I'm collecting golden fingers from all over the world

Chapter 1 The Divine Light Triangle, the Illuminati, Laura and her ex-boyfriend

Because the influence brought by the identity exposure has greatly increased, the nameless ring in Wu Siyuan's hand is once again full of energy.

Years later, after Wu Siyuan handled the group's affairs, he started a new round of time travel without hesitation.

Darkness comes and consciousness sinks.

When there was light in front of his eyes again and Wu Siyuan woke up, he found himself in an apartment full of British-style decoration.

In front of him was a mirror.

Wu Siyuan took a look and saw that the man reflected in the mirror had blond hair, blue eyes and a lean figure.

Have you traveled through time to a Western race? Wu Siyuan's heart moved, and the memory of this body covered him like a tide.

Because the original Wu Siyuan has reached the [Foundation Establishment Stage] in cultivating immortals, and his soul has been condensed, this wave of memory has long been unable to have much impact on him.

Wu Siyuan easily absorbed the memory of this body, and knew his name - Alex West, and his identity - a young archaeologist on the surface, but a tomb robber in reality.

Wu Siyuan also saw in Alex West's memory a woman with whom he had a deep bond - Lara Croft, a sexy woman with a 36D bulging figure.

They met during archeology, he was an archaeologist, and Lara Croft claimed to be a photojournalist at the time. During the adventure, the two were attracted to each other, and eventually fell in love, but in the end they were in trouble in the face of interests. , the two parted ways.

Alex West, who was born in poverty, has a strong pursuit of money. At the end of the archeology, Alex West quietly took away the medieval antiquities [Prayer] that the two of them had jointly obtained in exchange for what he wanted. of money.

Lara Croft couldn't accept this. So far, the relationship between the two lovers, who were once very close, has plummeted and they have never been in contact.

Lara Croft is different from Alex West. She was born in England on February 14, 1968, and is the daughter of Henry Crawford.

The Crawford family has a long history in England. In 1547, King Edward VI granted the Crawford family the property rights and residence rights in the Abingdon area of ​​Surrey.

The Crawford family estate includes three separate manor houses, two of which are held on their behalf by the National Trust.

Lara Croft grew up in the superior conditions of the aristocracy - she had nothing to worry about, servants were by her side, and she lived a carefree life in the embrace of the upper class.

She does not understand the pain of lack of money.

Even though her family wanted her to marry Earl Farrington, Laura was unwilling to cooperate. She gave up her superior and wealthy life, lost her family's funding, and began to rely on writing to earn her travel expenses.

But after making some major archaeological discoveries and publishing her adventure diary, she became famous and her wealth began to roll in.

Therefore, Laura cannot understand Alex West's obsession with money.

For money, Alex West can do many things that Laura does not approve of.

Wu Siyuan did not make any comment on the original owner's moral values. What he cared about was the woman who appeared in the original owner's memory - Lara Croft, who looked very similar to the sexy American actress Angelina Jolie. Women, especially the pair of kings, made the original owner Alex West never forget them.

Seeing her, Wu Siyuan knew the world he was in - the world of the movie Tomb Raider.

I didn't expect to come to this world! I just don't know where the timeline is going? Wu Siyuan's eyes flashed, and he stood in front of the mirror, thinking thoughtfully.

At this time, there was a sudden knock on the door.

Wu Siyuan's eyes moved and he glanced past a certain drawer of the desk, where there was a semi-automatic pistol.

Alex West has a habit of carrying a gun with him when he goes out.

But there is no need for Wu Siyuan. The skills brought by [Shennongjiao Space] alone are enough for him to dominate the world.

He calmly walked to the door and opened it.

Outside the door, there was a handsome young man with fluffy blond hair, wearing a suit, but he looked a little uncomfortable and looked a little funny.

Hello, Mr. West, the man said.

Who are you? Wu Siyuan asked calmly.

I'm Mr. Pimms. Mr. Powell's assistant, the funny-looking man said.

