I'm collecting golden fingers from all over the world

Chapter 45: Realistic voting, a press conference where I couldn’t help laughing

Wu Siyuan thought that after Wang Hongyi crippled the grassland barbarians, unified the world, and established the Dacheng Dynasty, he would attack him.

After all, his existence put a lot of pressure on Wang Hongyi.

But until the day Wu Siyuan ends this world journey and is about to leave this world.

Wang Hongyi did not attack Wu Siyuan.

This made Wu Siyuan very curious.

Because after Wang Hongyi unified the world, the Haoran Qi that his predecessor Wang Shoutian trapped him no longer existed. Instead, it turned into Wang Hongyi's assistance, helping him to take further steps in the cultivation of his soul.

Before Wang Hongyi traveled through time, he was a god like a full moon, which is what he claimed to be a Bodhisattva, but his nature was still Yin.

After Wang Hongyi ascended the throne as emperor and absorbed Wang Shoutian's awe-inspiring righteousness, his soul began to turn positive.

According to Wu Siyuan's guess, regardless of how powerful Wang Hongyi boasted, when he traveled through time, his soul realm was actually equivalent to the Yin God, but it was a very high realm among the Yin Gods.

When his soul turned Yang, he entered the realm of Yang God.

Yang Shen's realm has surpassed Wu Siyuan's current realm.

Wang Hongyi even felt that if he had enough time, his Yuanshen realm would not only turn into pure Yang, but also turn into the golden sun, and he would be able to catch up with the Great Sun Tathagata's thousands of years of foundation in one fell swoop. And it is close to immortality and will last forever.

With such cultivation, Wang Hongyi is not afraid of Wu Siyuan no matter what.

But maybe that's why Wang Hongyi didn't attack him.

Before Wu Siyuan left, he specifically asked Wang Hongyi.

Wang Hongyi said, You will live up to me, and I will live up to you!

Wu Siyuan laughed when he heard this.

It's the day.

Wu Siyuan's soul returned to his original position.

Wang Hongyi watched this scene quietly. Invisible to the naked eye, a sun slowly rose above him, golden in color. The entire palace, and even the entire Jinling, were enveloped in his indescribable brilliance.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………

real world.

A very high-level chaebol meeting was held in a secret manor somewhere in Washington state.

The people attending this meeting were all people with huge financial resources or power in the world.

Of course, they are not necessarily famous, they are more of the people behind the scenes.

These people are mainly Westerners.

But there are also oriental faces, such as people from the country H.

But there wasn't a single black person.

Everyone, after our many contacts with [Chaoqun Group] and its controllers, we learned that it cannot be absorbed into our midst. Therefore, the voting meeting on restricting the development of [Chaoqun Group] has officially begun. . An old white man in a tuxedo said slowly.

Attendees raised their arms or remained indifferent.

Thirty seconds later.

The old white man who presided over the meeting understood it after looking around for a week. He just heard him say, In this vote, twenty-three seats agreed, three seats abstained, and no one objected.


I declare that the vote on restricting the development of [Chaoqun Group] has officially passed!

Everyone, it's time for us to work together! Drive this disruptive beast back to its closed cage! The civilized world is not a place where a barbarian like him can survive. The old white man said softly.

The attendees nodded silently.

A person who is unwilling to share wealth with them cannot sit at this table and share power with them.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………

The next day.

A spokesman for the US government in Washington held a press conference.

The spokesman said authorities in Washington were concerned about recent developments. We reiterate that economic development is fundamentally about freedom. A company is free to decide where it wants to build a factory, and an employee is free to decide where it wants to work. This is the foundation of economic development and the foundation of the world. We are unwilling and will never allow some companies to use their own size to attack other companies or other markets for various reasons.

After the spokesperson finished speaking, a reporter asked questions.

The spokesperson chose a female reporter from the Washington Post.

The female reporter asked if this company referred to China's [Chaoqun Group].

The spokesperson of the authorities admitted frankly, “Yes, as you can see, [Super Group]’s evil deeds have aroused disgust among people, including you, otherwise you would not have spoken out about it in the first place. Come on the name.”

Normally, a spokesperson generally just states certain situations objectively, without adding personal subjective thoughts.

Because of the spokesperson’s words and deeds, he represents certain authorities or certain people.

Every word he says will be carefully scrutinized and studied by those who are interested.

Unless the people above specifically want the spokesperson to say this, in order to convey certain information to certain people, certain companies, and certain countries - the boss's dissatisfaction with [Super Group] is about to explode, you all come together, Hammer him!

Because it's too politically charged.

After the female reporter sat down, more reporters enthusiastically raised their hands and asked for questions.

This time, the speaker chose an Internet media platform.

This is a male reporter in his thirties.

His question was pointed, How will the authorities deal with [Chaoqun Group]?

The spokesperson said, Section 1301-1310 of the Omnibus Trade and Competition Act 1988 authorizes our government to retaliate against companies or other organizations that engage in [unreasonable] or [illegal] behavior in trade! The authorities have carefully considered After consideration, it has been decided to include [Chaoqun Group] in the [301 Investigation List], and before the results of the investigation appear, ban [Chaoqun Group]’s products, including but not limited to [Elephant Weather], [Audition], [Intelligent Housekeeper Assistant] ] and other products are prohibited from operating within our country. At the same time, the authorities will also negotiate and communicate with allies and countries with the same values ​​​​in the world to reach an agreement on punishing [Chaoqun Group]. Yes, we will do this, We also believe that we can succeed. The free world cannot be disrupted by a hegemonic company.

What the spokesperson said was awe-inspiring.

A few reporters couldn't control themselves and couldn't help but laugh.

A hegemonic company? Are you making an international joke?

Laughter is contagious.

Other reporters couldn't help but laugh too.

Even the spokesperson couldn't help grinning.

But after all, the spokespersons are selected from thousands of people, and they still have basic professional qualities.

The spokesman quickly shut his mouth and became serious.

The reporters also sat upright, as if the laughter just now had never happened before.

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