Wang Hang led two senior officials walking in the sewage treatment plant.

Liu Zexin, the deputy mayor of Luzhou City, couldn't wait to get to the point and asked directly, Mr. Wang, I heard that your group has adopted a new biological sewage treatment process?

Wang Hang smiled when he heard this and did not deny it. He said, Yes, Mayor Liu.

Can you tell me something? Vice Mayor Liu Zexin was very interested.

Okay, Mayor Liu. Wang Hang nodded, took Liu Zexin and the others to the [Metal Processing Workshop], pointed at the [Dianjin Mulberry] trees and said, Mayor, look, this is our group's The latest product – Midas Gold!”

It can enrich the metal components and inorganic salt components in the water into the body at an extremely fast speed, just like water hyacinth, but the enrichment efficiency is much higher. Wang Hang also said with a hint of emotion in his tone. He said in amazement.

How high is the specific efficiency? Mr. Wang, does your company have any research data in this area? Deputy Mayor Liu Zexin asked.

Yes! Wang Hang nodded again and said, On average, one [Pakshasa] tree can process the metal components in one cubic meter of sewage in one minute.

“Currently, our [Longhua Sewage Treatment Plant] can treat 180,000 tons of sewage every day.”

Oh, I heard that your sewage treatment plant also cooperates with factories in the county to help them treat industrial sewage? Deputy Mayor Liu Zexin asked.

Yes, everything is under your control, mayor. Wang Hang chuckled.

How is it going now? Deputy Mayor Liu Zexin asked.

We have negotiated several large factories and two industrial parks, plus some small factories. Now the industrial sewage connected to our transportation pipelines is about 11,000 tons per day. Wang Hang replied.

How much does it cost? Deputy Mayor Liu Zexin asked.

The average price is 4 yuan per ton.

That's an income of more than 40,000 yuan a day. Deputy Mayor Liu Zexin said after doing some mental calculations.


What's the cost? Vice Mayor Liu Zexin asked with concern.

There are still some factories in Longhua County that are unwilling to connect to sewage pipes. They cannot measure the amount and it is difficult to amortize the cost. Wang Hang replied truthfully.

Are you having trouble?

It's a bit difficult. Wang Hang said with a bitter smile.

If you have any difficulties, go to the government. Aren't we, the public servants of the people, here to serve you? Deputy Mayor Liu Zexin said with a serious face. He turned to look at the senior county official Wang Zhibo and said, Senior Wang, what did you just say? I heard that there are some companies in the county that lack political awareness and don’t have a strong awareness of environmental protection, so you have to pay attention.”

The country has also said that the green mountains and green waters left to us by our ancestors are mountains of gold and silver. We cannot throw them away.

Vice Mayor Liu Zexin said earnestly.

Yes, Mayor Liu, the government has already held a meeting, and will introduce a series of regulations to increase supervision of corporate environmental protection.

That's good! Deputy Mayor Liu Zexin nodded and asked, Senior Wang, how many tons of sewage do you estimate your county produces every day?

There are 30,000 to 40,000 tons of industrial sewage. Including domestic sewage, the amount is about 150,000 to 160,000 tons. Wang Zhibo, a senior official in Longhua County, calculated in his mind and said slowly.

How do industrial wastewater companies treat it? They don't discharge it directly into the river, right? If this is the case, this kind of behavior must be severely punished. Deputy Mayor Liu Zexin said.

No, no, no, Wang Zhibo, a senior county official, waved his hands and said, Some companies have cooperated with Mr. Wang and his company. Most of the industrial sewage produced by the companies has been treated, but the effect may be less effective. Only a small part of it has been treated. Companies discharge sewage directly to the outside without any treatment. These companies are very cunning and often discharge secretly, and we can't catch their evidence for a while.

Isn't this nonsense? Senior Official Wang. If the effect is poor, can it be directly discharged to the outside world? Isn't this also pollution? There are also those companies that are cheating and cheating. If they can't be found, don't they need to be investigated? Isn't this a problem for the entire Longhua County? Are the people suffering? Deputy Mayor Liu Zexin asked.

Yes, Mayor Liu, if you don't study well enough, I will definitely hold a meeting when I go back and focus on it. Wang Zhibo, a senior county official, replied humbly.

