Time passed bit by bit.

Emperor Shitian looked at Wu Siyuan and saw that Wu Siyuan remained motionless. When the mocking look in his eyes became more and more intense, he realized that Wu Siyuan had not fallen into his [Celestial Palace Phantom] at all.

From behind, Duan Lang was still looking expectantly.

Emperor Shakti felt a little embarrassed.

He suddenly became angry from embarrassment, sneered sinisterly, and said, Xiong Ba, you have finally completely pissed me off!

I will let you experience the consequences of not being able to survive and not being able to die!

After saying that, Emperor Shitian moved at an extremely fast speed, and appeared in front of Wu Siyuan in the blink of an eye. He struck out with a palm. In the void, everywhere he could see were palm prints, risking to freeze a person's soul. The freezing cold air hit Wu Siyuan overwhelmingly.

Wu Siyuan only had time to activate the [Zhou Tian Xing Dou Gong] and propped up the Zhou Tian Xing Mask, and then it was covered by the palm prints.

There’s also something extraordinary about the surrounding weather mask.

He blocked more than a dozen of Emperor Shitian's furious palms before being shattered.

The surrounding environment has been damaged beyond recognition, and the damage is greater than that caused by a tornado of magnitude 13.

Wu Siyuan was hit by a palm, flying into the air and directly hitting the wall several hundred meters behind, and was deeply embedded in the wall.

The cold air came out and instantly froze Wu Siyuan into an iceman.

After Emperor Shitian finished his work, Yun Danfeng stood quietly and said with a bit of regret in his tone, Originally, I wanted to use Xiong Ba as Fengyun's whetstone, but now that Xiong Ba is dead, it is a pity.

Duanlang used Qinggong and came to the side of Emperor Shitian. Looking at Wu Siyuan who was frozen into an iceman, deep fear and jealousy flashed in the depths of his eyes.

But the fear and apprehension only flashed by.

Duan Lang immediately knelt down towards Emperor Shitian and said, My master's martial arts spanned the ancient and modern times, and he is dominating you. He is just a mantis blocking the road, and he dies with just a slight crush! This man's death is not a pity!

Jie Jie Jie... Duan Lang, you don't need to flatter me! This tyrant is still somewhat qualified to be able to reach the martial arts master level. Unfortunately, he is too proud and arrogant to be used by me, so I can only let him die.

Duanlang, you have to understand that people who cannot be used by me, no matter how outstanding their abilities are, are of no use and are destined to die! Di Shitian knocked on Duanlang.

Duan Lang was startled and said quickly, Master, Duan Lang is loyal to you. It would be a shame to die without mercy! Master, if you have an order, I, Duan Lang, will complete it even if I risk my life!

Yeah! Remember what you said. Emperor Shitian nodded.


Suddenly, mocking laughter suddenly echoed around, and the sound became louder and more harsh.

Duan Lang finally discovered that the sound was coming from Wu Siyuan's frozen body, and quickly stood up, ready to go.

The face of Emperor Shitian next to him turned gloomy.

That shouldn't be the case! Even if he is a master of martial arts, he should be completely dead after receiving my blow from Ten Thousand Ren Chuanyun. Emperor Shitian thought to himself.

He frowned, and Wu Siyuan gave him a sense of crisis that was as if he was invincible. With a thought, he used the ultimate move in [Sacred Heart Art] - Emperor Tian Kuang Lei.

I saw that the water in the space was condensed into ice, which turned into ice to guide thunder. In an instant, hundreds of thunder and lightning snakes descended from the sky and crashed towards Wu Siyuan's body. The whole scene was like a doomsday disaster.

Duan Lang was stunned.

When the thunderous thunder passed, where Wu Siyuan's body was, most of the training ground was smashed into a huge crater several meters deep. There was also glazed glass melted by the high temperature in the crater.

But Wu Siyuan, except for his tattered clothes, was still alive.

Not only was he alive, but he also looked like he was not seriously injured except for his rather miserable appearance.

His skin has turned golden.

This is Wu Siyuan using his skill - lv3 level [King Kong Body].

It's my turn. Wu Siyuan glanced at Emperor Shitian and sneered.

In an instant, Emperor Shitian felt a huge sense of crisis from underground.

He made a prompt decision, grabbed the broken wave, and flew into the sky.

The next moment.

Where Emperor Shitian and Duan Lang were, a shock wave of terrifying energy came from the underground.

In just an instant, a huge crater with a depth of more than ten meters was blasted on the spot.

This is another superpower that accompanies Wu Siyuan's time travel - the earth fountain.

What kind of martial arts is this? Emperor Shitian in mid-air was extremely frightened.

He looked at Wu Siyuan, and just by looking into his eyes, he felt a burst of fear in his heart for no reason, as if he had seen Wu Wudi who had broken up his Phoenix Blood back then.

Immediately, Emperor Shaktian lost his composure and said in fright, No!

This is a skill that Wu Siyuan acquired very early - [Fear Technique]!

Wu Siyuan jumped up, his body like wind and shadow, and soon came to the side of Emperor Shitian, and struck out with a palm.

Suddenly, extremely pure palm power came out from his body.

This is another move created by Wu Siyuan combined with the martial arts of [Nine Yin Manual] - [Xuan**]!

Under such terrifying palm power, Duan Lang felt as if he was in the Netherworld, his soul was frozen, and he was completely unable to react.

Yes, [Xuan**] is also mixed with spiritual attacks.

Broken Waves cannot be avoided or resisted.

The threat of death loomed over him again.

At this moment, Emperor Shitian was freed from the [Fear Technique]. He was in danger, and he didn't care. He actually burned a trace of phoenix blood, giving him a little more power in impossible places. , the speed increased a few minutes, grabbed the broken wave and stepped on it in the air, like a glimpse of light, in a few moments, he was out of the Tianxiahui area.

Yes, Shakti, he ran away.

As an extreme master, he actually escaped from Wu Siyuan's hands!

In fact, Emperor Shitian relied on the accumulation of thousands of years, a little chance, and the assistance of phoenix blood to break through to the extreme state.

In fact, his mentality was not up to par at all.

He escaped from Wu Wudi's hands back then, and today, he also fled in front of Wu Siyuan, the martial arts master.

That's why.

Wu Siyuan's palm power could not be used, so it turned into a giant palm falling from the sky, covering the Tianxiahui's training ground silently.

Suddenly, all the stone slabs and part of the soil in the entire training ground turned into dust.

When the wind blows, it is like gray mist, hazy.

Wu Siyuan landed lightly on the ground, with an expression neither happy nor sad. He looked at Emperor Shitian's retreating figure thoughtfully.

And further away.

Dugu Yifang, who came out because he heard the sound of fighting, was frightened to see the scene.

He felt that the sword master behind Wushuang City did not have this strength.

He suddenly felt that the world would send Wen Chou Chou to receive him, which would not be a humiliation.

But he only deserves this treatment.

Thinking about it this way, he was no longer angry at Tianxiahui's behavior.

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