Although the monthly fee of 30 yuan is a bit expensive.

But Smart Xiaolan] is really delicious.

As more and more examples are shared on the Internet, less than 10 million units of Dasheng Mobile Phone have been sold, but Warwick Mobile Phone has 660 million existing users around the world, of which 457 million are in China.

Even if only one tenth of the Chinese users choose to download and activate the smart Xiaolan service, there are still more than 40 million units.

In fact, ever since the news spread that all products of Warwick Mobile are compatible with Smart Xiaolan, it has swept the world. Even foreign users of Warwick Mobile have downloaded and activated Smart Xiaolan. Xiaolan not only supports communication, It also supports barrier-free communication in ten mainstream languages ​​around the world, so there is no problem at all when they use Smart Xiaolan.

Not only did they have no problem using the smart Xiaolan, but they also had a lot of fun and uploaded the video of the interaction to social media, further arousing public opinion.

Xiaolan] It’s really fun!

Under this circumstance, the sales of Warwick mobile phones began to skyrocket.

Warwick Mobile] Due to sanctions, there is a shortage of advanced process chips, which has hindered the production of its relatively high-end mobile phones and cannot meet the fierce growth in demand.

In this case, an invisible hand adjusts spontaneously.

Since you can’t buy a first-hand Warwick mobile phone, it’s not impossible to consider a second-hand Warwick mobile phone.

After all, Xiaolan] is so fun, how can she not play with others?

In the second-hand market, the prices of old Warwick mobile phones are rising steadily. The prices of some relatively good second-hand Warwick mobile phones have even reached the price of Samsung flagship phones.

Mr. Ren, the boss of Warwick Mobile, personally called Wu Siyuan to thank him.

Wu Siyuan asked him, is Warwick interested in Chaoqun Group's chip stacking technology?

Why aren't you interested?

Warwick] is a million interested!

Warwick] itself has been studying this technology.

After Chaoqun Group applied it to the Monkey King mobile phone, Warwick's scientific research department continued to imitate and research it day and night, but in the end it was a bit inferior.

Because this chip stacking technology is a combination of software and hardware.

In terms of hardware architecture, Warwick can imitate it almost exactly, but it requires the coordination of software to maximize this chip stacking technology, which also involves the function of cloud host.

In this regard, Warwick is powerless, so there has been little progress.

But now, according to Wu Siyuan, it means technical authorization, which does not excite Mr. Ren.

Warwick] If you master this technology, not only will you not have to be controlled by others in terms of chip technology, but your profits will also be higher.

For Warwick's entire strategy, it is also excellent.

Mr. Ren started chatting with Wu Siyuan on the phone.

the next day.

Chaoqun Group] and Warwick] jointly held a press conference.

The press conference was actually very brief, announcing that Chaoqun Group would license chip stacking technology to Warwick.

But the specs are high.

Because from Warwick's side, Mr. Ren, who has always been only responsible for strategy and not much about specific implementation, attended.

As for Chaoqun Group, although Wu Siyuan did not appear, the group's second-in-command and group president Huang Yuping attended.

Mr. Ren said that he was grateful to Chaoqun Group for its sharing spirit and looked forward to the two companies joining hands to create a more glorious future.

Huang Yuping said, Warwick Company has always been the target of appreciation and learning for our group, and we hope to create more exciting sparks in our cooperation.

The two elders spoke very politely.

But before the press conference ended, related topics were already trending on Weibo.

Some netizens asked, have Chaoqun Group and Warwick formed an alliance?

Some netizens replied, I don’t know whether there is an alliance or not, but Chaoqun Group actually opened up its chip stacking technology to Huawei, and coupled with the smart Xiaolan,

Is Warwick planning to make another model of the Monkey King mobile phone?

Some netizens expressed their happiness and said, isn’t this great? The Dasheng mobile phone is too expensive, and the Warwick mobile phone cannot be sold so expensive, right? Sit back and wait!

Of course, there are also some netizens with novel viewing angles.

Their eyes are focused on Warwick's competitors.

They said, At this moment, I just want to ask the manufacturers such as Dami, Vo, and Samsung how they feel! Chaoqun Group only authorizes Smart Xiaolan to Warwick - Don't talk to me about the issue of incompatibility, Smart Xiaolan even adapts to Huawei's discontinued mobile phones, and it can't adapt to it. Other brands of mobile phones? They are all from the Android camp, not Apple]! Oh, by the way, there are also Apples], are they already trembling? Monkey Mobile] has problems of insufficient production capacity and high price, but once Warwick absorbs chip stacking technology, the threat it brings is not comparable to Monkey Mobile!

Chaoqun Group] is not suitable for these mobile phone manufacturers], uu reading

Is there any other purpose? Forget it [Samsung] and Apple], but what about the domestic mobile phone manufacturers?

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………

In fact, these mobile phone manufacturers realized this problem earlier than netizens.

Lei Jun from Rice Company booked a plane ticket as quickly as possible and flew to the headquarters of Yangcheng Chaoqun Group.

When I arrived, I found that the principals of other mobile phone manufacturers were here.

Even the top person in charge of Samsung in China came over.

Previously, Samsung] was expelled from the Chinese market through voluntary actions by the public because of its arrogant attitude. Its current market share is extremely low.

There is no person in charge of Samsung Mobile Phones in China, but the person in charge of other businesses is still there, so the Samsung Group headquarters temporarily sent him over.

And the world's top person in charge of Samsung Mobile Phones is also on his way over.

Apple’s top executive, Cook, magically appeared here.

In fact, since Chaoqun Group developed the Monkey King mobile phone, Apple's stock price has fallen for many days. Apple attaches great importance to Chaoqun Group. Cook even went to China every two days. inspection.

That's why he was able to sit here in the first place!

Huang Yuping, the president of Chaoqun Group, was sitting in the main seat with a smile on his face, and it was obvious that he was in a good mood.

He said, our group already knows your purpose of coming.

At present, the adaptation work of Smart Xiaolan to each of your companies is in progress.

But because of the heavy workload.

Therefore, we will give priority to companies that share our goals.

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