Wu Siyuan felt that the name was a bit familiar, and he asked, So, Mr. Pimms, why did you come to see me?

The man who called himself Pimms smiled shyly when he heard this, and then said, Mr. Powell noticed that Mr. West, you are an outstanding archaeologist, and he happened to have something about archeology, and asked for West's help. Thank you for your help, Mr.

What kind of archeology is it about? Wu Siyuan asked with a thought.

Mr. Powell will have to discuss this with you personally, including your remuneration. If it is convenient for you now, I can take you there now, Pims said.

Then let's go. Wu Siyuan motioned to Pims.

Pims was stunned for a moment, then showed a shy but excited smile and walked ahead to lead the way.

Arriving downstairs, Wu Siyuan got into a Rolls-Royce and Pimms drove. After a while, the car stopped in front of a magnificent building.

Pims led Wu Siyuan to a luxurious hall in this building.

A man dressed in black, with a slicked back hair, a horse face, and sinister eyes met him.

Powell. The man sat on the red sofa and introduced himself concisely.

West. Wu Siyuan sat down opposite Powell and replied concisely.

Powell looked deeply into Wu Siyuan's eyes, suddenly smiled and said, I like your eyes.

Wu Siyuan looked at Powell without speaking.

Powell continued talking on his own, Your eyes are very much like mine, full of ambition and unwillingness.

Mr. Powell, time flies. Wasting other people's time is tantamount to murdering people. If you come to me and just talk about these things, then there is no need for us to continue communicating. After all, time is money. Wu Siyuan actually guessed Knowing the purpose of Powell's visit to him, and knowing the [Tomb Raider] timeline he was currently in, he was quite disgusted with Powell's roundabout way of speaking.

Powell was not angry either. He smiled brightly and said, Two million pounds is the price for my hiring you this time. If your performance during the process satisfies me, you can continue to increase your compensation.

Wu Siyuan's eyes immediately showed strong interest. In fact, he didn't want to do this, but this was the character of the original owner, Alex West. He said, I think I have time, sir. Is there anything I can do for you? ?”

I need you to use your rich archaeological experience, I mean, your many years of experience in tomb robbing, to help me get something from those historical monuments. Powell said.

Where? What historic site? Wu Siyuan asked.

You will know then. Mr. West, what you need to do now is to have a good rest and think about your life after becoming a millionaire. Powell stood up, straightened his collar, and went deeper into the room. Walk everywhere.

Wu Siyuan turned around and left without hesitation. There was no use for him to stay here.

Half an hour later, Pims sent Wu Siyuan back to Alex's apartment.

In the apartment, Wu Siyuan was deep in thought.

He has determined that he is currently at the beginning of the timeline of the first Tomb Raider movie.

The first Tomb Raider mainly tells the story of Lara Croft and an organization called the Illuminati fighting for the treasure Triangle of Light.

[Divine Light Triangle] is not simple. It originated from a meteorite that fell to the earth five thousand years ago when the nine stars were connected in a line.

The local people used the metal in the meteorite to forge the Triangle of Divine Light. They called themselves the people of light and built a big city on top of the crater, where they worshiped the Triangle of Divine Light.

[Divine Light Triangle] can control time, and those who possess it will have a power to do good or evil.

Because of the misuse of this power, the entire city was destroyed due to the backlash of time.

In order to ensure that no one can master this power, the survivors split the [Divine Light Triangle] in half and hid them at opposite ends of the earth.

But five thousand years later, when the Nine Stars Lianzhu came again, those remnants of light formed the organization [Illuminati]. They wanted to obtain the [Triangle of Divine Light] and resurrect their ancestor, the one who controlled the power of time. The [High Priest of Light] once again rules the entire world.

Laura's father was once a member of the [Illuminati] and held a high position, but he did not recognize the ideas of the [Illuminati], so he betrayed the [Illuminati] and obtained the [Eternal Eye] from the ancient tomb. He was hidden, and he himself was killed in Venice by Powell, a minion of the [Illuminati].

