It was precisely because Huang Yuping was under great pressure that after careful consideration, he chose to meet with the lobbying team sent by the West.

In fact, the person this lobbying team really wants to see is Wu Siyuan.

Because they know that Wu Siyuan is the real controller of [Chaoqun Group]!

But how could Wu Siyuan be in the mood to pay attention to them!

Wu Siyuan is not even at the [Chaoqun Group] headquarters in Yangcheng, but went north to a certain university.

Even Huang Yuping doesn't know the specific situation. It seems that a certain scientific researcher funded by [Chaoqun Group] has developed a certain theory, which, combined with a certain discovery within the group, can open up a new field.

Wu Siyuan left in a hurry after learning the news.

This lobbying team from the West did not even have a chance to meet Wu Siyuan, so they had to do the next best thing and meet with Huang Yuping, hoping to persuade Huang Yuping, who was regarded by outsiders as Wu Siyuan's confidant, to persuade Wu Siyuan.

[Lobbying] in the West has a long history, especially in beautiful countries, where it has developed into an industry.

【Lobbying Industry】!

In the beautiful country, there are a group of people who travel between politics and business. They are all rich or noble, and they have beautiful cars and beautiful women as their companions.

The main energy of this group of people is not to run their own companies, nor to manage their own wealth, but to visit people everywhere.

They are the tentacles of the shadow government and act as a bridge between light and darkness. These people are the lobbyists of the beautiful country.

[Lobbying] This profession is mainly employed by individuals, companies or organizations outside the government system. They deal directly with politicians and make deals with politicians for the benefit of the sponsors behind them.

The value of [lobbying] plays a decisive role in a beautiful country. It can determine the life or death of a company, or it can determine the fate of other countries.

For example, big companies like [Amazon], [Microsoft], [Apple], etc. in the beautiful country will spend a lot of money to recruit some specialized [lobbying] personnel. These positions are claimed to be Legislative Coordinator and Government Relations Director etc. , responsible for [lobbying] government units to adopt or veto policies that are beneficial or detrimental to large companies like them.

For example, [Chaoqun Group] came up with the [Monkey King Mobile Phone] this time, and big companies like [Microsoft] and [Apple] felt the chill. Before [Chaoqun Group] even came to the door, these related big companies... They are already [lobbying] the government to ban this business of [Chaoqun Group].

Generally speaking, most of the financial backers behind [lobbying] lobbyists are capital plutocrats. They have money but no power.

They will arrange [lobbying] activities when they hope that the government will introduce some policies or actions that are beneficial to them.

As for politicians, most politicians have power but no money. They need funds to maintain a respectable image, and both sides have what they need.

Just like beautiful countries have few corruption scandals because they legalize political donations.

In the beautiful country, [lobbying] is also legal, and foreign [lobbying groups] can engage in [lobbying activities] in the beautiful country.

Although there are relevant regulations - the Foreign Agents Registration Act passed by the United States in 1938, these foreign [lobbying] groups are marked.

Although the bill requires agents who represent foreign interests in a political or quasi-political capacity to disclose their relationships with foreign governments, related activities and financial information, to assist the government and people of the United States to investigate the remarks and activities of relevant figures. assessment” purpose.

But this is equivalent to taking off your pants and farting. It is the gentlemen on Capitol Hill and the White House who are telling various interest groups - pay me and I will do things for you!

The existence of [lobbying teams] is an important way for gentlemen to legally harvest benefits from major interest groups.

According to a report by the United States Department of Justice in 2007, at that time there were already 1,700 lobbyists in more than 100 countries lobbying United States government officials.

This does not include lobbyists within the country.

In the beautiful country, there are tens of thousands of lobbyists, and the wealth behind them is astronomical. It is estimated that it has already exceeded trillions of dollars, because the world's famous Wall Street is a well-known big funder in the lobbying industry.

Many people in the country know the name Wall Street, but I'm afraid not many people have heard of K Street. If Wall Street is the financial base of a beautiful country, then K Street is the back door of the White House.

The entire K Street is full of [lobbying] companies. If you want to establish contact with the White House, K Street is a must go.

Data from the third-party research organization the Center for Responsive Politics shows that in 2020, the United States spent as much as US$3.5 billion on lobbying activities by various departments, industries and associations.

But this is just the tip of the iceberg.

There are also a lot of lobbying expenditures that have not been counted.


Meiliguo Capital and YT Capital, which are hidden behind the international public opinion, certainly do not want to fight Wu Siyuan to the death, nor do they want to completely suppress [Chaoqun Group].

After showing some of his strength to [Super Group], he immediately sent the most elite [Lobbying Team] to [Super Group].

[Lobbying] Employees in this industry, although they work hard for [relationships], their own quality should not be bad.

This group of [lobbyists] who have been entrusted with important tasks by capital are even more outstanding. They are all proficient in Chinese, have a good image and temperament, and are very good at the art of speaking, which makes people feel like spring breeze.

The two parties looked like they were having a great time talking.

However, after this conversation got down to business, the atmosphere was not so pleasant!

The [Lobbying Team] proposed to pay 100 billion US dollars to acquire 10% of the shares of [Chaoqun Group]. In exchange, the bosses, or funders, behind the [Lobbying Team] would be willing and able to help [Chaoqun Group] Settle this international dispute and help [Chaoqun Group] more than double its overseas business.

Huang Yuping wanted to laugh after hearing this.

Does the other party regard them as fools, or they are here to steal money.

Acquired 10% of the shares of [Chaoqun Group] for US$100 billion.

In other words, [Chaoqun Group] is valued at only one trillion US dollars.

Is [Chaoqun Group] worth only one trillion US dollars?

Of course not!

In Huang Yuping's eyes, if [Chaoqun Group] really wants to be valued, it will be at least two trillion US dollars as a base, with no upper limit.

As for the outside world, the valuation of [Chaoqun Group] is based on [Amazon].

[Amazon]’s current market value is between US$1.2 trillion and US$1.3 trillion.

Spending 100 billion US dollars to acquire 10% of the shares of [Chaoqun Group] is too ugly.



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