I'm collecting golden fingers from all over the world

Chapter 3: Predicting the future and upgrading abilities

[Illuminati] soldiers were driven to climb onto this magnificent instrument.

As the time for the Nine Stars Continuum got closer and closer, this magnificent instrument began to move.

The middlemost and largest star, the sun, lit up.

Powell's eyes flickered and he said meaningfully, It's begun.

Wu Siyuan was standing next to Laura. He reminded Laura who was eager to try, The other half must be on the sun.

Laura glanced at Wu Siyuan in surprise, but she also agreed with Wu Siyuan's view.

She thought for a moment, climbed up the astral instrument, and nimbly approached the sun in the middle. She took the [Eternal Divine Eye] thrown by Powell and successfully embedded it into the astral instrument. Suddenly, Labor Ra was sucked into the sun orb.

The expressions of the leader of the [Illuminati Society], Powell and others were unpredictable. Only Wu Siyuan, the old god, was there, looking confident.

Not long after, Laura came out of the Sun Astral Instrument, holding the other half of the [Divine Light Triangle] in her hand.

It was at this time that the nine stars formed a line.

The leader of the [Illuminati] held two pieces of the [Divine Light Triangle] in both hands, and announced loudly and solemnly, We will now combine the two halves into one, and combine the past and the present. We - the Illuminating Prophets The Society, will control time and fulfill the sacred promises we made to our ancestors, and soon, the entire world will...

The leader of the [Illuminati] did not notice his most capable horse boy, Powell. His eyes were getting more and more impatient, and he only heard him say, Too much nonsense!

With his gesture, the soldiers immediately opened fire on the leader of the [Illuminati], hitting him dozens of times. This guy who was famous and powerful in the real world died completely without even having a chance to say his last words.

The situation suddenly fell under Powell's control.

Including Laura and Wu Siyuan, they were all pointed at gunpoint by Powell's soldiers.

Powell, on the other hand, picked up two pieces of [Divine Light Triangle] and put them together.

The [Divine Light Triangle] was missing and could not be perfectly integrated. Powell's face suddenly became ugly.

Wu Siyuan and Laura were standing not far behind Powell.

Wu Siyuan smiled and said, It's not like you hoped, right?

Powell's expression changed. He heard the sound of betrayal from these words. He did not look back, but took something out of his pocket and said, I have an intuition about this. After all, you are a genius. daughter.

As he spoke, he shot the flying knife in his hand at Wu Siyuan quickly, accurately and hard.

The speed was so fast that Laura next to him didn’t even react.

She could only watch helplessly as the flying knife hit Wu Siyuan's heart and was about to be inserted into his body.

At this moment, a phantom appeared in front of Wu Siyuan. When Laura reacted, she realized that the flying knife had been caught in Wu Siyuan's hand.

Oh, this is not polite. Wu Siyuan looked at the flying knife in his hand contemptuously, and said to Powell with a half-smile.

Powell also didn't expect that Wu Siyuan could easily catch his sneak attack and frowned, but he quickly returned to normal. With just a wave of his hand, all the soldiers pointed their guns at them.

Powell then said to Wu Siyuan with a victor's attitude, Really? Then I can only ask you to leave this world.

With that said, the soldiers were about to shoot and kill Wu Siyuan.

He himself is a betrayer, so he hates betrayers even more.

But Wu Siyuan's movements were obviously faster than him. With just a wave of his hand, four or five [Transformers] suddenly appeared in the dark cave. They struck preemptively, and with their muzzles with sights, they immediately struck. Kill all the soldiers in this cave, including Powell.

Sorry, I can only ask you to leave this world. Wu Siyuan sent this sentence to Powell intact.

Powell died with his eyes open.

Wu Siyuan turned around and took away the [Eternal Divine Eye] from Laura's hand.

Laura looked at Wu Siyuan closely, her eyes full of scrutiny. At this moment, seeing so many [Transformers], she did not panic or be afraid, but asked calmly, I misjudged you.

Who are you? Are you also a remnant of the light?

Wu Siyuan's ability to release [Transformers] is not something ordinary people can do, so Wu Siyuan is regarded as a [Remnant of Light].

Only [the remnants of light] can master this supernatural power.

