I'm collecting golden fingers from all over the world

Chapter 55 Science and technology are the primary productive forces

[Nishidi] wants to use the vest company, [Chaoqun Group] doesn’t matter.

But [Chaoqun Group] will not use vest companies.

What [Super Group] wants is that if the other party is willing to investigate, they can easily find it.

[Chaoqun Group] wants a certain country to know that companies in your own country use the technology of our Chinese company, which you have blocked.

[Nishidi] Very helpless.

Logically speaking, [Nishidi] is Party A who gives money, and [Chaoqun Group] is Party B who makes money from it. Party B should try its best to meet Party A's needs.

But in this world, Party B, who masters the core technology, is so strong, just like the semiconductor industry.

Even though [Chaoqun Group] is so strong, [Nishidi] still found a vest company and signed a cooperation contract with [Chaoqun Group] for the adaptation of 5 animations.

Oh, by the way, [Chaoqun Group] prices in US dollars, but does not accept US dollars.

Because [Chaoqun Group]'s international balance of payments accounts have been frozen, [Chaoqun Group] cannot obtain financial services in the U.S. dollar payment system, so [Chaoqun Group] requires [Nishidi] to pay in RMB.

no way.

[Nishidi] Find a way to convert 500 million U.S. dollars into RMB and enter the vest company.

The vest company then paid [Chaoqun Group] in the name of cooperation.

And [Chaoqun Group] gave [Nishidi] the overseas version of the [AI Painting Assistant Xiaozhi] program that had been prepared for a long time.

Although the negotiation process was very frustrating.

But after getting the overseas version [AI Drawing Assistant Xiaozhi] and using it, I felt very happy because it is so convenient.

In particular, [AI Painting Assistant Xiaozhi] supports changes during the conversion process, and is very intelligent. It can understand any idea of ​​the professional staff of [Nishidy] and implement it.

If we say that the animation works directly transformed by domestic online writers are rough processing.

So what [Nishidi] does is to make full use of [AI Drawing Assistant Xiaozhi], which is finishing, and the quality of the animation it presents is obviously different.

[Nishidi] Just tried it out and was full of praise for it.

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Not long after the negotiation with [Nishidi] ended, [Chaoqun Group] reached an agreement with other domestic online writing websites to obtain the qualifications for free use of [AI Drawing Assistant Xiaozhi] and obtain 100% of these online writing groups. Seventy percent of the equity.

[Chaoqun Group] specially established [Chuangwen Company] to coordinate and manage it.

The relevant procedures will take some time to complete.

However, the permissions of [AI Drawing Assistant Xiaozhi] were opened to the authors of these web sites early on.

And these authors have been waiting for a long time.

The moment I first got the permission, I couldn't wait to transform my serialized or completed works into anime.

Just overnight.

[Deep Sky City] has uploaded more than 100,000 anime adapted from web novels on this website.

There are male and female channels, all types of animation, covering almost all audiences.

Because many of the uploaded anime are adapted from very classic online articles, they are already well-known and have a lot of fans.

Because there is no piracy of the anime Dark Sky Castle.

If these fans want to watch these anime, they have to become paid members of [Deep Sky City].

stimulated by this.

[Deep Sky City]'s paid members, whose growth rate had slowed down, also experienced another jump.

The number of paying members has reached 91 million.

The average consumption amount per member reached 150 yuan.

[Deep Sky City]’s revenue reached 13.65 billion yuan.

According to the agreement, [Deep Space City] took 75%, which means that the gross profit of [Deep Space City] can reach 10.2375 billion yuan, and the net profit is estimated to be 5 to 6 billion yuan (the largest cost is tax).

If it can keep up, [Deep Sky City] can earn 70 to 80 billion yuan a year.

In fact, judging from the current data, [Chaoqun Group] estimates that the revenue of [Deep Sky City] is far more than this. If everything goes well, it can easily earn more than 100 billion yuan in 2022, or even more.

This is pure subscription revenue.

In fact, the peripheral and derivative income of animation products is also very considerable.

In other words, a profit of more than 100 billion yuan is still very conservative.

It is normal for [Deep Sky City] to obtain higher profits.

Moreover, this is still domestic income, and foreign income has not yet been included!

The current cooperation with [Nisdy] has allowed [Chaoqun Group] to earn 500 million US dollars. Although it has to pay taxes, the final profit may be 200-300 million US dollars, which is nearly 2 billion yuan when converted into RMB.

Moreover, [Chaoqun Group] also holds 3% of the total revenue!

The better [Nisdy]'s animation movies sell, the higher the profits of [Chaoqun Group] will be.

Even Wu Siyuan has to say, this is really an endless gold mine!

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After [Chaoqun Group] integrated domestic web sites with [Chuangwen Company], it opened up the use rights of [AI Drawing Assistant Xiaozhi] to all citizens in the country, which is the previous condition, development of 100,000 yuan fees, and fifty percent benefit sharing.

There are always people who are not Internet article authors, but still have a heart to create a new world.

Although the one-time usage fee of 100,000 yuan is high, it is nothing compared to the possible huge profits in the future.

The backend of [Chaoqun Group] shows that within 24 hours after opening access to all citizens, the number of people paying for it reached 100,000, and the number is still rising.

Among these more than 100,000 people, will anyone create animation works that are popular around the world?

[Super Group] Don’t know yet.

But what [Chaoqun Group] knows is that just this open permission allowed [Chaoqun Group] to record more than 10 billion yuan in one day.

All we can say is that even if a team of 100 robbers went to rob a bank, none of them could rob money as fast as [Super Group]!

Science and technology are the primary productive forces!

And on the other side of the world.

Seven days after [Nisdy] obtained the rights to use the overseas version of [AI Drawing Assistant Xiaozhi], its new animation work was successfully produced and began to be promoted across the entire network.

There are no secrets in the industry.

The efficiency of [Nishidi] was more than a year faster than the original plan, which naturally aroused the curiosity of people in the industry.

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