Because he got the secret book that he wanted so much.

Wu Siyuan didn't mind that the [Hidden Gate] Mountain Gate was stained with the blood of Qi Refiners, so he went into seclusion in a relatively quiet monastery.

His move was noticed by the intelligence personnel of the Thirteenth Division among the accompanying soldiers, and they spread the word through some secret means.

But none of them noticed.

In the sky above the original [Hidden Gate] mountain gate, there was a dark cloud as thick as lead, invisible to the naked eye.

These dark clouds are actually not natural phenomena, but visions caused by the gathering of heretic ghosts and gods.

[Hidden Gate] Establishing a foothold in Shu is not something that can be done easily.

At that time, the people in Shu were pure and kind, and could be easily enlightened. The ancestors of [Yinmen] used Fu Shui to treat diseases, and the people followed it, which was considered to have established a foundation.

However, Shu is not a blank place, but there are a large number of original ghosts and gods. After the real person of [Hidden Gate] at that time established his foothold, he began to attack the ghosts and gods in Shu. Those who did not obey were killed, and those who obeyed were surrendered. They were driven by the covenant forever. This is In the history of [Yinmen], it is called cutting down mountains and destroying temples!

The First Cause of All Realms

Many of these gods, who originally enjoyed the incense of one place, were forced to leave Shu.

In the past, the Hidden Sect was very powerful, so these heretic ghosts and gods did not dare to cause trouble.

But this time, Wu Siyuan came with Wang Hongyi's special order of dragon energy and almost killed the entire [Hidden Sect] here, avenging them.

Logically speaking, they should leave.

I just don’t know why, but I’m still staying here and don’t want to leave.

Wu Siyuan entered seclusion and ignored them.

The soldiers of the second battalion have military spirit and dragon spirit in their bodies, making it difficult for ghosts and gods to approach them.

However, Taoist Tongxuan and Taoist Pingzhen, although they entered Wang Hongyi's Curse and Forbidden Division, were not very lucky, so they were harassed by these heretic ghosts and gods from time to time, which made them so annoyed that they could only hide in the military camp.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………

Time flies and it’s December of the twelfth year of Chuizheng.

Winter has entered in Shu. Rain and snow appear from time to time, and the weather becomes cold.

Wang Hongyi was busy stabilizing the rear and consolidating the foundation, so the pace of the attack slowed down.

But even so, he was two years faster than in the original work.

In the original work, it was in December of the 14th year of Chuizheng that Wang Hongyi unified Dongyi Prefecture and was named Marquis of Shu.

Compared with the original history, the time that Li Chengye took Dongyizhou was several years faster. It can be said that he had the upper hand.

This day.

Wang Hongyi met with ministers in Miwen Pavilion to discuss matters.

Among them, the civil servant Zhang Youzhi and several other important ministers talked about the refugee issue.

It turned out that Wang Hongyi's capture of Dongyi Prefecture shocked Xiyi Prefecture, so he expanded his army aggressively. Expanding the army required money and food, so the feudal town intensified its efforts to exploit the local people.

When the people couldn't survive, they became refugees and fled to Dongyi Prefecture under Wang Hongyi's rule.

Wang Hongyi quickly ordered the proper resettlement of these refugees.

Because Wang Hongyi clearly knows that talents are the primary productive force!

Then as he talked, he talked about the situation in Xiyizhou.

There are seven counties in Xiyizhou, which seems to be one more than Dongyizhou. However, only Yueshan County and Yongchang County have a large Han population. The other Jianshan County, Yuecheng County, Qinghe County, and Guangning County have Han populations. Not many. As for Dingnan County, even the prefect was gone, and many people fled.

Therefore, there are only two vassal towns in Xiyizhou, and their strength is not strong.

But Xiyi Prefecture is in trouble, because there is a mountain tribe in Xiyi Prefecture that has become increasingly powerful in the past hundred years.

The Shanjian people were originally indigenous people, but later they were mixed with Han people who fled to the mountains to avoid taxes and labor. Therefore, they were able to grow grains and often made their own armor. Now it has become a climate. The four counties of Jianshan, Yuecheng, Qinghe, and Guangning are often attacked. It was impossible to build a town until there was an attack. The two towns of Yueshan County and Yongchang County also found it difficult to grow.