My dear, I am not [the remnant of the light], and you don't have to worry. I have no ill intentions towards this world. Take what I want and I will leave. After saying that, Wu Siyuan kissed Laura's sexy He thickened his lips, then turned around and took out the last fragment of the [Triangle of Divine Light] hidden in the [Eternal Divine Eye].

Wu Siyuan put the fragments into the combined [Divine Light Triangle], and the [Divine Light Triangle] suddenly merged into a perfect body, suddenly emitting terrifying time power, and involved Wu Siyuan.

Wu Siyuan walked in the dimension of time and came to an ancient city in the blink of an eye.

That was the big city built on the crater by the people of light five thousand years ago.

At the central altar, Wu Siyuan ran along the [Pyramid of Light] and got the [Triangle of Divine Light] at the top.

Suddenly, endless torrent of time flowed around him.

Wu Siyuan only felt that he had the ability to walk in the time dimension.

If he wanted, he could follow the timeline and travel to the past.

A text box appeared in front of me:

You are affected by the torrent of time, and your ability to [predict the future] is improved. You can sometimes see fragments of the distant future.

This is a tip from [Shennongjiao Space].

The [predicting the future] ability has actually been improved, which is really an unexpected surprise for Wu Siyuan.

The joy in his eyes has not faded yet, and another prompt box pops up in front of him:

You are stimulated by the torrent of time, your body begins to show signs of becoming a four-dimensional creature, and you begin to transform into a four-dimensional creature.

Fourth dimension? Wu Siyuan, who saw this prompt, murmured this word. Suddenly, his ability to [predict the future] was activated, and time passed. He saw the situation in the near future, and saw that he was in the [divine light] Under the stimulation of Triangle, it continued to become four-dimensional, and finally in the process of dimensionality, it could not withstand the erosion of the power of time and disintegrated.

Going 4D is never easy.

In the world of Dawn of the Age, the only one who can finally achieve four-dimensional transformation and maintain his sanity is the protagonist. The other person who succeeded in four-dimensional transformation was also impacted by the information flow, lost his mind, and became a four-dimensional beast.

Others, however, perished.

Wu Siyuan suddenly broke into a cold sweat when he saw his future. He controlled the power of the [Divine Light Triangle] and jumped out of the timeline and returned to the real world.

Laura looked at Wu Siyuan who suddenly appeared with complicated eyes.

Wu Siyuan's expression was very ugly.

He returned to the real world, but the power of the [Divine Light Triangle] was still acting on him, which meant that his four-dimensional transformation was still continuing.

No, the [Divine Light Triangle] must be solved to change the outcome of his failure to ascend to the next dimension.

As soon as Wu Siyuan thought, a gun appeared in his hand.

And the [Divine Light Triangle] also appeared in front of him.

Wu Siyuan fired at the [Divine Light Triangle], and the entire [Divine Light Triangle] suddenly fell into endless fragments.

At this time, Wu Siyuan felt that the four-dimensional process in his body had stopped.

In the movie, Laura also obtained the [Triangle of Divine Light] and gained the power to control time. She can walk in the past and change the fate of others.

She traveled back more than a decade to talk to her father.

Her father refuses for Laura to change his fate of eventual death.

Because he is familiar with this treasure and knows that changing the past will eventually cost him.

He loves his daughter and doesn't want Laura to pay the price for him.

Laura went back to a few minutes ago, and she changed the death outcome of Alex, the man possessed by Wu Siyuan.

Because of the closeness of the timeline, the price Laura paid was not high, it could even be said to be minimal.

But from beginning to end, Laura never passively turned on [four-dimensionalization] like Wu Siyuan.

Maybe Laura's personal strength cannot compare with Wu Siyuan, so she is not even qualified to activate [Fourth Dimension], Wu Siyuan thought.

Wu Siyuan actually still wants to embark on the path of [four-dimensionalization], but not now, but in the future.

When his strength reaches a certain level, he can turn on [Fourth Dimension] and embark on the ultimate sublimation of life!

As for now...

Wu Siyuan looked at the [Divine Light Triangle] scattered into pieces. Suddenly, another prompt box appeared in front of his eyes:

An unknown mysterious substance has been detected. After absorption, it will cause inestimable changes in space. Is it absorbed?

Incalculable changes? Looking at the prompt box, Wu Siyuan hesitated for a moment, but still couldn't bear to part with this magical treasure, so he said, Absorb!

