Wu Siyuan agreed to the invitation sent by Sander, the new president of 101 Company, on the [Oasis]. The moment he put on the VR glasses, he appeared in a solemn office.

There was only one person in front of him, Sander with long straight black hair and thick lips.

Where is this? Wu Siyuan said while looking around. He found that several beams of light from different places on the ceiling hit the position where he was standing, and then formed his body.

Building 101, President's Conference Room. Sander said in a respectful tone, Dear Mr. Wade, this is not an [Oasis], you are being projected into the real world.

Interesting technology. Wu Siyuan commented.

If you are interested, 101 Company is willing to share this technology and its related patents with you. Sander said.

Okay! Wu Siyuan nodded, Then send me this technology.

Xander was stunned for a moment, are you kidding?

What? You don't want to? Can I understand that you are cheating on me? Ms. Sander. Wu Siyuan said with a cold tone.

Of course not. Xander's expression changed and he immediately replied.

Then transfer the relevant technical data. Wu Siyuan ordered unceremoniously.

Sander felt a pain in his heart, but he had no choice. Wu Siyuan was no longer a poor boy living in a stacked building area. He was now so powerful that the entire 101 Company did not dare to provoke him.

It's just a small technology for holographic projection of virtual images into reality. It's not a big deal to give it to Wu Siyuan.

Sander made a call, and soon someone packaged the relevant technology and transferred it to Wu Siyuan's personal terminal account.

Wu Siyuan also received this information, and the [Four-Armed King Kong] lurking inside quickly absorbed this information.

Oh, I forgot to mention that after obtaining the source code of the game [Oasis] and targeting it, [Four-Armed King Kong] can better hide himself on the Internet without worrying about being hidden in the world's network. [Anok] was discovered. Of course, the premise is that the movement of [Four-Armed King Kong] cannot be too large, otherwise it will still be noticed.

With the help of the power of [Four-Armed King Kong], Wu Siyuan has discovered some fishy things in [Oasis Social Game Company].

Wu Siyuan believes that he will soon be able to follow the clues and find out the [Annock] lurking in the online world. At that time, he can figure out his true identity. Is it a strong artificial intelligence program developed by Halliday, or is it a strong artificial intelligence program developed by Halliday? It was Halliday himself, or something else.

Wu Siyuan's mind was racing, and while he was thinking, he was dealing with Sander, the groveling and extremely low-attitude CEO of 101 Company.

In order to maintain her position, Sander did not hesitate to harm the interests of 101 Company and made sincere conditions for Wu Siyuan.

Unfortunately, these conditions only bring money.

Wu Siyuan has no interest in money.

So he shook his head with an indifferent expression.

Xander's face suddenly turned pale.

Once 101 Company's Contract Labor Center is really banned from logging in by [Oasis], the outcome waiting for her will not be too good.

She lost her composure and even told Wu Siyuan that she would let Wu Siyuan make any conditions as long as she could do it.

This was what Wu Siyuan was waiting for.

For Wu Siyuan, the most valuable thing about 101 Company is its x1 touch kit. The most important equipment is the related technology of brain-computer connection. It is also the most advanced brain-computer connection technology in the world. 100% tactility is too much. It's an exaggeration, but when users are immersed in it, it can really make users look like they are there.

This technology can convert brain signals into electronic signals, which means that with just one thought, you can call up the property screen, make a call, etc.

But this is only a preliminary brain-computer connection.

Decades ago, Halliday achieved this level when he first developed the game Oasis.

Decades later, the brain-computer connection technology mastered by 101 Company can already convert virtual signals into brain sensory signals, allowing the body to respond accordingly.

What does that mean?

In the [Oasis] game, you are competing against others, and someone punches you in the face. The x1 touch suit will make you feel the corresponding pain, and someone else kicks you back, Your character in reality will also retreat continuously.

This is why the current VR connection equipment needs to fix the body!

The key to this brain-computer connection technology lies in chips and algorithms, signal converters.

The algorithm is nothing. Although it is also very important, even very important, for Wu Siyuan, it is very simple.

The key lies in the brain-computer connection chip, the signal converter.

These physical products are often linked together.

For example, the most advanced brain-computer connection chip.

Not to mention the chip design, Wu Siyuan can directly copy it.

But chip design can be copied, but chip production cannot be copied.

Because of its complexity, the brain-computer connection chip uses 3n chips.

But unfortunately, in the real world, Wu Siyuan and the country where Wu Siyuan lives have not mastered 3n chip production technology.

This technology is in the hands of companies and organizations hostile to their country.

This is bound to cause a lot of trouble.

So Wu Siyuan wants to solve it once and for all. To put it simply, he must master 3n other chip production technology.

And chip production technology involves more industries.

This involves new troubles.

Wu Siyuan has roughly estimated that the time it will take him to fully master this series of technologies will be calculated in years.

But in fact, Wu Siyuan probably won't be able to stay in this world for more than a week.

So he could only settle for the next best thing and ask Sander for various confidentiality techniques.

He will not be able to obtain high-end chip production technology for a while, but he can bring back relevant information about high-end brain-computer connection chips. With the development of the real world, these technologies will one day be able to be reproduced.

These cutting-edge technologies are preserved and studied in physical isolation.

[Four-Armed King Kong] Even if it could invade the entire network, it wouldn't be able to find them.

So [insiders] like Sander are needed to help.

Faced with Wu Siyuan's request, Sander was obviously entangled.

Once this kind of thing is exposed, Sander doesn't think the real controllers of Company 101 will let him go.

But upon seeing this, Wu Siyuan used coercion and inducement, saying that if Sander did not agree to his conditions, [Oasis] would ban the entire 101 company from logging in.

Wu Siyuan doesn't know whether 101 Company will go bankrupt, but Sander will definitely become a scapegoat.

On the other hand, Wu Siyuan promised Sander that after helping Wu Siyuan obtain these technologies, he would help Sander occupy the magpie's nest and make her the controller of 101 Company, not just a puppet.

Sander was obviously tempted and finally agreed to Wu Siyuan.

Wu Siyuan smiled.

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