The [Eternal Divine Eye] is a bell, a key, a [Key to the Door] specially created by those who hid the [Triangle of Divine Light].

Without it, you cannot open the mechanism within a specific time and get the [Triangle of Divine Light]!

It's important!

Now that the plot has not started, Wu Siyuan, who recalled the entire plot of the movie, did know where the [Eternal Divine Eye] was hiding. It was in a secret room in Laura's family manor. He also knew about the two [Divine Light Triangle] The locations are respectively Angkor Wat in Cambodia and Ten Thousand Shadows Cave in Siberia.

But knowing doesn’t mean it’s easy to get.

The mechanism needs to be opened within a specific time, otherwise, some accidents may occur.

Wu Siyuan had other ideas in mind, so he did not plan to be the first to take the lead for the time being, but planned to be a [fisherman].

[Divine Light Triangle] Such a mysterious thing that can control time is not only interesting to the [Illuminati], Wu Siyuan is also very interested.

That's time!

Wu Siyuan still remembers that in the later part of the movie, the Triangle of Divine Light was successfully put together. Laura and Powell, who were closest to each other, were sucked into a magical dimension and ran on the Pyramid of Light. In the end, Laura was one step ahead. , grabbed the [Triangle of Divine Light] hanging on the top of the pyramid, and mastered the power of time. As a loser, Powell in this period was exiled by time.

Laura, who returned to reality, went back in time to the moment before her ex-boyfriend Alex West, the man possessed by Wu Siyuan, was hit by Powell's flying knife and fork.

Time is frozen at this moment.

Laura changed the direction with her throwing knife.

Time flows again, and the flying knife shoots at Powell.

Laura can change the direction of the flying knife, and naturally she can do other things.

What a powerful force this is!

Even though Wu Siyuan has traveled through so many worlds and has seen so much, when he thinks of the power of the [Divine Light Triangle], he can't help but feel amazed.

He wants to decide on this! Wu Siyuan made this decision in his heart.

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One day later, Wu Siyuan saw in the surveillance video from the Four-Armed King Kong that Laura found the old clock hidden in the secret room at home. After smashing the clock, Laura got the Eternal Eye.

The next day, Laura took the [Eternal Divine Eye] to the auction house and found a friend of her father's lifetime, asking him to help identify this [Eternal Divine Eye].

The antique appraiser looked at the [Eternal Divine Eye] with complicated eyes, but still denied that he didn’t know about it, and Laura left calmly.

That night, Laura received a call from the antique appraiser, who introduced someone to Laura for appraisal. This person was none other than Powell. At this time, Laura had already sensed something was wrong, and cursed as she put down the phone. [Asshole], but Laura still decided to go and meet Powell for a while.

On the morning of the third day, Laura went to see Powell with a photo of the [Eternal Divine Eye]. Powell felt regretful, but did not show it. He talked nonsense to Laura, and what he ultimately meant was that he did not know about this thing.

Laura went back dissatisfied. That night, Laura was attacked by armed men. Although everyone was safe, the [Eternal Eye] was taken away.

On the morning of the fourth day, Wu Siyuan also received a notice from Pims, asking him to take a special plane to Angkor Wat in Cambodia, which was his first working place.

Wu Siyuan was naturally happy to go.

At the same time, Laura received a letter arranged by her father before his death, and learned about the origin of the [Eternal Eye] and the existence of the [Illuminati], so she used the power of the mercenary group she had trained in, Within fifteen hours, armed with sophisticated weapons and an off-road jeep, they arrived in Cambodia and saw Powell's group of people organizing a large group of local people who were violently digging graves.

Of course, Laura also saw Wu Siyuan with her binoculars.

But what Laura didn't know was that Wu Siyuan discovered Laura's location before she saw Wu Siyuan.

It can be said that for so many days, Laura’s every move has been in Wu Siyuan’s eyes.

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