Although the original owner, Liu Junhao, was very lazy and did not wander around the villages carrying bottles and cans like his adoptive father, Old Man Liu, but with this recipe, he could earn dozens of yuan by going to town every few days. The life was also lively.

The formula of [Thirteen Fragrances] is actually well known, but no one has ever been able to match the taste of Liu Junhao’s [Thirteen Fragrances].

It’s not like no one has had the idea of ​​Liu Junhao’s [Thirteen Fragrance] formula.

After Lao Liu Tou died, many people tried to get this recipe out of Liu Junhao's mouth.

They thought Liu Junhao was young and easy to fool, so they kept inviting him to drink, hoping to get him drunk and trick him out!

Who knows that although Liu Junhao is young, he has a very sharp mouth.

As long as someone invites him to eat, he will eat.

Someone asked Shisanxiang where to live, so he pretended to be drunk.

Even if he was beaten to death, he gritted his teeth in anger, but there was nothing he could do to him.

In fact, none of them knew that the reason why Liu Junhao's [Thirteen Fragrances] had such an alluring taste was simply because of the addition of purple mugwort.

This kind of purple mugwort is quite common even in Qingshan Town.

It grows in the fields, in front of and behind the house.

It’s just that people usually don’t pay attention at all, because even cattle and sheep won’t eat this stuff.

Even if they noticed it, no one would dare to try it easily.

Anyone who knows a little bit about [Thirteen Fragrances] knows that these ingredients are not added casually and must be in appropriate amounts.

Because of the ingredients such as cinnamon, fennel, ginger, and pepper, they are natural condiments. But it is also a traditional Chinese medicine and has certain side effects.

If used improperly, it can cause toxicity and mutagenicity, so the ingredients can only be just right.

Most of it is dangerous. Anything less is not good!

This is what Old Man Liu often said during his lifetime.

... This secret recipe that Liu Junhao guarded so closely fell into Wu Siyuan's hands easily.

Together with the purple mugwort, Wu Siyuan also transplanted it into the [Shennongjiao Space].

A full acre of land was cultivated.

Because of the special effects of [Shennongjiao Space], the mugwort transplanted in the space is thriving, which is much better than outside.

Purple mugwort that has been nourished by spiritual energy may have even more outstanding effects.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………

Wu Siyuan pushed his bicycle to Qingshan Town, under a big tree near a small game room.

This is one of the places where the original owner Liu Junhao often sets up stalls, and the other place is a grain depot!

All the old customers in Qingshan Town know that if they can’t find Liu Junhao in the grain depot, they will come here to look for him!

Not long after Wu Siyuan put down the bicycle, several housewives came to buy [Thirteen Fragrances]. Before they were ready, several regular customers came to the door. The business was really good, which kept Wu Siyuan busy.

When you are busy, time flies very fast.

Suddenly, a scream reached his ears.

Wu Siyuan looked up:

An old man in his fifties or sixties was surrounded by a few second-rate men.

There was an obvious mark of kerosene on the snow-white trousers of one of the second-rate men.

It was this second-rate man who grabbed the old man's collar and angrily punched him in the stomach.

He was beating and scolding, Damn it, you old fool, did you mean to make me mad!

His grandma, let me see if I don't beat you to death today!

Wu Siyuan, the second-rate man who beat people, had an impression. To be precise, it was the original Liu Junhao who had an impression.

Because there was once a slut who saw that Liu Junhao was so popular selling [Thirteen Incenses], so after he lost all his money in a game hall, several sluts got together and blocked Liu Junhao in a deserted place, and robbed him with a knife. he.

The second-rate man who beat up the old man was also one of them. His name was Luo Quan.

At that time, Liu Junhao was also wild. Without saying a word, he pulled out an iron rod and hit the gangsters directly. He only beat these gangsters until they ran away, shouting that they didn't dare anymore. Only then did Liu Junhao Let them go.

From then on, these gangsters did not dare to provoke Liu Junhao. Every time they met, they would be called Brother Liu and Brother Liu. Of course, Liu Junhao had never seen them before.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …

However, no matter what the purpose was, neither Liu Junhao nor Wu Siyuan could stand the idea of ​​beating an old man.

So he directly abandoned the customer who was buying [Thirteen Fragrances], rushed in front of the second-rate thug Luo Wan, grabbed his fist with one hand, and shouted, Stop!

Who the hell is so blind as to dare to interfere with your uncle's business? Luo Huan turned his head angrily, and when he found out it was Liu Junhao, he quickly changed his face and smiled unnaturally at him: It's Brother Liu. , you are...

