I'm collecting golden fingers from all over the world

Chapter 8 Eight-Door Golden Lock Formation

A dazzling light flashed.

Wu Siyuan and others came to a strange sea.

The surrounding area is foggy.

There is an eight-ray magic array pattern paved with stone slabs on the ground. It is also inlaid with magic talismans with pearls, and the pearls are also shining with the reflection of the sun.

You can see the sea water behind the Pearl Magic Array, blocked by countless reefs, forming lines of mist in your sight.

These rocks are laid out according to a certain pattern, forming a water-based blinding magic circle.

Ferguson Xu stood next to him like a dog-legger, nodded and bowed, and introduced, Master Richard, more than a thousand years ago, our ancestors signed a treaty with the Sea Tribe to access the seven seas. In addition to his own strength, he also helped Several sea kingdoms have imprisoned several super-level monsters that have harmed one party, and they are using the [Eight-Door Golden Lock Formation]!

It's a pity that many things have been lost in a thousand years. Ferguson Xu's voice was full of regret, he said, This [Eight-Door Golden Lock Formation] is also famous in the Yunqin Empire. It doesn't require magic power, it just relies on placing something in different directions to produce a wonderful confinement ability.

Master Richard, how do you know this place? Finally, Ferguson Xu asked curiously.

Not only him, but Helen Lena, several vixens, Avril, Ningyu, and the Mermaid King all looked over curiously.

Especially the Mermaid King.

After Wu Siyuan exiled his son and consolidated the power of Haiguo, he summoned him and ordered him to bring Wu Siyuan here.

And this place has always been the top secret in several sea countries.

Even Avril Lavigne doesn't know this place, but Wu Siyuan does, and it looks very familiar.

How could the Mermaid King not be curious?

Wu Siyuan smiled slightly when he heard this, My instructor told me.

Because he was so different, Wu Siyuan made up a mysterious and powerful mentor for himself.

It was this mentor who taught Wu Siyuan many things and trained him to become a talented person.

As for who his mentor is? So feel free to guess.

Wu Siyuan doesn't even know who his mentor is!

Although the group of people were allowed to think endlessly, Wu Siyuan had no intention of explaining. He took the lead and soon arrived at an island blocked by the [Eight-Door Golden Lock Formation].

You can't see the edge ahead at a glance. There seem to be several small hills stretching in the distance, surrounded by coconut trees and countless shrubs. There are countless giant stone statues leaning here and there among the messy berry bushes. Weeds are growing on the road ahead. Countless wild flowers are blooming everywhere.

Except for the Mermaid King, everyone else was intoxicated by such beautiful scenery.

Helen Lena walked quickly to Wu Siyuan and asked in a low voice, Richard, what are we doing here?

When Avril saw it, she felt jealous, and followed her to the other side of Wu Siyuan, grabbed one of Wu Siyuan's hands, and said coquettishly, My Richard, what are we doing here?

Wu Siyuan felt a wry smile in his heart. Too many women would be troublesome. He glanced at Ningyu beside him calmly and suddenly felt that this woman was still very important.

It's a pity that the relationship between the two has not reached this point yet.

It was easy for Wu Siyuan to get Ningyu, but it was useless to get her heart.

This is a woman who is soft on the outside but strong on the inside.

These thoughts flashed through Wu Siyuan's mind quickly.

He pretended to be impartial and said, I am a Behemoth priest. Of course I am here to contract a demon pet.

Magic pet? Richard, is there a magic pet on this island that you like? Mermaid Princess Avril was stunned for a moment and asked in a naive voice.

Helen Lena, on the other hand, reacted quickly. There was a hint of disbelief in her eyes. She looked at Wu Siyuan and asked, Richard, are you interested in the super-level magical beast that is sealed here?

Well! Helen, don't you think they are worthy of us? Wu Siyuan nodded and then asked.

But... Helen Lena bit her tongue and said, Richard, you also said that these super-level monsters are all causing trouble, so they were sealed by the Sea Tribe.

They must be very cunning and cruel.

How can such a monster be willing to sign a magic pet contract with us? the little vixen said solemnly.

The way she thinks to sign a contract with a demon pet is to pour out your feelings while singing the [Psychic War Song], and use singing to express whatever feelings you want to express. Only in this way can you make the magic beast understand you. Feel your inner thoughts.

Each monster has a certain level of intelligence. The higher the level, the more powerful the monsters are. Once they can accept you, they will make a contract with you.

The little vixen used this method to sign a contract with the monster before.

But this method does not include super-level monsters.

The intelligence of super-level monsters is no lower than that of humans, and even exceeds it by a lot.

Different super-level monsters have different personalities, but they are generally aloof. Whether humans or Behemoths, they are all food or ants to them.

If you want to sign a magic pet contract with a super-level monster, it depends more on your luck.

Once they meet each other, even the lowest level altar priest can successfully sign a contract.

If you don't like it, the chance of being eaten is much higher.

Of course this is not absolute!

In the original work, Liu Zhenshao's godson [Guo Guo], who is a low-level monster, fell in love with a super-level monster from the east, so after using the [War Song Scroll], the two actually signed a contract. The contract was successful.

A low-level magic beast actually has a super-level magic beast as a familiar, which really shocked many people's jaws.

However, this situation is very rare, and can even be said to be unprecedented. It is estimated that there has only been one such case in tens of thousands of years.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………

Faced with Helen Lena's doubts, Wu Siyuan smiled mysteriously and said, They will agree.

When Avril saw Wu Siyuan talking to Helen and ignoring her, she felt unhappy, snorted and became sulky.

Wu Siyuan noticed it and ignored her.

The Mermaid King has been secretly paying attention to Avril. Seeing that she was unhappy, he wanted to say something, opened his mouth, and finally closed it, turning into a silent and helpless sigh.

By this time, they had arrived at a huge swamp, with endless water plants and wild sage trees as tall as a person blocking all sight.

The temperature of the swamp is very warm and humid, and there seems to be a hint of sweetness in the air. The berries and rose bushes in the grass are blooming with small white flowers and small red berries. Occasionally, small animals are brought out with a squeak sound. Splashes of water and the chirping of unknown wild birds could be heard in the distance.

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