving.

But this is only superficial.

During the period between the end of this hearing and the emergence of the final resolution, there will be more relevant exchanges between more people and various committee members, or in other words, an exchange of interests.

Not only the [Nisdy] company sent personnel to privately lobby the committee members, but other media companies also sent lobbying teams to privately lobby these committee members who hold great power.

There is no other reason. Although [Chaoqun Group]’s [AI Painting Assistant Xiaozhi] is a major benefit to [Nisdy], it also gives other media and film companies the opportunity to enter this field by trial and error.

Even many independent filmmakers and stars see opportunities to get rid of large film companies and obtain higher profits.

They are also supportive of this.

Under the influence of many forces.

The final decision was made.

[Nishidi] did not receive any punishment, but the committee also reiterated that in the field of film, television and animation, it cannot do business directly with [Chaoqun Group].

This was a private meeting with no public performance.

But it sent a clear signal to these companies and people at the top.

You cannot do business directly with [Chaoqun Group]!

Then there is no problem in doing business indirectly with [Chaoqun Group].

Suddenly, [Chaoqun Group] received appointments and talks from many large media groups and independent film companies in a certain country.

They are all here to seek the overseas use rights of [AI Drawing Assistant Xiaozhi].

The customer who comes to your door is God.

But even God has to accept the rules of the [Super Group].

The development cost of a movie is US$100 million, and a commission of 3% of the total revenue is the same for everyone.

It’s useless to play any cards!

These media groups and film companies have realized [Nisdy]’s original depression.

In the end, the two parties signed a cooperation agreement for the transformation and development of 26 animated films in a short period of time.

These media companies in a certain country paid 2.6 billion US dollars in advance to [Chaoqun Group] through multiple vest companies, which is 16.484 billion yuan when converted into RMB. The cost paid by [Chaoqun Group] was just to open a few authorized accounts. , and just provide some computing power.

Peers are a circle.

In this world, not only a certain country has media group companies, in fact, other countries have their own media companies.

When these media companies saw what a certain country's media group was doing, they were also moved.

They have long been salivating over the [AI Drawing Assistant Xiaozhi] launched by [Chaoqun Group]. They are all very aware of the potential of [AI Drawing Assistant Xiaozhi]. They have seen a media group in a certain country take action. There are bold companies , also used the vest company to contact [Chaoqun Group] and purchased [Chaoqun Group]’s [AI Painting Assistant Xiaozhi] service.

[Chaoqun Group] earned another US$700 million in this area, equivalent to RMB 4.438 billion.

But what companies in one country can do, companies in other countries cannot.

As soon as they reached an agreement with [Chaoqun Group] and paid the fees, a certain country's big stick came down.

This is also a double standard that a certain country has always had.

But they have double standards.

Media companies in other countries had to stop cooperating with [Chaoqun Group].

They reluctantly contacted [Chaoqun Group] and wanted to get their previous payment back.

Sorry, the authorized account has been given and there will be no refunds!

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