“Don’t create a gust of wind, make it normal.” Deputy Mayor Liu Zexin said, “Actually, your county has such a high-quality and responsible environmental protection enterprise as [Bikong Environmental Protection Development Co., Ltd.], why not let other enterprises in the county Should industrial sewage and medical sewage be contracted to them? In this way, enterprises can save worry, and Mr. Wang and his company [Bikong Environmental Protection Development Co., Ltd.] can also develop. Isn't this a win-win result?

Yes, Mayor Liu, I and other colleagues in the county government think so too, and we are all assisting Mr. Wang and his company in their work, but it still takes time. Wang Zhibo said.

Senior Official Wang, I suggest that Longhua County should attach great importance to this issue and use the power of [Bikong Environmental Protection Development Co., Ltd.] to make the environment of the entire Longhua County beautiful and build Longhua County into our Luzhou City’s [Model County] has also become a national flag for restoring green waters and green mountains. This is not just my personal opinion. Before I came here, I also exchanged opinions with Zheng, a senior official in the city, and he also considered it this way.

Mayor Liu, don't worry. After I go back, I will attach great importance to this matter and will not let down the city's expectations of us. Wang Zhibo, a senior county official, straightened his body and said loudly, like a military order, but in the next second, He was hesitant to speak and said, It's just...

Just what? Deputy Mayor Liu Zexin asked with a raised eyebrow.

It's just Mr. Wang and his charges... County senior official Wang Zhibo looked at Wang Hang.

If you are not a master, you don’t know how difficult it is to be a master.

Do you think Wang Zhibo knows the sewage discharge situation of enterprises in the county? He must know.

But that was the social situation before.

Enterprises across the country have overcapacity, which is an industry that is inflamed.

If you force people to engage in environmental protection, if the cost is high, the company will be unable to increase prices, profits will fall, and even losses will occur, and the company will go bankrupt.

If a company closes down, there will be a large number of unemployed workers. Gu Xiao

When the unemployment rate is high, society will be unstable, and a vicious cycle will form.

Therefore, in the past, senior county officials Wang Zhibo and others had a clear conscience and turned a blind eye.

However, now that the country attaches great importance to environmental protection, the situation is different.

Every company has to pay for environmental protection. In other words, everyone's costs have risen equally. If everyone increases prices together, then everyone's competitiveness will remain the same.

Of course, some companies have low environmental protection costs, while others have high environmental protection costs.

There will be a difference.

If the environmental protection price offered by Bikong Environmental Protection Development Co., Ltd. is too high, then the company will not be able to bear it.

That's why senior county official Wang Zhibo said this.

Wang Hang immediately replied, Senior Wang, don't worry. Mr. Wu of our group has said that in order to support the development of enterprises in the county, the sewage treatment fees we charge will definitely be 20% cheaper than what they would pay for their own treatment. To 30%. Moreover, our treatment is comprehensive, even the solid industrial waste they generate, we can also bring it back to the [Bikong Waste Treatment Plant] for recycling, classification, processing and reuse!

Then I would like to thank you on behalf of the business friends in Longhua County, Mr. Wang. Wang Zhibo, a senior county official, said, When the time comes, come to the county government and let's study together what to do about this matter!

Okay. Thank you, Senior Official Wang! Thank you, Mayor Liu! Wang Hang responded excitedly.

With the government's endorsement, it will be easier for them to undertake the task of contracting corporate industrial sewage and medical sewage.

Do a good job! Vice Mayor Liu Zexin smiled, patted Wang Hang on the shoulder, and said, Do you have anything good to show me? Don't hide it.

It really does! Mayor Liu, Senior Official Wang, please come with me, take a look at the [Ring of Wisdom] our company has just built, and give us some suggestions. With that, Wang Hang took Liu Zexin and Wang Zhibo to In a newly painted office building.

In the spacious hall, there are desks connected one after another. There are computers and telephones on the desks, but there are not many staff wearing uniforms, only a few.

Wang Hang introduced the two leaders, Mayor Liu, Senior Official Wang, this is our dispatch center. Because there is currently little business, the staff are not fully in place yet.

Liu Zexin and Wang Zhibo both nodded.

