The place Wu Siyuan is going to is the secret base of the original male protagonist Wade, an independent compartment hidden in an abandoned car.

He walked through the gap between the two abandoned cars and came to them.

This is actually the carriage of a truck, with only one-third of it exposed. Two heavy-duty trucks are crookedly placed across the roof of the truck like beams, but the load-bearing ones are other vehicles or piles of trucks on the side, so The truck was not crushed by them.

The male protagonist Wade was lucky. When he found the truck, there was a key hanging on it.

It may be that all the useful things in the truck have been plundered, so the ubiquitous scavengers did not take away the key, which ultimately gave the male protagonist Wade an advantage.

The male protagonist Wade built this place as his secret base, and he hid almost all his gains here.

Because if he left it at home, his aunt's boyfriend would snatch it away.

It's not explained in detail in the movie.

But Wu Siyuan discovered from the memory of Wade, the hero, that Wade had a unique talent in repairing old computers, broken game consoles, and other electronic machines.

The male protagonist Wade found those old machines from the garbage dump, repaired them, and then sold them to pawn shops or traded them. His income has exceeded the imagination of the residents and his aunt.

Survival was not difficult for him.

This is probably one of the reasons why he can become good friends with the excellent mechanic [Aiqi] in [Oasis].

Wu Siyuan entered this secret base. After years of persistent transformation by the male protagonist Wade, the place was messy but very warm. Although the sparrow was small, it had all the internal organs.

Among them, the most valuable one can be said to be the cheap VR equipment.

In this world, humans who have lost faith in real life are almost alone.

Wu Siyuan's eyes flickered as he looked at these products that were simple in appearance and even crude in appearance. The scientific and technological achievements contained in them were much more advanced than the most gorgeous electronic technology products in the real world where Wu Siyuan lived.

With a thought in his mind, he opened the [Shennongjiao Space] for the first time in this world.

A round hole emerged in the void, revealing a thriving pastoral scene inside.

Of course, the very large mechanical creatures that walked or flew over from time to time destroyed this pastoral beauty.

Two huge robotic arm fingers popped out of the round hole.

One of them emits a beam of light and hits the hero Wade's cheap VR equipment.

Immediately, the entire VR equipment was thoroughly scanned inside and out by the [Four-Armed King Kong].

The entire three-dimensional model appears on the on-board screen of [Four-Armed King Kong].

Another huge mechanical finger popped out a data cable and inserted it into the USB interface on the male protagonist Wade's VR glasses. Suddenly, an endless torrent of data invaded and entered the [Oasis]!

Discovered light field imaging technology, copied and downloaded.

Discovering natural interaction and sensing technology, copied and downloaded.

Discovered 3D computer modeling technology, copied and downloaded.

Discovered the brain-computer interaction intelligent processing chip and are searching for related technologies...

An abnormal situation was discovered...

Wu Siyuan was stunned when he heard the words Four-Armed King Kong. Is there anything unusual about the Four-Armed King Kong?

Wu Siyuan immediately asked, What's going on?

It was attacked by an unknown program. It may be the anti-virus program included in [Oasis], but it doesn't look like it! [Four-Armed King Kong] hesitated for a moment and said uncertainly.

When Wu Siyuan heard this, he wondered if this was still the case?

He thought for a moment and then said, Show me.

Hearing this, the [Four-Armed King Kong] in [Shennongjiao Space] adjusted his body, opened the fuselage, and revealed the screen inside in front of Wu Siyuan.

On the screen, among the chaotic green data streams, there was an abstract image of an old man. Wind, fire, thunder, lightning, venom, sulfuric acid meteorites, etc. appeared in his hands. He blasted at certain data streams, and all kinds of data were suddenly cut off.

These wind, fire, lightning, venom, and sulfate meteorites are of course an illusion, but their essence is still data.

This abstract old man is actually attacking the intrusion data of [Four-Armed King Kong].

Annock? The abstract image of the old man was that of a middle-world wizard with a long beard and eyes full of vicissitudes and wisdom. Wu Siyuan found the owner of this image in Wade's memory.

Annock is actually the creator of the large-scale virtual game Oasis and the game character of Halliday, the richest man in the world. It has set a lot of permissions for itself, so Halliday called it Omniscient and Almighty Annock. In fact, It’s the GM in a game!

Is it the smart anti-virus software in the [Oasis] game? Wu Siyuan asked [Four-Armed King Kong].

Not quite! It seems more intelligent. [Four-Armed King Kong] replied.

Wu Siyuan frowned, What do you mean?

It has its own logic, more like a human being. In other words, a level of intelligence that truly has its own life, with unlimited authority. [Four-Armed King Kong] made a metaphor and said, Just like [Vision] !”

Wu Siyuan understood immediately, You mean, it is a real [cyborg]?

You can say that! [Four-Armed King Kong] replied.

Wu Siyuan's brows suddenly frowned deeper.

If this abstract old man Anok is not an intelligent program that has been programmed in [Oasis], is there someone behind it?



Because this is Halliday's game character.

Halliday promised that everyone will only have one game account, which is bound through sophisticated face scanning technology.

So no one other than Halliday can [log in] to this role.

But Halliday died five years ago.

The movie doesn't say the cause of his death.

He just played a video of his death to everyone. In the video, he sat up from a coffin and announced to the world that he was about to die. Then before he died, he set an Easter egg and announced that he would leave all his property to the world. The owner of the easter egg.

However, Wu Siyuan learned more about Halliday’s cause of death from the memory of the hero Wade—cancer!

Although no one has seen Halliday's body, no one has ever seen Halliday in real life in the real world.

So everyone in the world believes that Halliday is dead!

...Unless it's disguised, disguised as Anok's image - in [Oasis] Company, they call this [disguise] [skin]!

However, Wu Siyuan felt that it was unlikely.

Wu Siyuan trusted his intuition.

He thought it was a reminder of his skill [Future Prediction].

Wu Siyuan remembered the scene at the end of the movie.

The male protagonist Wade asked Halliday if Halliday was dead?

Halliday replied, yes.

Then the male protagonist Wade asked again, who is he?

Halliday said nothing.

He took Halliday as a child and disappeared in front of the male protagonist Wade, and never appeared in the [Oasis] again.



1 second remember network:.

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