In the original work Carrying a Fountain with You, the male protagonist Liu Junhao spent fifteen yuan to bribe the second-rate people, solved the problem, and won the reputation of being a righteous person among these second-rate people.

This way of handling it is considered appropriate among adults!

It's just...Wu Siyuan just feels unhappy!

Why can I get away unscathed after beating an old man? Just because they are young? Is it because they are arrogant? Just because they are evil?

If this is the case, then Wu Siyuan will be more evil and arrogant than them!

Wu Siyuan had a gloomy face, clenched his fist, and struck Luo Huan in the middle of the smiling face.

There was a bang, the bridge of Luo Huan's nose blossomed, and nosebleeds started to appear. He took a few steps back and fell to the ground.

Fuck you, uncle! All the friends nearby shouted and rushed towards Wu Siyuan.

Some of them have been beaten by Liu Junhao, and some have not been beaten by Liu Junhao.

At this time, they all punched Wu Siyuan for the young and Dangerous loyalty in their hearts.

Be careful, future generations! The old man on the ground endured the pain and shouted to Wu Siyuan.

There was a sneer on Wu Siyuan's face. Although this body had no internal strength and no Jiuyang Qi, the years of combat experience were still there, some basic boxing and kicking skills were still there, and he was familiar with some body acupuncture points. How could he be afraid of this? A few bastards who only know how to use [Baoquan]!

I saw Wu Siyuan easily dodge, punch or palm, and hit certain acupuncture points on the bodies of several gangsters, leaving their bodies in a state of numbness and unable to move!

Then it's Wu Siyuan's performance time.

Either a beautiful uppercut or a flying kick. In less than half a minute, the six gangsters who rushed over were already lying down faster, completely without fighting power!

The crowd of people watching nearby were all subdued!

They knew that Liu Junhao could fight, but they didn't know that he could fight like this!

At this time, Luo Wan covered his bleeding nose and stood up with a look of shock on his face.

He showed a smile that was even uglier than crying and said, Brother Liu, this is a misunderstanding!

Wu Siyuan didn't give him any face at all, and directly sneered at him, saying viciously, You influenced my business, and then you said it was a misunderstanding?

The situation was stronger than the people, so many people couldn't defeat Wu Siyuan alone, so these second-rates begged for mercy, without any shame.

Brother Liu, Brother Liu, what a misunderstanding! This uncle and you are...

Wu Siyuan slapped him in the face without saying a word.


There were bright red fingerprints on the second-rate man's luowen face.

But he didn't dare to move and just stood there.

What's going on? Are you planning to find out the details and settle the scores?

Wu Siyuan said coldly, and those second-rate men suddenly shuddered.

He helped the old man up from the ground, and then said to Luo Quan domineeringly, Tell me, how do you plan to solve this matter?

Luo Huan glanced at his brothers standing far away. None of the buddies he had formed a deep friendship with in the game console room dared to stand up and provoke Wu Siyuan. A bitter smile appeared on his face. Said, Brother Liu, whatever you say will be done, I accept it.

Okay! Just take 500 yuan. 300 yuan is the medical expenses of the old man, and 200 yuan is the loss of my business! Wu Siyuan said lightly.

What? You might as well grab it!

500 yuan is a huge amount of money for Luo Quan.

Luo Wan jumped up immediately.

Wu Siyuan slapped him again, and there were five bright red palm prints on the other side of the circle.

Say it again? Wu Siyuan looked at Luo Wan coldly and said.

The old man Wu Siyuan was supporting endured the pain and tried to persuade him, saying, Young man, my injury is not a problem. My bones are strong. If I go back and apply some medicinal wine, I will be fine.

This is a common trait of many Chinese people. Big things are reduced to small things, and small things are reduced to nothing.

But Wu Siyuan just said no.

He waved his hand to signal the old man not to speak, but looked at Luo Huan with a sneer on his face and asked, Are you not going to give it to me?

Isn't this blackmail? Although Luo Quan often does this kind of thing.

Looking at the pointing fingers of the people around him, he came out to hang out just to show his face. If he continued like this, how could he have the face to continue to hang out here?

Luo Wan's brain was filled with blood, and he was about to blurt out the words Give it to your mother. At this moment, he caught Wu Siyuan's eyes.

Indifferent eyes.

Even if [Fear Technique] is not used, Wu Siyuan has killed so many people and night demons in multiple worlds. He usually just keeps his face quiet, but when he really puts on a straight face, there is an indescribable power. .

