Lin Yun couldn't hide his excitement, but he still tried to act calmer, after all, it was live broadcast now.

However, other players besides him have never seen this thing, and not even the audience outside has seen it, but few of them can really calm down.

The audience outside started talking:

"I didn’t expect that there is such an artifact. It seems that this competition will be even more exciting!"

"Yes, the stories created in the first two competitions are really not good. It may be that the official momentum of the competition is low, and it coincides with the tenth competition, so use this black technology to assist"

"Indeed, that's the case. By then, even if the contestants’ stories are mediocre, it will still be good to see some clips or characters."

Except for the audience, the judges' table seemed calmer. They had rehearsed a long time ago, so they knew about the existence of the helmet.

However, the appearance of the helmet this time also represents a new attraction.

Wang Ze, the plagiarist, may have a personality He was not low-key enough, so he spoke first:

"The appearance of this helmet seems to have quite an impact on the audience."

"And with the helmet, some creators can visualize the characters in advance, so our evaluation system will have to add another link by then."

After all, he draws comics, so he cares more about things like pictures.

Even besides him, Huang Yulang beside him also began to nod and said:

"Indeed, for the creative form of animation, characters and pictures are often the focus."

"Without this kind of equipment before, we could only focus on the story. Many players with rich imaginations and good graphics could not show their strength. Now we really need to consider their graphics design more."

But the two of them are cartoonists, not everyone is. Teacher Ouyang Yibing is more traditional.

He also said:"What the two judges said makes sense, but I don't think it is."

"It is true that for animations for children, characters and pictures are also the focus. Good characters are more attractive to children"

"However, in recent years, although animation is still a children's story, it has already entered the adult world. If you want to truly create a good work that is suitable for all ages, I think the contestants must first think about the story itself."

"I also agree with Teacher Ouyang that story is fundamental."Teacher Xuemei also came to chime in.

It seems that this is not just the birth of a helmet, but also an expansion of an evaluation system, so there are also differences in opinions between traditional creators and comic book authors.

Bingbing also saw this before starting , the judges had some signs of being targeted, so she quickly came out to adjust the atmosphere and said:

"It seems that several teachers also have their own opinions on the new props."

"Bingbing also believes that stories and images should complement each other and neither can be ignored. This also shows that the teachers attach great importance to all aspects of the work."

"Then let’s quickly take a look at how the players balance the picture and the story. What kind of outstanding stories can this year's top sixty-four bring us?"

"Please continue to look at the big screen!"

The role of the host is to act as a lubricant. Any problems must be dealt with. Bingbing also went downhill, which just pointed the focus to those contestants. Following

Bingbing's words, the judges who may have appeared are normal. The disappearance does not mean that the judges cannot argue. It is mainly because the competition has just started, so let’s focus on the contestants. The judges did not say much and looked at the various creative studios with other audiences.

Because of the strong support from the official and the twenty There was too much pressure a year ago, so the people are very concerned about the creation of children's stories, or in other words, the emergence of animation.

As Ouyang Yibing said, more and more young people in China have begun to enter the field of animation. Although it is a cartoon, if the story is good, everyone is willing to watch it.

So this seemingly small screenwriting competition has easily attracted a full three million viewers online just after it started.

Even if the average number of each contestant is In the live broadcast room, there were at least 300,000 to 400,000 viewers staring at it.

And coincidentally, Lin Yun was relatively good-looking, and he was considered a rare young man among the contestants. In addition, he had already had good works before. appeared, so the number of people in his live broadcast room is very high, there are currently 600,000 viewers.

It even happened that Teacher Ouyang Yibing and Teacher Xuemei, who just mentioned the importance of the story, happened to be looking at Lin Yun The live broadcast room also attracted a wave of traffic.

But unfortunately, Lin Yun himself did not know what was happening outside. He had just entered the competition, and it would take time to adapt.

In the creative room, Lin Yun had just become familiar with the surrounding environment. , and also began to think about what story should be used to support the scene of entering the top 32 this time.

He murmured to himself:

"After all, this is my first game in time travel, so I have to come up with a good story."

"Anyway, I have a lot of inventory in my head, so I will just come to Bo Wang to explode it.……"

Lin Yun's voice was very low, and his back was to the camera, so no one outside could hear what he was talking to himself.

At the same time, he thought for a while and felt that since he had just come to this world, it would be easier to integrate into the world if he produced a good work.

So after thinking for a while, he also determined the approximate goal, and he said:

"The theme of this round is growth. Normally when writing about growth, one would write about children learning principles. It’s too cliché."

"Why not just get a super beast weapon?……"

"Anyway, the growth of thoughts is also growth! Just give the children of this world a little Plutonian shock!"


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