I'm collecting golden fingers from all over the world

Chapter 29: Charge with heavy cavalry and annex Hongze Mansion

It's October.

It's autumn harvest time!

Wang Hongyi sent a large army to assist the people under his rule to collect grain.

Because it attaches great importance to the construction of water conservancy, the yield per mu is not low, with an average of 2 stones!

However, this is the original cultivated land output of common people and landlords.

Because of the endless wars for years, a lot of land has been abandoned.

Wang Hongyi owns two mansions, but the total of these fields is only more than 500,000 acres.

Of course, there must be hidden fields.

But this number is also very shabby.

You know, in the prosperous times, just one mansion had millions of acres of land.

The cultivated land area of ​​the entire Shu region reaches tens of millions of acres.

How is it like now?

Half a million acres of land can harvest 1 million shi of grain.

Wang Hongyi could only follow his inertia and extract one-tenth of the tax, which meant he could receive 100,000 shi of grain.

But in fact, this process is quite lossy, and there are layers of hierarchy in the middle. In the end, the number that actually reached Wang Hongyi's hands was less than 50,000.

But this is a tax on owned land!

Wang Hongyi built Jishui County from scratch. Although these reclaimed fields were distributed to the refugees, according to the previous agreement, Wang Hongyi had to take 50%.

Then Wang Hongyi took charge of the two towns. Besides training troops, he also organized refugees to reclaim wasteland and build paddy fields.

These paddy fields are Wang Hongyi’s imperial inheritance.

By October this year, 280,000 acres had been reclaimed.

These 280,000 acres of fields, including paddy fields and dry fields, are planted with the first-generation seeds produced by the improved varieties provided by Wu Siyuan.

Although there has been intergenerational weakening, the yield and disease resistance still exceed the best crop varieties in the world.

In addition, Wang Hongyi took out another earth-moving fertilizer.

With this recipe, the final yield was no worse than before. On average, one acre could produce 3.9 shi.

280,000 acres of fields can yield 1.09 million shi of grain.

Wang Hongyi received 50% and took away more than 500,000 shi of food, which was ten times the 50,000 shi. It was more than the food in the hands of Du Gongzhen and Wei Cundong combined. It was more than enough to supply 15,000 soldiers under his command. .

Therefore, on the occasion of a good harvest, Wang Hongyi gathered his troops, mobilized his troops, and took the initiative to attack Du Gongzhen's Hongze Mansion on the grounds that Du Gongzhen had robbed fifty good horses from the Song family!

Wang Hongyi mobilized 10,000 troops, claiming to be 30,000. Several senior generals in the town and his trusted generals followed him.

Du Gongzhen of Hongze Mansion had also been prepared. He knew that this day would come sooner or later. He mobilized six thousand of the best soldiers in the mansion, and captured three thousand young men as cannon fodder battalions, totaling nine thousand, for publicity. Twenty-eight thousand, he led troops to Changshou County to confront Wang Hongyi's army.

Hongze Prefecture has four counties and one city. Jiuhuai County and Heping County are close to Chengdu Prefecture, and Liuzi County and Changshou County are close to Wang Hongyi.

When Wang Hongyi led his troops to attack Du Gongzhen, Wei Cundong's army in Chengdu Prefecture had already retreated fifty miles. This was a signal to Du Gongzhen that he wanted to watch Du Gongzhen and Wang Hongyi fight against each other.

Du Gongzhen understood Wei Cundong's thoughts, but he, who had always been arrogant, had no choice but to accept such a result.

What's more.

In fact, Du Gongzhen has never thought highly of Wang Hongyi.

It is believed that Wang Hongyi took advantage of Liu Siming's death from illness and Liu Chaoyi's incompetence to swallow up Changding Town in one fell swoop.

There is a lot of luck involved, rather than relying on real strength.

Du Gongzhen wanted to make Wang Hongyi understand that on the battlefield, it was not luck, but absolute strength.

Most of Wang Hongyi's hands are newly trained soldiers, but they are not as good as the veterans of many battles in his hands.


Outside Changshou County.

The two armies set up their positions for a serious battle.

A chilling atmosphere filled the whole place.

The two armies had just clashed not long ago.

Wang Hongyi led the Qi army's two hundred heavy cavalry to charge and penetrated the formation.

Du Gongzhen also had cavalry, but they were all light cavalry and the number was not large. They could not withstand the charge of heavy cavalry.

