I'm collecting golden fingers from all over the world

Chapter 22 Get it for free (please subscribe)

In business, many problems can be solved with money.

If it can't be solved, it's just because there isn't enough money!

Under Wu Siyuan's instruction, the dealer's expired futures issue that had troubled Dong Huiming for a long time was properly handled.

For this reason, Wu Siyuan paid an extra 4.2 million yuan.

However, there is still a little reward for the effort.

It turns out that [Jiawei Condiments Co., Ltd.] has eight major distributors located in three surrounding cities, five of which are willing to cooperate again and purchase the company's new product [Jiawei Thirteen Fragrances] - of course, the new product is If no payment is made to the manufacturer, the two parties agree to settle the payment after the goods are sold.

There is nothing that can be done about it. The previous general manager of [Jiawei Condiments Co., Ltd.] Mr. Lin Xiaofeng’s stocking up and after-sales behavior has destroyed the trust of dealers.

Now that the dealer is willing to continue to purchase goods, it is the result of Dong Huiming's repeated face-scanning, and he has barely maintained the company's sales channels.

Because it was just a second- and third-tier brand, the original [Jiawei Condiments Co., Ltd.] relied heavily on large dealers, rather than the manufacturer directly going to the sales terminal. Therefore, to a large extent, it had to rely on those large dealers who were local snakes. business.

The so-called The big shop bullies the customers, the big customers bully the hosts is nothing more than this!

Although Wu Siyuan is not very satisfied with this point, he also knows that the meal must be eaten one bite at a time and the road must be walked step by step!

Of course, there are five big dealers willing to cooperate.

Three major dealers have also terminated cooperation.

Two of the dealers declined politely, saying that business was not easy to do and capital turnover was limited, so they could only see if there were any opportunities for cooperation in the future.

This is a good time to get together and get together! Dong Huiming expressed his understanding.

Another distributor, the largest distributor of the original Jiawei Condiments Co., Ltd. - Shunwang Trading Co., Ltd. accounted for 40% of the sales of the original Jiawei Condiments Co., Ltd.

This time, he also had the largest amount of expired goods, worth two million yuan.

Moreover, he still has problems with his character. He deliberately mixed other products with expired goods in order to defraud [Jiawei Condiments Co., Ltd.] of more fees.

After Dong Huiming pointed it out, Zhou Yuhua, the boss of [Shunwang Trading Co., Ltd.] complained that the backlog of goods cost too much, and asked Dong Huiming to help and cover the expenses to make up for the loss.

Of course Dong Huiming flatly refused. He agreed, but Wu Siyuan would not let him go if he knew about it.

Moreover, he had always had a bad impression of Zhou Yuhua. He used to be arrogant towards them because of his status as a major client. He used to pretend to be a grandson on weekdays, so he had a sense of resentment in his heart.

After Dong Huiming refused, Zhou Yuhua's attitude became particularly bad.

Originally, it was okay to not cooperate after handling the expired goods. Instead, he yelled at Dong Huiming and [Jiawei Condiments Co., Ltd.], pointing at the nose, which was very unpleasant, and cursed [Jiawei Condiments Co., Ltd.] to go bankrupt sooner or later. !

If he hadn't been concerned about his status as the general manager of the company he represented, [Jiawei Condiments Co., Ltd.], Dong Huiming would have almost been scolded and wanted to start a fight with him.

After returning to the company, Dong Huiming reported the matter to Wu Siyuan.

Wu Siyuan was also very angry after hearing this, and said coldly, Okay, let's wait and see!

Work hard and give yourself a break! Wu Siyuan said to Dong Huiming.

Dong Huiming nodded fiercely!

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………

Time has entered December 2014, the Spring Festival is approaching, and the weather has turned cold. For the fruit industry, it is the off-season, but for the condiment industry, it is the peak season.

After more than three months of preparation, [Jiawei Brand Thirteen Fragrances] has finally been launched in many supermarkets in Lechuan City.

Currently, there is only one specification of 40g/box, and the terminal price is 10 yuan.

This price is more than twice as expensive as the most popular [Wang's Thirteen Incenses] on the market.

[Wang's Thirteen Fragrances] products with the same specifications are sold at the terminal for only 4 yuan, and the profit per box is only 8 cents.

[Wang's Thirteen Fragrances] Relying on this 8 cent profit, annual sales can reach 1.6 billion yuan, taxes paid are 260 million yuan, and profits have reached 300 million yuan.

A profit of 8 cents is really too low for Wu Siyuan.

Wu Siyuan is very confident in this product and wants it to earn high profits, so after discussing with Dong Huiming, he set the price to ensure that the manufacturer's gross profit per box is above 6 yuan.

However, Wu Siyuan and Dong Huiming have absolute confidence in their own products, but dealers and supermarkets do not.

Although the goods are provided free of charge by the manufacturers, if they cannot be sold and are overstocked in the warehouse, they will also occupy their positions.

This industry originally earns small profits, pays attention to fast progress and fast sales, and pays attention to turnover rate.

The more turnover times, the more profit will be achieved.

If the turnover cannot be achieved, even if the goods are free, dealers and supermarkets will dislike these goods occupying their warehouse space and shelf space.

In response to this situation, Dong Huiming negotiated a cooperation with these supermarkets:

[Jiawei Condiments Co., Ltd.] provides 4g trial packs. Customers who purchase products with a total price of more than 39.9 yuan in supermarkets will receive a free trial pack of [Jiawei Brand Thirteen Fragrances]!

The cooperation period is one month!

These supermarkets are very welcome to this kind of cooperation.

Because others don't have it, this is a good way to attract customers and increase the unit price.

And in this process, the only cost that supermarkets have to pay is to promote this promotion on their sales channels.

And this is what supermarkets would do.

After all, the competition is so fierce now, and supermarkets will also conduct some promotional activities from time to time to attract customers.

Customers also like it very much. Who doesn’t like small bargains?

As soon as this [buy and get free] campaign was launched, it quickly achieved good results.

According to feedback from the sales assistant hired by [Jiawei Condiments Co., Ltd.], on the day the event was launched, the number of people in major supermarkets that cooperated with their company increased by 10%.

A week later, the merchant's traffic increased steadily by 20% compared with usual, and sales also increased significantly.

After another half month passed, many supermarkets or hypermarkets that had no cooperation took the initiative to approach Dong Huiming or other dealers to discuss cooperation.

Because their business sales generally dropped by 10% to 20%, especially those close to supermarkets or stores that launched this activity with [Jiawei Condiments Co., Ltd.], the sales dropped even more drastically, ranging from 30% to 40%.

After those housewives tasted the taste of Jiawei Brand Thirteen Fragrances, they were captured by it. When buying vegetables or other daily products, they would rather go to these hypermarkets with activities, even if they take a few more steps All roads are fine.

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