I'm collecting golden fingers from all over the world

Chapter Six: Great potential, experimental process (please subscribe and recommend)

Of course Wu Siyuan will not use the Hydrocarbon Degrading Bacteria Mixture to threaten the world's oil security like the Russians in The Agent Next Door.

He doesn't want to be the enemy of the world alone. He just wants to silently increase his influence in the world, accumulate more powerful energy for the Nameless Iron Ring, take him through more worlds, and finally obtain [One Person Super God] the power of.

But [hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria hybrid] still has its place.

Garbage disposal industry!

To be precise, it has great potential in the domestic waste treatment industry.

After all, without a series of petroleum product waste such as plastics, the entire domestic waste sorting will reduce a lot of workload, which in turn will bring about a reduction in waste costs.

Although plastic recycling can bring some income, it is nothing compared to the recycling of the entire industry.

The food waste in domestic waste can be made into organic fertilizer and supplied to Wu Siyuan’s organic fertilizer factory to make [organic liquid fertilizer]!

Of course, now that I think about the blueprint, it is still very beautiful. I feel that I can become the king of garbage recycling as soon as I enter the industry!

It’s just that every other line is like a mountain!

This is different from Wu Siyuan's involvement in the planting industry.

In the planting industry, there is [Shennongjiao Space]. Wu Siyuan knows that he will not lose money no matter what, it is just a matter of making more or less.

In the waste treatment industry, tens or even hundreds of millions of dollars have to be invested just to build a waste treatment plant.

In the process of recycling and processing, miscalculation in any link will lead to a sudden increase in costs.

Even if there are government subsidies, it is only the cost of disposing of a ton of garbage!

Even if Wu Siyuan has a mountain of gold and silver, he may not be able to withstand such long-term losses!

What's more, Wu Siyuan hasn't yet!

However, it is unrealistic for Wu Siyuan to give up entering this industry with the powerful tool of [Hydrocarbon Degrading Bacteria Mixture].

If the environmental protection industry does well, it can effectively increase Wu Siyuan's own influence. After all, this is something that affects thousands of households and a city.

Then, do your own experiment first and study the feasibility! Wu Siyuan made this decision in his heart.


The Spring Festival holiday passed with Lin Meiyi and her daughter shopping, playing, eating and drinking.

The eighth day of the Lunar New Year!

After Wu Siyuan convened a brief meeting with several senior executives, he let them go about their business.

Then Wu Siyuan called his assistant and gave her several tasks.

The first one is to contact a headhunter to recruit professional managers with a big picture, good conduct and excellent abilities for the company. [Chaoqun Group] The headquarters has only been established verbally, but in fact the company has not yet been registered, let alone the equity conversion of major branches. Currently, there are only two people in the entire [Chaoqun Group] headquarters, Wu Siyuan and Lin Meiyi.

Therefore, Wu Siyuan must find a suitable manager to set up the structure and straighten out the relationships in the entire organization, so that Wu Siyuan does not have to do many things himself, which makes him have no time to practice and eat so many spiritual fruits [Pan Peach] 】, he is still in the middle stage of Qi refining.

The second one is to help Wu Siyuan find an empty and remote factory. Wu Siyuan plans to use it to study [garbage disposal technology]!

The young female assistant with glasses took down Wu Siyuan's assignment and went to work.

Half a month later.

Several professional managers recommended by headhunters could not pass Wu Siyuan's test and were rejected by him.

However, an empty and remote factory was successfully found and a one-year contract was signed.

The location is in the suburbs of Yuhua District, Yangcheng City.

Wu Siyuan then left the company's affairs to Lin Meiyi for temporary management. He went to the factory, contacted the engineering team, and built four rectangular troughs in the factory.

This was a small project and was completed in a few days.

The engineering team accepted the payment and left happily.

Wu Siyuan used some connections to ask people at the garbage transfer station to transport several tons of domestic garbage and fill it in the empty slots.

Suddenly, the stench hit my nose.

The people at the garbage transfer station left with an inexplicable mentality.

And Wu Siyuan began his experiment.

He took out the [Hydrocarbon Degrading Bacteria Mixture] from [Shennongjiao Space] and dropped a drop of yellow solution on the pile of domestic garbage.

Immediately, the yellow solution spread quickly, covering the several tons of garbage, as if it was dyed with a layer of yellow, and heat rose, and a dizzying stench came out.

A few minutes later, the stink was still there, but the yellow substance on the garbage had disappeared, which meant that the [hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria mixture] had no more food and was dying!

The volume of these tons of domestic waste has also been reduced by one or two tenths, and the plastic and rubber visible to the naked eye have disappeared.

In addition, the water content of these tons of garbage was originally very high, but the process of [Hydrocarbon Degrading Bacteria Mixture] devouring plastics and other petroleum products released a lot of heat.

Because plastics and other petroleum products are ubiquitous, heat is also generated from the inside out, causing the water in the garbage to evaporate and produce some harmful gases. This is what Wu Siyuan smelled just now, which was so dizzying.

After the whole process, the moisture content of these tons of garbage is greatly reduced, as if it has been dried.

Due to China's unique national conditions, the water content of garbage is high, and the proportion even reaches 60% in some places.

Therefore, the garbage must be dried first, and only after the garbage is dried can it be effectively sorted.

Otherwise, due to moisture and a large amount of organic matter, the viscosity between garbage particles is very strong. Even if modern automated sorting machines are used, the effect is not very satisfactory, and the equipment blocking phenomenon is very serious.

The process of Wu Siyuan's [Hydrocarbon Degrading Bacteria Mixture] processing plastics is equivalent to drying the garbage, and the drying effect is very good, and it can be directly put on the machine for sorting.

The dried domestic waste enters the conveyor through the conveying system, passes through the large waste pretreatment system, and then enters the crushing system, drum screen, etc. to tear the waste into different sizes of waste. This process can effectively separate the kitchen waste. Food waste.

Magnetic separation systems, eddy current separation systems, air separation systems and optical sorting systems are then used to collect and sort plastics, paper, metals and other recyclable materials of different colors and materials for sale.

The organic matter under the sieve can be used for composting or incineration, and the inert matter can be made into cement bricks or building cement aggregate.

This is the process of garbage sorting.

Wu Siyuan wanted to see the quality of the screened organic matter, which was related to his future organic fertilizer project.

It's just that Wu Siyuan doesn't have these professional equipment here, which gives him a bit of a headache!

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