I'm collecting golden fingers from all over the world

Chapter 40: Treatment of the Holy King (please subscribe for a monthly ticket)

Jingzhou is connected to the land of Wu and Yue.

That is where the imperial court is now.

The imperial court of Wei and Yue would not sit back and watch the unification of Jingzhou, because this would endanger the imperial court and Wei and Yue, so they would do everything possible to stop it.

If Wang Hongyi attacks Jingzhou, it will inevitably attract interference from the imperial court.

Therefore, Wang Hongyi had decided long ago that he would focus on attacking Qin. After winning this area, Shulong would leave the border, and he could advance, attack, retreat or defend.

But unexpectedly, Wu Siyuan actually asked him to attack Jingzhou first.

This went against his original military plan.

Wang Hongyi wanted to refuse.

But Wu Siyuan gave too much.

Wang Hongyi knows very well what kind of effect the explosives that spanned an era can have in this era.

He hesitated for a moment and finally said, Yes!

Happy cooperation! Wu Siyuan smiled, I will transport the subsequent explosives, please place them carefully. After all, you know the power of this thing.

After saying that, Wu Siyuan left calmly.

Wang Hongyi remained silent behind him. When Wu Siyuan's figure disappeared from sight, he said to himself, Who are you?

No one can give Wang Hongyi this answer.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………

In October of the thirteenth year of Chuizheng.

It’s autumn harvest season again.

Wang Hongyi comprehensively promoted the high-quality wheat seeds provided by Wu Siyuan in Shu.

Although there has been two or three generations of intergenerational decline, with the use of home-grown chemical fertilizers, wheat can still be harvested at three and a half stones per acre.

After more than half a year of cultivation, he opened up nearly one million acres of fields in Shu.

In the end, he had nearly 800,000 shi of grain in his hands.

Under this situation, every household still has a surplus of food.

October 19, the thirteenth year of Chuizheng.

Wang Hongyi issued a royal order to raise troops and march into Jing.

Wang Hongyi was fully prepared for this day.

Today's Shu army has expanded to 80,000 troops after reorganizing the forces from various vassal towns.

Wang Hongyi left 20,000 troops and horses, and the remaining 60,000 went out to fight.

Needless to say, food, grass and supplies are of course needed.

In order to facilitate transportation, Wang Hongyi also promoted the ceramic canning technology in Shu. The loss can be reduced by one-fifth compared with the previous transportation method. Given the huge base, this is remarkable.

The watch camps (new military camps) in various counties in Shu have also trained several batches of young men, the so-called peasant soldiers, who can send soldiers to the army at any time. Of course, thirty watch camps have also been allocated. Along with the army, each guard camp can train thousands of soldiers. Their role is to train surrendered soldiers on the spot, in order to better supplement the strength of the Shu army and achieve the goal of becoming stronger in the Vietnam War. In just three months, they will Surrendered soldiers or rebels can be completely digested and reorganized into regular troops, which can be imported into the accounts of generals.

The newly-established Ordnance Department was building ordnance every day and night. This was mainly due to the mining in slave camps. The slave camps were mainly from mountain tribes. Wang Hongyi originally thought it would be a burden, but it turned out that being demoted to a slave was actually beneficial. self development.

Now the Shu army has sufficient ordnance of all kinds.

For example, in the past six months, 40,000 sets of paper armor have been produced, basically ensuring that every soldier can wear paper armor.

Due to adequate nutrition, strict training, all of them being strong, and having gone through many battles, these soldiers under Wang Hongyi are already considered qualified sergeants.

After one or two fierce battles, one can become a veteran of hundreds of battles and can be called an elite.

Moreover, these soldiers drink pine needle water all year round and basically have no night blindness and are not afraid of night battles. This is an advantage.

Pine needle water is currently one of the biggest military secrets of the Shu army.

It may be that Wang Hongyi has to wait until Wang Hongyi unifies the world, or the overall situation has been decided, before this secret will be made public.

In addition, the medical team that Wang Hongyi has cultivated with all his heart has also grown in size. Ten teams that can form a field hospital have also been dispatched to travel with the army.

With Wang Hongyi's daily guidance, they are among the best in the world in terms of surgery.

These medical teams also reserve a large amount of willow bark, which can be used as the most primitive antibiotic. Although the effect is minimal, it is better than nothing.

In addition, Wang Hongyi is not just mobilizing the army, but also mobilizing all departments and localities.

Especially for the civil service, with Fucheng and County Cheng as the core, a mixture of old and new officials, plus [intellectuals] who came out of the crash course in folk schools, a total of eighty teams were drawn up to follow the army and wait for orders.

It can be said that once a new territory is captured, if the cooperation of the demoted officials is obtained, the occupied counties can be taken over immediately. Even without the cooperation of the demoted officials, with the assistance of a guard of soldiers and a complete team, it only takes more than half a month. In time, we can pacify and control the new county and new prefecture.

This is a stroke of genius.

Wang Hongyi, who has modern experience, is really far ahead compared to this era when knowledge is still in a semi-monopoly position.

Wang Hongyi's emphasis on logistics increased his chances of winning by 30%.

Especially the garrison camp and the official team.

The watch camp ensures the combat effectiveness and stability of the army.

The official team ensured that Wang Hongyi could effectively rule the occupied area and could transfuse Wang Hongyi's blood instead of sucking his blood.

It can be said that once these two strategies are implemented, it is equivalent to the treatment of the Holy King. As long as enough areas are conquered, the strength will be doubled in a year.

The generals and civil servants who learned about Wang Hongyi's strategy were shocked and immediately became passionate.

Wang Hongyi is so wise and powerful, so the possibility of him taking that position is getting bigger and bigger.

And they can also follow Wang Hongyi and achieve the Tao of chickens and dogs to ascend to heaven alone!

So, who doesn’t want to die?

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …

The night is vast.

Clouds and stars spread across the sky.

Taoist Tongxuan and Taoist Pingzhen stood on the top of a mountain, facing the wind, looking at the boundless earth.

I saw thousands of miles of Shu land, surrounded by red air, boiling like a steamer, and suddenly the red light bloomed like a red sun.

In the void, the red light circulated, and suddenly turned into a red light, penetrating the void, roaring towards the outside world.

Dragon Qi is boiling? The King of Shu's luck suddenly increased? What kind of help did he get? Is this the Shu dragon coming out of seclusion to fight? Tongxuan Taoist murmured as he used Zhanzhan Qi Technique.

He suddenly thought of a person - the original Qianlong, now the special envoy of the King of Shu, Li Chengye, Li Zhenren!

Who are you? What is your purpose? What did you give to the King of Shu? Unknowingly, Taoist Tongxuan clenched his fingers into fists, and veins popped out.

That was the blood feud between his masters reminding him, don't let it go!

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