This look made Luo Quan's whole body tremble. He had only seen it on a certain eldest brother in the county.

I heard that the eldest brother had many lives under his control in order to gain power.

It is the look of indifference towards life that comes from someone who has really killed someone and had a few lives on his hands.

Maybe Liu Junhao will really kill himself!

This idea just crossed his mind, and Luo Yuan shrank immediately.

He looked like he was about to cry and begged Wu Siyuan for mercy, Brother Liu, I don't have that much money!

I'll give you two options. The first one is, I break both of your legs. One is for medical expenses, the other is for my business loss. The other option is to call your parents to come over and pay back the money!

Otherwise you can choose to call the police! I can't fight and be detained for 15 days. Maybe I won't be detained for doing something righteous. And you... Wu Siyuan suddenly leaned into his ear and threatened him, Do you know that you will be put into a sack and buried alive? The taste! Daqingshan is so big, you may not be able to find it in your lifetime...

The bowed legs suddenly swayed, and now he was really crying, Brother Liu, no!

Pay back the money, or call the police! Wu Siyuan still had the same attitude of not letting strangers in. If these second-rate people don't give them a painful lesson, they won't know how to change if they don't know how to feel pain.

Luo Quan went to borrow money from his group of bad friends.

At this time, a crisp voice came to Wu Siyuan's ear, Grandpa, why are you holding my grandpa?

Wu Siyuan felt his body being pushed, and with a conditioned reflex in his mind, he turned around and grabbed the person pushing him behind him.'s so soft! Wu Siyuan felt something was wrong with his hand, and then he realized that he didn't have a good balance of his body and was buttoning the ball in the wrong place.

Wu Siyuan quickly stopped his hand and stood firm, with a calm expression on his face, as if nothing had happened.

Indeed, he didn't know how many times he had rubbed it with a feeling like this.

Because his hand speed was too fast, the onlookers couldn't see clearly. They only saw Wu Siyuan turn around, brushing one hand over the girl behind him and standing firm.

Only the parties involved know the situation.

The girl's face turned red and she cursed in a low voice, Rogue.

The old man next to him quickly said to the girl, Xiao Yi, this young man helped me, please don't accuse me wrongly.

Thank you, descendant. My name is Liang Bifa, and this is my granddaughter Liang Xiaoyi!

Ah... thank you! The old man's granddaughter looked embarrassed when she heard this, but she still politely said thank you to Wu Siyuan.

Only then did Wu Siyuan have time to look at the girl carefully.

The girl in front of her was wearing a wrinkled white checkered shirt, denim pants, and a pair of black flat sandals, which were stained with mud.

But even such old-fashioned clothes cannot conceal the natural beauty of this girl. She has slender eyebrows, a round forehead, and a face as straight as the tip of a sword.

A pair of eyes are very delicate. As they turn, they look at the posture, as misty as a deep pool, giving people an indescribable purity. The light eyebrows add a lot of elegance to her eyes. Angry, Cherry squeezed her mouth tightly.

You're welcome. You should take your grandpa to see a doctor first. He was beaten badly just now. Wu Siyuan's expression was as usual. After all, he had developed his shame a long time ago. He said in a calm tone.

When Liang Xiaoyi heard this, she was shocked and quickly asked her grandfather to go to the clinic for a visit, but the old man stubbornly refused to go in order to save money.

Wu Siyuan could only beat the drum and threaten him, saying that if he didn't see a doctor carefully, if there were any sequelae, it would only cause big trouble for his granddaughter.

After saying this, Liang Bifa reluctantly sat on Wu Siyuan's bicycle and was pushed to see a doctor by Liang Xiaoyi.

But here, Luo Quan only borrowed 11 yuan and came to Wu Siyuan with a sad face.

Those who were usually close friends with Luo Quan, but now when it comes to money, few are willing to lend him money.

It also made him feel the harshness of the world.

Brother Liu, that's all. For the rest, please give me three days' grace and I'll pay you back as soon as I raise the money! Luo Quan said to Wu Siyuan with a sad face.

Call your parents over. Wu Siyuan was unmoved.

He was so arrogant when he beat Liang Bifa, but who is he showing his sad face now?

Luo Wan was hesitant, his eyes flashed with violence from time to time, as if he was thinking about whether to give it a try?

But Wu Siyuan just looked at him with a half-smile, and looked at him with hair in his heart. The courage that finally surged up also receded like the tide.

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