The land of Shu was divided into three states by the Great Yan Dynasty, namely Dongyi Prefecture, Xiyi Prefecture and Longjian Prefecture.

But in fact, Dongyizhou is the essence.

After winning Dongyi and occupying Chengdu, Xiyi will soon be at peace.

On the contrary, the Dragon Sword covers a level, which is not easy to attack at once.

After Wang Hongyi pacified Dongyizhou and declared himself Marquis of Shu, he focused on the Dragon Sword and had no other thoughts.

And this day.

Led by Taoist Tongxuan and Taoist Pingzhen, Wu Siyuan led two battalions of soldiers and horses to a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters.

This mountain is beautiful, shrouded in clouds and mist, like a fairyland. If ordinary people live there for a long time, they will inevitably not get rheumatism.

Of course, it is more likely that you will be lost in the clouds and mist in the mountains.

Because this fog is not an ordinary fog.

It is the fog derived from the opening of the mountain-protecting formation of the Hidden Gate. Not to mention ordinary people, even experienced practitioners will get lost if they enter it without the know-how.

Wu Siyuan opened the [Qi Watching Technique] and looked at it, but he couldn't see the mystery in it. Sure enough, there was something in it.

Taoist Tongxuan said to Wu Siyuan expressionlessly, Mr. Special Envoy, this is where the [Hidden Gate] mountain gate is located, but [Yinmen] has closed the mountain. If the people inside [Yinmen] hadn't opened the formation, even if Even with thousands of troops coming, we can’t even hope to find the [Hidden Gate] station in this mountain.”

That's not necessarily the case!

Wu Siyuan admitted that this [Hidden Gate] Mountain Protection Formation had some tricks.

But that doesn't mean he's helpless.

I saw a cavalry riding over and reported to Wu Siyuan, Sir, as you ordered, the isolation belt has been completed!

Isolation zone? Taoist Tongxuan and Taoist Pingzhen looked at each other.

At this time, Wu Siyuan said, Okay, let's light a fire and burn the mountain!

Taoist Tongxuan and Taoist Pingzhen suddenly looked ugly.

Under the fire, the foundation of any hidden formation will be burned.

Any formation that conquers the heaven and earth will be ineffective.

Unable to stop them, they saw soldiers setting fire one by one.

Fire breaks out, thick smoke gathers, all beasts are frightened, and everything is destroyed!

The fire burned for a whole day and night before it was finally extinguished.

Then another night passed, and the remaining warmth dissipated.

Wu Siyuan led two battalions of soldiers and horses to search the scorched mountains.

Finally, in a hidden place, I discovered a different cave.

Wu Siyuan laughed and took out the special edict specially issued for Wang Hongyi after he called him the Marquis of Shu. He gave it to Taoist Tongxuan and asked him to read it out.

Tongxuan Taoist was filled with sadness, but he had no choice but to do it!

If he didn't do it, he, Taoist Pingzhen, and even Tian Ji's family in Wenyang Town would all die today.

Even the [hidden door] is gray.

These days, they have not even dared to contact Shanmen.

Of course, this also has a lot to do with the inability to contact [Hidden Gate] after it was closed.

They have not become real people, have not opened the gate of heaven, become Yin gods, and cannot travel to the underworld. Therefore, they cannot contact the people in the world through the sect's land in the underworld.

Besides, Wu Siyuan was watching eagerly, so even if they could do it, they wouldn't dare to do it!

I am afraid that Wu Siyuan, a real person with unknown origins, will find an excuse to destroy him.

The only thing they hope for now is to preserve the fire so that the Hidden Sect can be restored.

Although they didn't know the origin of Wu Siyuan, they saw his attitude towards Wang Hongyi.

Wang Hongyi is a hidden dragon.

The dragon spirit is domineering, and I am the only one who is supreme.

Wu Siyuan's attitude can be one or the other.

After many times, Long Qi will definitely be displeased and Wang Hongyi will be annoyed. No matter how much credit he has achieved before, it will be useless.

And that's their chance!

After all, even if Wu Siyuan has great magical powers, his Taoism is restrained by the dragon's energy, and he has no choice but to bow before Wang Hongyi's dragon's energy.

No matter how powerful the real person is, he can be surrounded and killed by a hundred swordsmen and axemen.

Of course, we must prevent Wu Siyuan from escaping and fighting guerrillas.

However, if Wu Siyuan killed innocent people indiscriminately, he would be punished by God again.

If you don't use dragon energy to suppress the killing, you will be entangled in karma and die.

All I have to say is that this world is too harsh on Qi practitioners. Taoist Tongxuan sighed in his heart.

As everyone knows, Wu Siyuan's great power comes from himself.

Even if Wang Hongyi conquered the world, established the Pillar of Heaven, and established the French Open, for Wu Siyuan, it was just like that!

But this is not enough to say for people like Taoist Tongxuan!

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …

Taoist Tongxuan read out the special edict issued by Wang Hongyi, the self-proclaimed [Shu Hou], and his heart was filled with sadness.

Wang Hongyi's special purpose was nothing more than declaring the Hidden Sect to be an evil sect and ordering it to be banned.

However, in the eyes of Taoist Tongxuan and Taoist Pingzhen, they saw that the luck dragon energy on the special decree turned into a red dragon, entered the [Hidden Gate] mountain gate, and turned into a series of legal nets, instantly allowing the hidden people to escape. Many Qi refiners in the [Hidden Sect] in the mountain gate have lost control of their magic power.

At this time, the fog of heaven dissipated.

The many virtuous people in [Hidden Sect] discovered that the disaster of destroying the sect was right in front of them, but it was already too late!

Reading with rice balls

The leader of the [Hidden Sect] looked at the sect’s most precious treasure [Green Lotus Pond].

Since the death of Master Yinmiao, the only contemporary master of the [Hidden Sect], [Green Lotus Pond] has been under the management of the head of the [Hidden Sect].

It was fine a few days ago.

It was not until Taoist Tongxuan read out Wang Hongyi's special decree that in an instant, four-fifths of the water in the pool disappeared, and the entire green lotus fell into a withered state.

The leader of the [Hidden Sect] was immediately confused. He immediately reacted and immediately summoned all the disciples to disperse them so that he could have a chance to save the fire.

But by now it was too late.

Wang Hongyi's two battalions of elite soldiers entered the Hidden Gate.

They all have dragon energy protection.

[Hidden Gate] The Qi Master's spells cannot have an effect on them.

Every one of them was either slaughtered or captured.

In a short time, the [Hidden Sect], which has been inherited for seven hundred years and is the leader of Shu's Taoist sects, will come to an end.

Wu Siyuan moved into the [Hidden Gate] mountain gate. When he saw this scene, he shook his head slightly and said, Why did we do it in the first place if we could have done it sooner!

If you [Hidden Sect] hadn't come to kill me first, how could we have ended up like this!

Wu Siyuan seemed to be talking to himself, but also seemed to be talking to Taoist Tongxuan and Taoist Pingzhen beside him.

The two of them seemed to be following Wu Siyuan expressionlessly, but there was a deep sadness in their eyes.

These are their once most beloved relatives and friends, brothers and sisters!

Now they are all dead and their souls return to the underworld.

The only consolation is that most of them are successful in cultivating Taoism, their souls can remain intact, and they can enter the sect's blessed place in the underworld to receive shelter.

But...the mountain gates in this world are gone.

There is no real world that continuously supplies luck.

If the blessed land in the underworld is not effectively replenished, it will only gradually disappear.

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