The most beautiful woman in the martial arts world, she truly deserves her reputation. Wu Siyuan looked at Yan Ying and thought to himself.

Yan Ying was so delicate that she looked like she was dripping with water. She looked at Wu Siyuan with a satisfied smile on her face.

In the past few days at Tianxiahui, she had experienced an unprecedented sense of satisfaction, not only physically, but also psychologically and materially.

Yan Ying walked up to Wu Siyuan and said softly, Gang leader, what are you looking at me for? Is there a flower on my face?

You have it! Wu Siyuan said slightly frivolously. After a pause, he said again, Yan Ying, do you know what I lack in this world?

Gang leader, the world is now rich and powerful, is there anything missing? Yan Ying was puzzled.

We need an heir! Wu Siyuan said.

Yan Ying's face suddenly turned peach blossoms, knowing what Wu Siyuan meant.

Hahaha... Wu Siyuan laughed, hugged Yan Ying and went to sleep.

In the afternoon, Wu Siyuan felt refreshed and returned to the meeting hall to listen to Wen Chou Chou's report and handle the affairs of the Tianxiahui.

Gang leader, Huo Jingjue, the leader of Huojiazhuang, how dare you disobey your orders. If you don't respond, I'm afraid others will follow suit and where will my world end? Wen Chou Chou said to Wu Siyuan.

Huojiazhuang? Huo Jingjue? Bu Jingyun's adoptive father? After hearing Wen Chou Chou's report, a series of thoughts flashed through Wu Siyuan's mind.

What do you think we should do? Wu Siyuan leaned forward slightly and said calmly.

Wen Chou Chou couldn't guess Wu Siyuan's thoughts. He followed Xiong Ba's style to figure out his thoughts.

Just listen to Wen Chou Chou saying sweetly, Gang leader, if Huojiazhuang doesn't listen to your orders, then of course we will send out experts from the Tianxiahui to eradicate the entire Huojiazhuang and let the whole world know the consequences of not obeying your orders! At that time , no one will dare to disobey your orders, Gang Leader! Gang Leader, you can truly rule the world!

Wen Chou Chou offered another suggestion, Gang Leader, in a few days it will be the old guy Huo Jingjue's birthday, and then the entire Huo Family Village will gather together. The strength of Huo Family Village can only be considered average, Pai Xue An Tianhe Leng is not prepared for these two people, they are enough to destroy Huojiazhuang.

It turns out that it was your bad idea to destroy Huojiazhuang.

Wu Siyuan's face turned gloomy, he slapped the table and said, Asshole!

Wen Chou Chou was so frightened that he knelt down, Gang leader...

Huojiazhuang disobeys my orders and should be punished, but if he is directly wiped out and spread, people in the world will only say that I am a tyrant, cold-blooded and ruthless. How can I convince the martial arts people! Wu Siyuan said.

The gang leader is wise! Chou Chou is short-sighted, Chou Chou is short-sighted! When Wen Chou Chou heard this, he slapped himself and said to Wu Siyuan.

Wu Siyuan shook his head, pondered for a moment, and then said, Wen Chou Chou, you send Xue Antian and Leng Sushuang to Huojiazhuang to teach Huo Jingjue a lesson, but not to hurt the lives of other people in Huojiazhuang. In addition...

Wu Siyuan paused for a moment and then said, I heard that Huo Jingjue has an adopted son who is extremely talented. Let Huo Jingjue send his adopted son over to be a hostage.

Bu Jingyun is one of the Destined Sons in Wind and Cloud Dominate the World.

Mainly because the [Wind and Cloud Combination] he and Nie Feng used could actually summon [Maha Boundless], which surprised Wu Siyuan and wanted to study it.

Of course, Wu Siyuan's other purpose is to change Bu Jingyun's life. Will this guy still hate him like in the TV series? Let's see if Wu Siyuan can change Xiong Ba's existing fate. Let's see if he can [Feng Yun Ji Hui] Shallow water swimming].

Remember! Don't hurt anyone's life! Let Huo Jingjue retreat when he finds it difficult! Wu Siyuan thought for a while and emphasized.

Yes, gang leader! Wen Chou Chou accepted the order.

Wu Siyuan meditated for a while, then went to Xiong Ba's practice room and began to sort out Xiong Ba's martial arts.

Xiongba studied under the old man Sanjue, but he mastered more than just [Tian Shuang Fist], [Cloud Dispelling Palm], and [Kamikaze Kick]. He also had a family-inherited martial arts [Broken Sword Technique], which was also a top skill. Martial arts, and Xiong Ba obtained the [Marriage Clothes Divine Art] from Yu Feijing, which are all top-notch skills.

But [Xiong Ba]’s most powerful martial arts is not this.

Instead, he summarized his own martial arts, based on [Tian Shuang Fist], [Cloud Dispelling Palm], and [Divine Wind Kick], and integrated Tian Shuang Jin, Xu Yun Jin, and Divine Wind Jin to completely combine the length of Fengshen Legs. , the fierceness of Paiyun Palm, and the cold internal force of Tianshuang Fist created a [three-point return to vitality], as well as the matching [three-point divine finger]!

However, these two sets of kung fu, both internally and externally, are still new and have not yet been perfected. However, in Wu Siyuan's opinion, their high intentions cannot be compared with any martial arts Wu Siyuan has mastered in the past.

Although this guy Xiong Ba is selfish, cold-blooded, ruthless, and domineering, it has to be said that he is very talented in martial arts.

But then again.

Xiongba can create such peerless martial arts because he stands on the shoulders of giants.

This is a world of advanced martial arts. After a warrior reaches the extreme level of cultivation, he can fly with a sword and have his soul leave the body.

In the world of Eternal Dragon Sword that Wu Siyuan stayed in before, although martial arts was also very prosperous, it was not as good as this world.

Wu Siyuan learned from Xiong Ba's memory that the martial arts realm in this world can be divided into four realms: acquired, innate, master, and extreme realm. There may be a higher realm above the extreme realm, but it is not known to Xiong Ba. of.

Needless to say, you will become a master the day after tomorrow.

As for the innate realm, Wu Siyuan's Nine Yang Divine Art has been practiced to perfection. After opening the bridge between heaven and earth, it is innate.

But this level, in the innate realm of this world, is just the beginning.

In the world of wind and cloud, there are four levels of innate realm.

After the Nine Yang Divine Art is completed, it can only be regarded as the innate level.

The Xiong Ba who succeeded in killing the Three Jue Elders back then was also an innate master.

Later, he obtained Yu Feijing's lifelong skills and reached the fourth level of innate realm, almost touching the threshold of a master.

Wu Siyuan learned from Xiongba's memory that Xiongba estimated that when he completely perfected [Three-Point Return to Vitality], that would be the day when he would step into the threshold of a Grandmaster.

As far as Xiong Ba knows, the only known master in this world is Tianjian Wuming back then.

It’s just that Wuming has disappeared.

The sword masters of Wushuang City are similar to him, they are all very close to the threshold of being a master.

As for other famous masters in the world, most of them are in the innate realm.

For example, King Nie of Beiyin Kuangdao, who is famous in the martial arts world, is only at the third level of innate realm, far inferior to him.

Needless to say, the Nanlin Sword Head Duan Shuai disappeared in the Leshan Giant Buddha.

As for the former First Evil Emperor, Second Sword Emperor, and Third Pig Emperor, these older generations have almost retired and are no longer in the world.

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