Water flooded the Buddha's knees, and fire burned Lingyun Cave!

The top of Leshan Giant Buddha.

Wu Siyuan's sword was easily cut off by King Nie Ren's Snow Drinking Sword.

So he directly abandoned the dagger and used the domineering [Three Points Returning to the Vitality]. The three internal forces in his body - the long legs of the Wind God, the strong force of the cloud-dispelling palm, and the cold internal energy of the Tianshuang Fist were integrated into one. An endless three-yuan internal force condensed into an energy ball that circulated naturally and easily defeated King Nie Ren's thirty-meter sword energy. The protective Gang Qi damaged his internal organs, vomited blood, and shot him down in front of Lingyun Cave.

At this time, the water level below the Leshan Giant Buddha rose sharply.

An astonishing heat suddenly came from Lingyun Cave.

King Nie turned his head and looked around, and saw endless flames pouring out of Lingyun Cave, and a fire unicorn with soaring demonic energy rushed out at a speed as fast as lightning.

King Nie swung his sword to attack the Fire Qilin, but the Fire Qilin grabbed it in its mouth and went deep into the cave.

Nie Feng, the son of King Nie Ren, and Duan Lang, who measured the water level, rushed over desperately to pursue King Nie Ren.

At this time, half of King Nie's body was caught by the fire unicorn, and he was in danger. However, at this critical moment, he still focused his mind and used gentle palm force to knock Nie Feng and Duan Lang out of Lingyun Cave.

Although King Nie Ren tried to reduce the force of his palm as much as possible, it was still very heavy for the two children.

Nie Feng and Duan Lang were both unconscious outside Lingyun Cave.

Wu Siyuan used the Wind God Kick Kung Fu to come over, feeling the still scorching heat at the entrance of Lingyun Cave, thoughtfully.

Yan Ying also came to the entrance of the cave and picked up the unconscious Nie Feng, feeling heartbroken and said, Feng'er...

It turns out that in the TV series, after Xiong Ba finished using Yan Ying, he directly humiliated her in front of King Nie Ren and abandoned her.

The most beautiful woman in the martial arts world also needs face.

After being humiliated by Xiongba, Yan Ying was really embarrassed to meet King Nie. In shame, Yan Ying directly chose to jump off the cliff.

Of course, if Wu Siyuan traveled through time and became a tyrant, he would not do this, and there is no need to do so.

He fought with King Nie, but Yan Ying stayed away.

King Nie Ren was captured by Huo Qilin and taken into Lingyun Cave. Yan Ying didn't feel anything, but Nie Feng was unconscious, which made her worried.

Maybe this is maternal love.

Of course Wu Siyuan is not jealous.

He himself is just a passerby in the world.

What he was thinking about right now was whether to go into Lingyun Cave.

Wu Siyuan had watched the TV series and knew that Lingyun Grotto contained not only the Fire Qilin, but also the Six Aohan Art of the Nie family, the Blood Bodhi, and the [Xuanwu True Skill] of the top ten warriors who had defeated Emperor Shitian.

The Six Art of Aohan and the True Xuanwu Kung Fu, these are extremely advanced martial arts.

Wu Siyuan wanted to bring together the masters of hundreds of martial arts schools and needed their nourishment.

The only danger in Lingyun Cave is the sacred beast Fire Qilin.

Call it a mythical beast.

This guy is the weakest divine beast in Fengyun World. Nie Feng's ancestors Nie Ying and Duan Lang's ancestors can both brush Fire Qilin alone.

Although neither of them killed the Fire Qilin, one injured the Fire Qilin and drank its blood, while the other cut off the Fire Qilin's scales and created the Fire Qilin Sword.

It can be said that this mythical beast is not impressive.

How can it compare to another mythical beast - the dragon!

Shenlong had to gather seven peerless masters such as Emperor Shitian and perform a seven-armed dragon slaying to successfully kill Shenlong.

Any one of these seven peerless masters would be able to easily push away Fire Qilin.