The mountain tribes are now widely distributed, and the establishment of various tribes has become a habit. As a result, Xiyizhou has become dilapidated. It is like an extra tumor in the body, which is constantly absorbing nutrients.

This mountain tribe is actually very similar to the Shanyue tribe that Wang Hongyi knows about history.

This was a serious problem for the Sun Wu regime at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty:

In the third year of Jian'an of the Han Dynasty, Yuan Shu sent people to stir up mountains and crosses, and united his troops to attack Sun Ce together, but Sun Ce defeated him instead.

In the fifth year of Jian'an, the generals were dispatched to control Fushanyue.

In the eighth year of Jian'an, Sun Quan conquered Huang Zu in the west. Just when he was about to break the city, Shanyue rose again, seriously threatening Sun Wu's rear and forcing Sun Quan to withdraw his troops.

In the ninth year of Jian'an, Lu Fan was sent to pacify Poyang, Cheng Pu was to seek Le'an, and Taishi Ci led Haihun. Huang Gai, Han Dang, Zhou Tai, Lu Meng, etc. were appointed as the county magistrates in the areas where Shanyue activities were most frequent, and they all pacified Shanyue in various places.

However, it was not until the 22nd year of Jian'an that Lu Xun conquered Shanyue in the three counties of Kuaiji, Danyang, and Xindu. The strong ones he captured were used as soldiers, and the weak ones were replenished as civilian households. He obtained tens of thousands of elite soldiers.

In the third year of Wu Jiahe's reign, Sun Quan worshiped Zhuge Ke as the general of Fuyue and led the governor of Danyang. Zhuge Ke moved the letters to the four adjacent counties and ordered each to protect their borders. Then he divided his troops to control the dangerous places, divided and surrounded the mountains and rivers, and only repaired the fences. When the crops are about to ripen, they will plunder them and force them out of the mountains to survive due to hunger.

Zhuge Ke selected 40,000 of them as soldiers, and the rest moved to the plains to serve as households.

In the thirty years before and after, Shanyue restrained a lot of energy of the Sun Wu regime, leading to many chaos in the rear, and had to miss the opportunity to return to the army.

With the lessons learned from Sun Wu, Wang Hongyi does not want to make the same mistake again.

If the problem of the Shanjian Clan is not resolved, it will seriously restrict Wang Hongyi's future development. At the important time of fighting for the world, if he is attacked like this by the Shanyue Clan, he will be very unhappy even if he doesn't die!

Therefore, Wang Hongyi made up his mind to completely solve the problem of the Shanyue people no matter what the cost.

Wang Hongyi is worthy of being the chosen one with living memory.

After thinking about it for a while, he really came up with a poisonous plan.

That is to refer to the Eight Banners system of the Qing Dynasty.

After occupying Xiyi Prefecture, Wang Hongyi sent troops. Along the way, some mountain tribes sent troops. Of course they were defeated. All the men of the tribe were punished as slaves in Tongshan and Yinshan.

After the great victory, if the mountain clan took refuge, there would be internal support.

The first step was to move to the city and establish the Eight Banners.

The second is to reward money and food.

Once again, after attacking the Shanjian Clan, he ordered the Eight Banners to execute them, kill all the men, and stain them with the blood of the Shanjian Clan, and reward them with half of their wealth and women.

There is no need to worry that these tribes in the Eight Banners Mountains will not lose their tail and become a bigger disaster, because the men have been killed or demoted to miners.

The more the Eight Banners continue to be fought, the more men will die, and the strength will only get worse and worse!

At that time, Wang Hongyi can confiscate his family and exterminate his clan at any time!

However, in order to calm the hearts of the new Eight Banners in the mountains and continue to use the Eight Banners in the mountains, it is best to move the original New Eight Banners to Dongyi Prefecture, give them a Han surname, and reward them with land and houses.

There are thirty-six tribes in the mountains, but if Wang Hongyi does this, even if some of them can escape deep into the mountains, it will be useless.

Wang Hongyi is ready to implement it in the future.

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