Suddenly, all the [Divine Light Triangle], like a tired bird returning to its nest, like a hundred rivers returning to the sea, were all sucked into the [Shennong Corner Space].

Wu Siyuan's consciousness has been paying attention to this matter, and he saw that after the fine debris of the [Divine Light Triangle] was sucked in, it dissipated bit by bit.

The whole space seems to have undergone some kind of change, but it seems not.

He studied for a while and found nothing, so he had to give up for the time being.

When he came back to his senses, he saw Laura who had been staring at him.

Laura said, “You should give me an explanation.”

Wu Siyuan grinned, Let's get out of here first.

After saying that, he put all the [Transformers] into the [Shennong Corner Space], and then pulled Laura out of this dark cave.

It's so exciting!

A few days later, Wu Siyuan, a few days after Ms. Laura, left this world.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………

This trip to the world of Tomb Raider was very short, but it gained a lot.

Ms. Laura will not talk about her. Just the improvement in the [Future Prediction] skill brought by the power of the [Divine Light Triangle] is a worthwhile trip.

In the past, Wu Siyuan could only see what happened within the next 2 minutes, and he could only see it once a day. It was really a bit useless. Wu Siyuan even used it to trade stocks. Later, stock trading had the powerful artificial intelligence Four-Armed King Kong. With comprehensive planning, the ability of [predicting the future] is even more useless.

But now, after the [Future Prediction] ability has been upgraded, Wu Siyuan can see fragments of the more distant future.

Of course, there are still many restrictions.

This is not an active skill. Wu Siyuan can only passively accept information from the future.

Still, better than nothing.

In addition, although the [Divine Light Triangle] was shattered, the fragments and remnants were absorbed by the [Shennong Corner Space]. Although Wu Siyuan has not noticed any changes, his intuition told himself that this is not bad, but there will be Huge benefit.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …

Because of the exposure of identity, it brings a lot of influence.

Even after traveling through the world of Tomb Raider, there is still a lot left.

I believe that it won’t take long for the energy in this nameless ring to be filled up again, taking Wu Siyuan’s soul through the world again.

Or Wu Siyuan takes the initiative to do something that can increase his influence, which can also speed up this process.

Just when Wu Siyuan was thinking about what industry to develop to increase his influence, a flash appeared in front of him, and information from the future appeared in his mind without warning.

The pig farmer with a sad face watched helplessly as his pigs were killed and buried, losing all their money.

The price of pork has skyrocketed. The 10-yuan Longjiang pig's trotter rice has disappeared from the menu. You can only get a few pieces of pig's trotters with the 15-yuan pig's trotter rice.

You keep saying you don't want to go to work. What kind of family do you have? Do you have pigs at home?


It took a long time for Wu Siyuan to recover from the torrent of information about the future.

The message delivered from the future this time is actually very simple. In the final analysis, it is one thing: the price of pork is rising.

Not an ordinary price increase, but a skyrocketing increase!

The price of pork even exceeded 30 yuan per pound.

Although [Chaoqun Group]'s [Sanwei Xiang Pig] sells for more than 50 yuan per pound, this is high-end pork and cannot be generalized.

Wu Siyuan will see information in the future, but the price of ordinary pork has risen to more than 30 yuan per pound.

You must know that now in 2017, due to the support of pork demand brought by festivals such as the Spring Festival and Lantern Festival, the price of live pigs has increased, reaching 9 yuan per catty, which is already a high price.

But there is still a gap of 21 yuan between the price of live pigs of 30 yuan per pound.

In the commodity circulation link, even if it is only an increase of 50 cents, the terminal link will show an exponential expansion.

Wu Siyuan couldn't even imagine how exaggerated the price would be if it were distributed to retail terminals with a difference of 21 yuan per pound.

How many points will this increase the national CPI?

cpi is the abbreviation of consumer price index in English, which means [price index].

It is one of the numbers used by the government to measure inflation.

According to popular understanding, cpi is the percentage increase in the price of goods on the market.

Just like, if a watermelon sells for 100 yuan this year and 105 yuan next year, the percentage of its price increase (5%) is the CPI of the watermelon.

According to market conditions, under normal circumstances, in a market economy country, a CPI of 2-3% is within the acceptable range.

But it is obvious that pork has a special significance in China. The CPI raised by this is more than 3%!

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