Behind the two hundred heavy cavalry were Wang Hongyi's five hundred light cavalry, followed by the infantry!

The tooth soldiers that Du Gongzhen was so proud of and regarded as his pillars were ruthlessly crushed to a pulp during the heavy cavalry charge.

General Ya is proud of his military strength and wants to resist the heavy cavalry.

As a result, the heavy cavalryman slashed with one sword, and the teeth broke the weapon. When the heavy cavalry slashed twice, the teeth separated the body and head.

Seven hundred cavalry penetrated back and forth several times, and Du Gongzhen's army of less than 10,000 was completely defeated.

On the high platform of Changshou County.

Du Gongzhen looked at this scene blankly - did he lose? He was defeated like this!

The 10,000-strong army shouted, Does Du Gong really surrender? Does Du Gong really surrender?

Du Gongzhen had a dream-like feeling, looking at the sky in the distance, there was a high platform in Wang Hongyi's camp.

Although he couldn't see clearly from too far away, he could vaguely see Wang Hongyi's young face, showing no anger and dignity.

Du Gongzhen sighed, his era was over!

He took off his hat and said, Du Gongzhen, I am willing to surrender!


This battle had two surprises for Wang Hongyi.

One is the armor weapon provided by Wu Siyuan. The power of the armed heavy cavalry is beyond imagination. It can be said that one battle can determine the outcome.

The second one is that Du Gongzhen, a arrogant and arrogant vassal, was actually willing to surrender!

Is this how all heaven and earth work together? Wang Hongyi thought.

But in any case, Du Gongzhen, the original ruler of Hongze Mansion, is willing to surrender, which can save Wang Hongyi a lot of trouble.

With Du Gongzhen's cooperation, Wang Hongyi's army galloped into Hongze Prefecture and easily controlled all four counties and one prefecture in Hongze Town.

Wang Hongyi's army has strict military discipline.

When taking over Hongze Town, Wang Hongyi ordered not to harass the people.

The army he trained himself has been transformed after many times of emphasis, and nothing has been wrong with it.

However, although the tooth soldiers of several senior generals in Wenyang Town were reorganized by Wang Hongyi, they did not change their habits. When they entered the major counties with the army, it was difficult to control their predatory nature and rob people's property in the town.

This was also a common practice in previous battles.

If the tooth soldiers contribute their strength, they must be allowed to vent their anger after the war.

This is actually pretty good.

In the past, the tooth soldiers not only robbed things, but also burned, killed and looted!

That is to say, under Wang Hongyi, they dare not do this!

But I didn't expect that Wang Hongyi had already appointed the Thirteen Divisions.

Everything Ya Bing did was reported to Wang Hongyi.

Wang Hongyi, who was in Hongze Town, was furious and said, Hongze Town has come under my rule, and the people of Hongze Prefecture and County are my people. Killing my people is like cutting off my flesh! Even if I can Forgive me, even God will not forgive me!”

So Wang Hongyi ordered that the looting tooth soldiers from various counties be pulled out. At the last count, the number was close to five hundred, almost as many as the entire capital.

But even so, Wang Hongyi still plans to impose heavy penalties.

Because he knows that if he doesn't enforce discipline now, he will pay more in the future.

Wang Hongyi asked people to screen the degree of crime of the tooth soldiers. Among them, there were 110 of the worst, and the other more than 300 people had less serious crimes.

More than three hundred tooth soldiers with minor crimes were organized into death camps and will perform the most dangerous missions.

And the worst one hundred and ten people were sentenced to death by Wang Hongyi!

He summoned the army, denounced the tooth soldiers for their crimes, emphasized military discipline again, and then asked the military documents to record the last words of these tooth soldiers.

The tooth soldiers cried bitterly, not wanting to be beheaded by Wang Hongyi after just one robbery, and they all begged for mercy.

Even many generals begged for mercy!

But Wang Hongyi remained unmoved and said, If I forgive them, how can I face those elders who were harmed by the tooth soldiers!

Wang Hongyi was selfless, waved his hand, and beheaded the hundreds of tooth soldiers in public.

As the managers of these tooth soldiers, the senior generals were also ordered by Wang Hongyi to be whipped in public, and they were ordered not to follow the same example.

After this heavy punishment, the military discipline of Wang Hongyi's troops, whether veterans or recruits, were all upheld!

Of course, heavy punishment must be followed by heavy reward.

Don’t use love to generate electricity.

In this way, the soldiers and generals will support him as a leader who can bring them benefits!

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