Having previously absorbed the power of the [Divine Light Triangle], Wu Siyuan's ability [Future Prediction] can break through the limit of seeing the future for two minutes every day, and can accidentally receive information from the relatively distant future.

But this time, after absorbing the power of the Clay Bodhisattva's [Compass], Wu Siyuan's ability once again achieved a breakthrough.

Although he cannot freely see all possibilities in the future, Wu Siyuan can predict certain events by divination and predict good or bad luck.

Wu Siyuan can divine once a day.

This is bearable for Wu Siyuan.

If he continues to do divination, Wu Siyuan will have to pay the price of losing his life.

There are still some limitations though.

But in the field of [predicting the future], Wu Siyuan has gone further.

Wu Siyuan immediately experimented with this evolved power in the room.

He thought for a moment, and his goal today was to slay the dragon and develop the elixir.

This is the biggest goal he has set after arriving in this world.

He divines this matter.

Wu Siyuan thought like this and activated his superpower. A golden light flashed in his eyes, and then countless words passed by.

Wu Siyuan's eyes seemed to have crossed the eternal river and finally landed on an island.

He led seven people including Qin Shuang, Nie Feng, Huo Jingyun, and Zhu Shen to fight against a dragon full of tyranny.

Although the martial arts of Qin Shuang and others have made great progress compared to now, they are still at the level of innate perfection and have not broken through to the realm of martial arts masters.

And Wu Siyuan's strength is only that of a martial arts master.

Because of this, Qin Shuang and the others, who are just innate, cannot realize the power of the soul, cannot combine the seven martial arts into one, and cannot effectively inflict damage to the dragon.

Although he used many powers, his strength was not inferior to that of extreme masters.

At the same time, he also summoned multiple Transformers to cooperate with Qin Shuang and others.

But this dragon is already a mythical creature in the world of Dawn of the Age.

And the defense is stronger.

Wu Siyuan almost used all his strength to kill the dragon.

But he also paid a heavy price.

Kong Ci died, Youruo was seriously injured, Huo Jingyun lost his arms, Nie Feng had his legs bitten off, Qin Shuang was scratched by the divine dragon's claws, and almost half of his body fell off.

At this time, Emperor Shitian suddenly attacked with a group of masters.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …


When Wu Siyuan looked back from the river of time, his expression had become extremely serious.

We must not let this situation happen in the future! Wu Siyuan thought to himself.

He had thought about it. One of the important reasons why dragon slaying would be so arduous in the future was that Nie Feng and others had not grown to the level they should have.

Wu Siyuan thought about the reason. It was probably that the environment he gave Nie Feng and others was too peaceful, preventing them from realizing their potential.

In the TV series, Huo Jingyun harbors hatred, while Nie Feng also has the motivation to improve his martial arts for the sake of the common people in the martial arts world.

As the saying goes, when there is pressure, there is motivation.

In the TV series, Nie Feng and Huo Jingyun, after more than ten years, finally grew into peerless masters, martial arts masters, and may even have broken through to the extreme realm.

Wu Siyuan thought, we must put enough pressure on them!

So how can we give them enough pressure?

Could it be that Wu Siyuan was allowed to massacre Huojiazhuang and Huo Jingyun hate him and become the real Bu Jingyun?

Or is it to harm the common people and give the kind-hearted Nie Feng the motivation to practice the extremely evil magic sword?

Wu Siyuan shook his head.

He wouldn't do such a mentally retarded behavior!

So what should he do to inspire the fighting spirit of these disciples? Wu Siyuan fell into deep thought.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …

This day.

Wushuang City is in chaos.

It turns out that Nie Feng and Mingyue from Wushuang City were in love, which aroused the dissatisfaction of Dugu Yifang from Wushuang City.

Nie Feng relied on his innate strength to directly lead Mingyue out of the siege.

But Dugu Yifang was afraid of the strength of Tianxiahui, or in other words, afraid of Wu Siyuan's strength, so he did not dare to take action.

the other side.

Huo Jingyun also had a conflict with Sword Worship Villa. He fought fiercely with Sword Demon, a veteran innate master, but was eventually defeated by his pulse-breaking sword energy and suffered serious injuries.

Huo Jingyun ran away with Kong Ci.

The young owner of the Sword Worship Villa and the Sword Demon are searching for Huo Jingyun's whereabouts.

They have never seen Wu Siyuan fight against Emperor Shitian, and they don't know how terrifying Wu Siyuan's strength is. Therefore, their impressions of Tianxiahui and Wu Siyuan (also known as Xiongba) are still the same as those of more than ten years ago, and they have enough understanding of them. Fearful, but not too afraid.

Youruo also found his own brother, Zhashen, and conveyed Wu Siyuan's message to him.

Catching God has a deep prejudice against Xiong Ba, and doesn't believe that Xiong Ba will change his mind, and doesn't want to go back.

You Ruo used 120% of her coquettish skills, but she couldn't make Catcher change his mind.

However, at this moment, news suddenly spread in the world: Xiongba, the leader of the world's gang, died suddenly!

This news quickly spread throughout the world, surprising everyone who knew the news.

After hearing the news, several apprentices, daughters and sons living far and wide were in disbelief and felt sad.

To be fair, Wu Siyuan was good to these apprentices.

Although he has been obsessed with improving his own martial arts in the past ten years, he is still attentive to the teachings of several disciples.

Several disciples admired and loved him very much.

Hearing the news of Wu Siyuan's death was like a bolt from the blue to them.

They ignored him and rushed back to Tianxiahui.

For example, Huo Jingyun, who was being chased by the Sword Demon Villa, faced the attack of the sword demon. In his grief and anger, he actually exerted his potential to the fullest, injuring and repelling the sword demon, so that he did not dare to continue the pursuit.

As for Zhushen, he originally made up his mind never to return to Tianxiahui, but after hearing the news of Wu Siyuan's death, this belief was shaken.

After all, they are blood relatives.

No matter how cruel Xiong Ba was before, he still raised him and taught him martial arts.

Finally, Zhushen agreed to go back to Tianxiahui with his sister Youruo to see if Wu Siyuan was really dead!

Regardless of whether he is dead or not, just treat it as seeing him for the last time.

Huo Jingyun, catching God is like this.

As for Nie Feng, who was hiding somewhere to recuperate from his injuries, after hearing the news, he rushed to Tianxiahui regardless of being seriously injured.

Mingyue is worried.

So he went back with him.

The news of Wu Siyuan's death is not only concerned by his disciples.

In fact, the entire martial arts world is concerned about this matter.

Emperor Shitian, who was hiding in an ice cave, frowned deeply after hearing the news.

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