I'm collecting golden fingers from all over the world

Chapter 8 Space upgrade, the way forward for martial arts

[The space has reached the upgrade standard. Do you want to upgrade? ] This prompt box appeared in front of Wu Siyuan's eyes.

Wu Siyuan couldn't help but sigh with emotion. Ever since [Shennongjiao Space] was upgraded every time, promotion required more and more energy.

Wu Siyuan almost forgot when was the last time [Shennongjiao Space] was upgraded.

It took him so long, and even ten years in [Wind and Cloud World] to accumulate energy, before he reached the upgrade standard.

This upgrade speed is not comparable to that of the male protagonist of Heart of Condemnation.

The male protagonist of [Heart of Punishment] has the power of the five elemental goddesses to help him cheat, which causes him to level up very quickly. In just a few decades, [Shennongjiao Space] has reached level 30. , and successfully condensed the divine personality, raised the throne high, and achieved the position of true god.

On the other hand, Wu Siyuan has collected so many golden fingers in many worlds, but he is still not as good as others.

It's really annoying to compare people to each other!

As he thought this, his attention returned to the prompt box in front of him and said, Upgrade!


[Shennongjiao Space] There is a lot of green light inside, and the green cover at the edge of the space expands violently, and the land is born from the void. At almost the same time, the entire space also expands a lot upward, and the light ball floats upward, and it can Illuminating the entire space.

This upgrade was so powerful that 150,000 acres of land appeared in the void at the same time, giving people the feeling of the world unfolding.

Not only is the land created, new river beds are automatically created on the land.

The water in the original river rolled away like a wave, poured into the new river channel, and stirred up water vapor. The fish and shrimp in the river and lake were frightened and jumped out from time to time.

Ten minutes later, the water in the river calmed down, but the water level was one-third shallower.

Wu Siyuan was not worried at all. He saw water bubbling in the river from time to time. This was the [Water Domain] at work, automatically condensing water sources from the void and replenishing the water supply.

As long as you wait one night, these rivers will be filled to eighty percent full.

It’s not just the [water realm] that’s at play.

In fact, the [Soil Domain] is making the land more fertile.

[Gold Domain] Mineral veins are condensed in the land and mountains.

【Wood Domain】Let plants thrive.

The realm of the Five Elements is constantly growing in the [Shennongjiao Space], starting over and over again, endlessly.

At this time, the [Shennongjiao Space] has reached 250,000 acres, which is about 166 square kilometers, almost the area of ​​two townships in reality.

[The space upgrade is completed, changes have occurred, and the plant growth cycle has been shortened by 5%. 】

[After the space promotion is completed, you can strengthen one of the original areas. 】

Wu Siyuan thought about it and said, This time, I will strengthen the fire field!

The data frame floated in his field of vision with a faint sense of light, and the results of the selection immediately emerged.

[Your fire domain has been strengthened to level three, and your power to control flames has been enhanced. 】

[You have gained the power to walk in flames, and ordinary flames will not be able to harm you. 】

this is not bad! Wu Siyuan thought.

At this time, another prompt box appeared in front of him:

[Is it possible to improve physical fitness at the same time? 】

Of course this is - no more!

Wu Siyuan immediately said, Not synchronized yet!

The energy that was about to stir inside [Shennongjiao Space] calmed down.

A translucent information box automatically appeared, and a large amount of data emerged in front of Wu Siyuan:

Name: Xiongba/Wu Siyuan

Race: human

Level: Level 16

Energy: 1023040/1966080

Area: 250,000 acres

Occupation: The first authority master of space/Head of Tianxiahui Gang

Attribute: abbreviated

Common skills: slightly

Special skills: mutation detection, fear, levitation, animal control, treatment, identification, synthesis, future prediction, secondary regeneration, photographic memory

Field Skills: Plant Control lv3, Water Control lv2, Earth Trampling lv4, Earth Fountain lv1, Flame Control lv3, King Kong Body lv3

Martial Arts Skills: Zhou Tianxing Fighting Skills, Nine Heavens Combat Skills

Cultivation skills: Maoshan Pure Heart Technique lv12, Refining Art lv1/lv3, Divine Strike Technique (grey), Maoshan Magic lv2/lv5, Songyun Heart Technique lv20

Inner Qi: 315400/315400

Mana: 0/6400

Divine Thought: 0/12800

Spatial characteristics: 1. Plants and animals have an 85% increase in beneficial planting effect or growth effect.

2. In a hilly environment, hilly plants will have an additional 20% beneficial plant effect.

3. Gene optimization level 10

4. Animal intelligence

5. Space spiritualization

6. Time flow rate gap (1:15)


Wu Siyuan looked at the data and remained silent.

This upgrade has changed a lot.

First of all, the space area has been expanded to 250,000 acres, the beneficial effect of planting has been enhanced again, and the time flow rate gap of the secret realm of the Mohist bead has been narrowed again.

It's already one to fifteen.

This indicates that [Shennongjiao Space] has been enhanced.

When the [Shennong's Corner Space] improves to a certain level, the Mohist Heritage Pearl Secret Realm will be completely swallowed up by the [Shennong's Corner Space] and merge into one.

But that should be a long time ago.

Wu Siyuan is now more concerned about the two data on the attribute panel.

One is the space energy data, which has doubled compared with before.

There are also 1,023,040 points of energy that Wu Siyuan can use to strengthen himself, improve his professional level, or improve a certain skill or evolve a certain creature in the space.

If Wu Siyuan does not consume this energy and keeps accumulating it, the time for space upgrade can be greatly reduced.

This depends on Wu Siyuan's choice.

This is left for later consideration.

Wu Siyuan focused on another line of data: [Inner Qi: 315400/315400].

It turns out that Wu Siyuan practiced the [Nine Yang Divine Art] in the world of [Eternal Heaven and Dragon Slaying], and his internal strength reached the limit, which was an internal strength value of 80,000 points.

Originally, Wu Siyuan thought that there was no way out on the road to martial arts.

But in [Wind and Cloud World], Wu Siyuan was pleasantly surprised to find that there was no end to the road of martial arts. Standing on the shoulders of giants, Wu Siyuan spent ten years in seclusion. Not only did he create the most suitable martial arts for himself, but he also broke through to the level of a master above the innate realm.

And the Grandmaster realm is still not the end. As you go up, there is [Extreme Realm]!

This made Wu Siyuan very excited.

The strength of warriors at the master level cannot be compared to that of innate masters.

Regardless of other aspects of combat prowess, just talking about martial arts, the current Wu Siyuan can easily defeat ten Wu Siyuan, the peak of the Eternal Dragon Sword world, with one move, even if he adds ten Zhang Sanfeng, the peak of the Eternal Dragon Sword world, , even if they join forces, they may not be able to break his circumstantial atmosphere.

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