Speaking of Nie Feng.

Wu Siyuan thought of his apprentices again.

He pondered for a while and then said to them, My master has given you a panacea, so you can go back and practice hard. I will have a task for you in a while!

Yes, master!

Yes, Daddy!

Wu Siyuan waved his hand and they left.

Wen Chou Chou also went down to prepare to face Dugu Yifang.

But Yan Ying stayed.

Without her son and outsiders, Yan Ying leaned on him as if she had no bones, and said coquettishly, Gang leader...

Wu Siyuan grinned, patted Yan Ying's delicate butt, and then said, Come for a walk with me.

I have been in seclusion for too long, and this world has become a bit strange.

Gang leader, this Tianxiahui will always be your Tianxiahui! Yan Ying said immediately.

Hahaha... How can there be an eternal gang, and how can there be an immortal person? Wu Siyuan shook his head and said with great self-knowledge.

But he added in his mind, Except for me!

Yan Ying didn't hear what Wu Siyuan said in her heart, and she was still flattering, Gang leader, your martial arts skills are unparalleled and you will live forever!

Haha... Wu Siyuan just smiled and said nothing.

He took Yan Ying around the world, while on the other side, Wen Chou Chou was receiving the visiting Dugu Fang.

To be honest, I have been reading books recently to catch up on updates, switch sources, read aloud with many sounds, and it can be used on both Android and Apple. 】

Dugu Yifang came with many people, including his own son Dugu Ming.

When he saw that Wen Chou Chou was the only one sent by Tian Xia Hui to receive him, he was so angry that his face was distorted, and he had a cold face the whole time.

Wen Chou Chou was there, chattering non-stop.

This way.

Wu Siyuan took Yan Ying to a venue and accidentally saw Duan Lang doing handyman work.

Wu Siyuan's expression was relatively relaxed at first, but after seeing Duan Lang, his expression suddenly became a little serious.

Gang leader, what's wrong? Yan Ying is very good at observing words and expressions. When she looked at Wu Siyuan's expression, she felt something was wrong.

Wu Siyuan shook his head and did not answer. Instead, he looked at Duan Lang and frowned slightly.

In this world, it is difficult to directly tell how high a person's martial arts level is.

Unless the gap is huge, you generally have to take action to see the real deal.

Otherwise, there wouldn’t be the famous strongman identification device - in the original work, every time Nie Feng saw a good player, he would say This person is not inferior to me, and then bang bang bang, three times and two times. , and knocked the opponent down.

But Wu Siyuan is different.

He travels through many worlds and has a profound knowledge. Among them is a mutated detection technique. When combined with the Qi Watching Technique, he can see into almost everything.

Under Wu Siyuan's mutation detection technique, Duanlang's attributes are as follows:

Yin De: Son of Nanlin Sword Head in 1560

Reputation: 36, no name

Ability: 65000 innate realm

Health: 65

Status: 32

Wealth: 28


This Duanlang is already in the innate realm, but no one in the entire Tianxiahui has discovered it.

If he hadn't come out of seclusion and wanted to travel around the world on a whim.

Otherwise, it really wouldn’t be discovered.

This guy hides deep enough!

The problem is that Wu Siyuan banned his Dantian as early as ten years ago. He can't even practice as a first-class master. How can he break through the innate realm?

You know, ten years ago, Xiongba was just an innate state!

The qualifications of Huo Jingyun and Nie Feng are both above Duanlang. Under Wu Siyuan's precise feeding over the years, they are only at the level of first-class masters. If they are even close to the top masters, they are still a long way from the innate realm. distance.

And Duan Lang has actually reached this level!

Moreover, after this guy broke through to the innate realm, he did not leave the Tianxiahui, nor did he seek a position. Instead, he continued to work at the bottom of the Tianxiahui. With such thoughts, how could Wu Siyuan trust him?

In the original work, this guy is famous for being a deceiver.

The people who had taken Duanlang in, whether it was Dugu Yifang in the early days or Emperor Shitian in the later days, were all tricked to death by this guy.

Wu Siyuan didn't want to capsize his boat in the ditch and be tricked to death by the broken waves.

Although this possibility is slim.

But we have to guard against it!

What Wu Siyuan had to be even more wary of was the man behind the training of Duan Lang into an innate master.

Based on Wu Siyuan's understanding of Duan Lang, it was absolutely impossible for him to break through Wu Siyuan's limitations and become an innate master through his own efforts.

Then there must be a golden finger like an old man behind Duanlang.

Who is this being?

Wu Siyuan looked at Duan Lang's overwhelming malice towards him, which was reflected in his luck, and his thoughts suddenly changed, and he made a decision, secretly saying, No matter what happens, Duan Lang will never be allowed to stay! He still hates me so much. ! The troubles must be solved first!

With Wu Siyuan's thoughts in mind, he used his capture martial arts and turned into a giant hand of vitality, descended from the sky and captured Duan Lang.

Duan Lang was startled at first, and he wanted to resist under conditioned reflex. When he saw that the target of the attack was Wu Siyuan, he suppressed the great fear in his heart and was caught in front of Wu Siyuan without any resistance.

Gang leader... Yan Ying was frightened by Wu Siyuan's move.

Wu Siyuan said nothing, but waved his hand to silence Yan Ying.

Yan Ying was silent for a moment.

The giant hand of vitality dispersed, and the broken wave fell in front of him.

Wu Siyuan asked with a straight face, Duanlang, I want to ask you, when and from whom did you learn this martial arts?

Gang leader! Duan Lang's martial arts is a family tradition. As you know, I am the son of Nanlin Jian Shou. After Duan's clan, I have been practicing the family-breaking mental method and family-breaking martial arts since I was a child. Duan Lang was shocked, but He didn't dare to show it, he just said it with fear.

Hahaha... Wu Siyuan sneered and exposed it directly, On the surface, you are practicing the mental method of breaking up families, but the foundation is not this! Do you think I am blind? Or are you blind? You have made a breakthrough at a young age We have reached the innate realm! That’s all. You are actually willing to be a handyman of the Tianxiahui! Do you think you are the immortal Gou Dao? Do you think that the Tianxiahui is a prison in heaven, and you will live until the end of the world and be invincible in the world?

Duan Lang looked stunned. He could understand the first half of Wu Siyuan's words, but what the hell was he talking about in the second half!

But he also saw that Wu Siyuan had completely seen his true identity. Thoughts raced in his mind, and he made a decision——

Duan Lang pulled out a soft sword from his waist and stabbed Wu Siyuan.

The sword light flashed, and the sword shadows were heavy. In an instant, there were sword shadows in all directions. The sword net formed was as tight as a dark cloud, wrapping Wu Siyuan and Yan Ying, airtight, like the eclipsing sun.

Yan Ying felt the breath of death from the sword net and closed her eyes in fear.

Wu Siyuan, however, looked like an old god, with a hint of disdain flashing at the corner of his mouth, and said, Even the light of a grain of rice dares to compete for the glory!

Nine Heavens Combat Technique—Jiyang Dao!

Wu Siyuan punched out, and the red air wave turned into nine rounds of scorching sun, directly breaking through Duanlang's sword net.

Duan Lang was seriously injured in an instant, with wounds bleeding from many places on his body, and was scorched by Ji Yang Fist In the blink of an eye.

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