Next, Wang Hang pointed to the big screen on the wall directly opposite the desk, and said to the two leaders with a proud tone, Two leaders, this is where our company spends a lot of energy and money on the motherland. The [Smart Ring] created with the help of colleagues from the company’s Internet Division, which we also call internally the [Environmental Protection Brain], uses modern technologies such as AI to protect our green waters and green mountains.”

After hearing what Wang Hang said, Liu Zexin and Wang Zhibo looked up at the big screen.

On the big screen was a grid-shaped three-dimensional simple map of Hualonghua County.

On both sides of the map are various data that are constantly refreshed.

When the two leaders looked a little confused, a grid on the three-dimensional Longhua County map suddenly turned red, and then a green box appeared, listing some situations on the box.

The next second, the computer of the female staff member on the desk below dinged, and a message was received. The female staff member looked at it, pressed a few computer keys, and connected to a certain phone number.

Hello, there is a suspected leak in the water supply pipeline on Lingtang Road, Longhua County. Please go and deal with it as soon as possible.

Okay! came the short response from a man with a rough voice on the other side of the phone.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …

Mr. Wang, what is going on? Deputy Mayor Liu Zexin asked in surprise.

Haha, Mayor Liu, just now our [Wisdom Ring] detected a leak in a water supply pipe somewhere in Longhua County, and then reported it to our staff, who dispatched maintenance personnel to the scene immediately to deal with it. Wang Hang laughed and said proudly.

Did this just happen? Deputy Mayor Liu Zexin asked with surprise on his face.

Yes, once the system detects it, it will immediately send out a reminder message. Wang Hangdao.

Mr. Wang, I'm curious about such a magical system. Can you tell us in detail? At this time, Wang Zhibo, a senior official in Longhua County, also intervened.

Of course, two leaders. Wang Hang nodded, and then his expression became serious. He said, The [Smart Ring] management platform is an [Internet + environmental protection] management system developed by our group with heavy investment. It is a smart environmental management system. The platform covers a city's water sources [water intake], water plants [water production], pipe networks [water transmission], pressurization [water delivery], water households [water use] and other water affairs links, as well as garbage [classification], [Cleaning], [Processing], [Supervision], and environmental monitoring are integrated into the celestial system to realize full-process remote supervision and intelligent linkage control, which can optimize production scheduling, ensure efficient water supply, and promote energy conservation and reduction. Reducing waste and accelerating waste circulation is an important way for environmental protection to operate intelligently with the support of modern information technology.

Our system has opened up the entire business chain of sanitation and water affairs, connecting every link in the business chain to establish interconnection.

“For example, the videos recorded by the driving recorders on sanitation vehicles during the daily operation of the vehicles will be uploaded to the [Smart Ring] management system to automatically conduct intelligent analysis and discover issues related to environmental protection, such as garbage Accumulation, water leakage, water theft, etc. will be flagged and automatically distributed to the nearest staff member for handling.

Similar examples include the [Official Information Management System] and the [District Metering Management System] in water affairs. Once the data is incorrect, such as a leak in a water pipe causing a deviation in water volume, the system will quickly issue an alarm to remind you.

Mayor Liu, Senior Official Wang, what you just saw is a similar situation. Of course, there is a lot of data used in the comprehensive calculation behind the system, not just the two system data I just gave an example of.

This system has several major advantages - [Integrated data, real-time monitoring], [Linked control, optimized scheduling], [Summary display, automatic reminder], [Intelligent analysis, deep learning]!

It's impossible for people to stay awake 24 hours a day, but machines can. The application of [Smart Ring] has helped our company's overall staff efficiency increase by more than 15%, and the energy consumption of water production and supply units has dropped by 10%. 12. The operational reliability of decentralized sewage management facilities has been improved by 25%, urban sanitation efficiency has been optimized by 20% than before, and the company's overall economic efficiency can be improved by more than 10%, achieving good economic benefits. , management benefits and social benefits.”

For example, the water plant in Longhua County, before we took over, needed to draw water from the upper reaches of the Qingshui River. The entire production process was relatively complex and required a large number of staff. However, after transformation, with the support of digital and intelligent technology, The manpower has been greatly reduced, and a two-person team can manage and control many processes in the entire plant through the intelligent control system in the central control room. There are only a few people in the entire water plant, and it is almost a fully automatic inspection.

Wang Hang became more and more proud as he spoke.

Vice Mayor Liu Zexin’s eyes became brighter and brighter as he listened.

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