I'm collecting golden fingers from all over the world

Chapter 6 Emperor Shitian and Duanlang

Emperor Shitian has a big plan recently, which is to select warriors from all over the world who are qualified to enter the extreme martial realm, gather their strength, and perform the feat of slaying a dragon in more than ten years.

The dragon is the first of the four known mythical beasts in the world, and it is also the most powerful one. It cannot be compared with the phoenix, black turtle, or fire unicorn.

Even though Emperor Shitian had lived for a thousand years and had a thousand years of skill, he was cautious and timid by nature, and still did not have the courage to face the dragon alone.

It’s not like Emperor Shitian was tired of living and wanted to die for nothing.

He did this for a reason.

Because he is aging.

What the phoenix blood brought him was immortality, allowing him to live for thousands of years.

But not immortality.

Di Shitian has recently felt that the phoenix blood on his body has been passing away, although this loss is very weak.

But this is a harbinger of death.

Ever since he tried to commit suicide before and provoked Wu Wudi, who beat him so much that his phoenix blood dissipated, he even had to hide in an ice cave and rely on freezing to delay aging.

Emperor Shitian, who is afraid of death, must obtain [immortality] before the phoenix blood completely runs away and before he loses his immortality!

Shenlong's [Dragon Yuan] is the treasure he discovered, which allows him to obtain [immortal characteristics].

So Emperor Shakten wanted to kill the dragon.

It's just...it's not that easy to slay a dragon!

Dragon is the object favored by the destiny of heaven and earth.

Not only is he naturally powerful, he is also protected by heaven and earth.

If he killed him rashly, Emperor Shitian was worried that there would be divine punishment.

Therefore, he planned to find a group of warriors with strong martial arts skills and amazing luck to join him in slaying dragons.

The reason why he came to Tianxiahui was that he sensed someone with extraordinary luck here.

After he arrived, he quickly sensed the specialness of Nie Feng and Huo Jingyun.

However, although these two people have amazing luck and extraordinary talents, they are currently too young and have limited strength.

Emperor Shitian thought for a moment and did not come forward, but chose to observe secretly.

He was wandering around in the Tianxiahui as if he were in a deserted place, and by chance he came to a member of the Tianxiahui who was sweeping the floor.

With a casual look, he saw something was wrong with this young boy.

Although he is young, he is also a man of great luck.

Although the Tianxiahui founded by Xiongba is not as good as my Tianmen, it has collected so many people with profound luck, which is really unexpected to me! Emperor Shitian said in his heart.

Suddenly, with sharp eyes, he noticed something was wrong, This kid has been manipulated!

This boy is naturally Duanlang, the son of Nanlin Jianshou Duanshuai.

Wu Siyuan placed a restriction on his body, which would result in Duan Lang's martial arts only being able to be practiced to a certain level, and then he would not be able to improve.

It's enough to survive in this era, but if you want to dominate the world and be the best among people, don't even think about it.

The main reason is that this kid Duanlang is born to be rebellious and is able to defeat his master.

Although Wu Siyuan was not afraid, he didn't want to be defeated by him. It was just disgusting, so he did this!

With his thoughts in mind, Emperor Shitian took the initiative to move forward and touch Duan Lang's body. As soon as the inner power of the Sacred Heart Art circulated in Duan Lang's body, he knew the person who was doing the trick from the energy.

He smiled sinisterly, Jie Jie Jie...it was actually the ban imposed by Xiong Ba himself!...

You weirdo! Who are you? Why are you touching me! I am Duanlang, the son of the dignified Nanlin Sword Master! The young Duanlang looked unhappy and said fiercely to Emperor Shitian.

Baby, do you know that you are not going to die soon! Emperor Shitian changed his mind and threatened Duanlang.

You weirdo! How dare you scare me! I'll report it to the gang leader! Duan Lang felt a little uneasy in his heart, but still said with a strong face.

As he spoke, he was about to retreat and leave.

Unexpectedly, Emperor Shitian changed his form and appeared in front of him as if teleporting, completely frightening Duan Lang.

Although he has not yet started martial arts, his vision is very high.

The skill of Emperor Shi Tianlu was a level that even his father, Nanlin, could not even reach.

I'm afraid even Xiong Ba can't do it.

At a young age, Duanlang knew that those who recognize faces are heroes, so he immediately changed his tone and said, Hero!

Jie Jie Jie...you are such a funny kid!

Yes, Duan Lang's ability to change his face was interesting to Emperor Shitian.

What's your name? Emperor Shitian asked.

My name is Duan Lang. Duan Lang said with a bit of pride. He was very proud of the surname [Duan].

Emperor Shitian didn't care at all. He said to Duanlang, Duanlang, do you know, you are going to die!

Don't kill me! Hero, don't kill me! Duan Lang was about to kneel down.

Jie Jie Jie... Emperor Shitian raised his hand, and Duan Lang felt a force dragging him down, preventing him from kneeling down.

Duan Lang, the one who wants to kill you is not me! It's your gang leader, Xiong Ba!

Xiong Ba? Duan Lang's expression suddenly changed.

Exactly, he has set a restriction in your body. As long as it lasts for a period of time, you will die silently and no one will be able to tell the abnormality! Of course Emperor Shitian was deceiving Duanlang, Wu Siyuan's restriction , it just prevents Duan Lang from practicing first-class martial arts.

Hero, please save me! Duan Lang immediately begged for help.

I can't save you! Emperor Shitian's eyes moved and he said, Those who seek help must save themselves!

I can teach you a martial art. Once you master it, you will have few rivals in the world! You can take revenge on your own! Di Shitian said.

Hero, what should I call you? Duan Lang is very grateful! I will definitely repay you in the future! Duan Lang said.

Hahaha... there will be a day when you will repay me! Di Shitian laughed and said.

Duan Lang is also a person with extraordinary luck. Even if he is not the son of luck, he is not far behind.

Moreover, the Fire Lin Sword owned by the Duan Family where Duan Lang is located is also a world-famous evil weapon, extremely sharp.

Emperor Shitian has made a decision to select Duan Lang among the candidates to slay the dragon in the future.

So teach him martial arts!

However, he had to wait until Duanlang's martial arts broke through to the realm of a master and he was holding the Fire Lin Sword before he could cause harm to the dragon.

Emperor Shitian could afford to wait for more than ten years!


the other side.

Wu Siyuan, who was in seclusion, suddenly felt uneasy.

He opened his eyes and looked around, but saw nothing wrong.

He recalled the TV series again and found nothing unusual.

After thinking about it, Wu Siyuan used a mutated Qi-gazing technique to look at himself, and saw that the black color deep inside the Cloud of Luck was tending to expand. Then, [Shennong Horn] emitted a mysterious light, suppressing it easily.


Since the luck display was still normal, Wu Siyuan pondered for a moment, then took out the few remaining [Clover] from the [Shennongjiao Space], drank it, and continued to study martial arts!

As long as you are strong, nothing else is worth fearing!

Wu Siyuan thought so.

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