In the past thousand years, Emperor Shitian had no idea of ​​fighting the Fire Qilin. It was probably because the Fire Qilin was too weak and had no special effects. Moreover, it was hidden in a cave that extended in all directions, such as Lingyun Cave. It was not that easy to find her.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …

Wu Siyuan only hesitated for a moment and then told Yan Ying, Look after the two children.

After saying that, Wu Siyuan walked deeper into Lingyun Cave.

Yan Ying said worriedly from behind, Gang leader, you have to be careful.

Wu Siyuan is now the source of her wealth.

If something happened to Wu Siyuan, she would not be able to enjoy happiness in the world.

That's why Yan Ying is so worried.

Wu Siyuan did not look back or pay attention.

It doesn't matter to him what Yan Ying thinks.

Anyway, when the world ends, he will leave.

It was impossible for him to take Yan Ying away.

In this regard, he is as cold-blooded as Xiong Ba.

Wu Siyuan used Qing Gong and followed the heat to the depths of Lingyun Cave.

It's wider and deeper here.

With a thought, Wu Siyuan threw out seven or eight [Transformers]!

These [Transformers] did not transform into King Kong form, but into vehicle form.

Because the terrain of Lingyun Cave has changed into a diamond shape, it is too high and is not conducive to traffic. Instead, it is in the form of a vehicle, which is more convenient.

Wu Siyuan ordered, Find the treasures in Lingyun Cave.

The various Transformers took the order and left, showing off their magical powers in Lingyun Cave.

Not long after, there was news from a Transformer that a secret manual of sword skills was found on a wall somewhere in the hinterland of Lingyun Cave.

Of course, along with the sword technique secrets, there are also the Snow Drinking Sword and the Fire Qilin after the tooth ceremony.

The fire unicorn only had animal nature. When it saw the Transformers, it didn't care about anything and launched an attack on it.

This Transformer didn't give up at all, and directly transformed into the Battle King form, and started fighting with the Fire Qilin.

Both are invulnerable.

The sharp teeth of the fire unicorn cannot bite through the specially strengthened Transformer body.

But the fists of Transformers can give Fire Qilin a heavy blow.

Although he recovered quickly with the fire unicorn's physical body recovery ability.

But Huo Qilin gradually felt tired.

Just as she was preparing to shift her strategy, other Transformers arrived.

You punch, I kick!

Every attack was carefully calculated and only hit the fire unicorn to the point where the sky and the earth couldn't respond.

Both Android and Apple are available. 】

Not long after, Wu Siyuan also came over.

A twelve-point powerful [three-point return to vitality] knocked out the seriously injured and weak Huo Qilin.

Looking at the fire unicorn whose heat was not decreasing, Wu Siyuan pondered for a moment, then waved his hand and took the entire fire unicorn into the [Shennongjiao Space].

Of course, not directly into the space.

But following Wu Siyuan's thoughts, a large hole opened up on a certain mountain in the [Shennongjiao Space]. The cave extended in all directions and was extremely empty, very similar to Lingyun Cave.

Wu Siyuan just threw the Fire Qilin in here and let it destroy itself first. Later, Wu Siyuan would think about how to deal with this [evil beast]!

After dealing with the Fire Qilin, Wu Siyuan no longer had any worries and directly asked the Transformers to carry out a blanket search in Lingyun Cave.

In less than an hour.

Transformers found all the martial arts secrets and treasures in Lingyun Cave.

The treasures include the Snow Drinking Knife and the Blood Bodhi.

Blood Bodhi is said to have the effect of curing serious injuries and increasing merits without injury. It is a unique fruit that grows on the ground where the fire unicorn drips blood. It originally grew in extremely hot places.

Transformers raised the Blood Bodhi even by its roots and placed it near the Fire Kirin in the [Shennong Corner Space].

In fact, there are dragon veins in Lingyun Cave.

However, Wu Siyuan was not a tyrant in this matter. He was not interested in it, so he did not take it.

The martial arts secrets collected by Transformers include the Six Secrets of Aohan and the True Kung Fu of Xuanwu. They are engraved on the wall and scanned by Transformers to form electronic templates and take them away.

Of course, the true meaning of martial arts engraved on the wall cannot be scanned.

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