I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 239 Rainbow Nest

"It's so delicious. Everyone wants to take a bite of your Hongchao clan."

At the foot of the mountain, Sean was laughing and talking to Roxie.

The latter observed the beast tide not far away and replied in a muffled voice: "The Hongchao clan has already worked hard enough..."

Sean came next to her: "Cook said that the Imperial Capital is secretly studying your people, and with the cooperation of some medicines, the women of the Hongchao clan have a greatly increased chance of inheriting superpowers after giving birth to children, and they have dual superpowers. , if this research is completed, it seems that your family won’t have to do other things in the future?”

Luo Xi glared at Sean dissatisfied, and said in a low voice: "So I must take my people out and live in a place where they will not be disturbed."

Sean smiled and said: "This is a long-term plan. Even if it is completed, the Hongchao clan will have to face a lot of problems. If they move to Paradise City in the future, it is best for the Hongchao clan to be trusted by both parties. , For example, if a child has two talents at the same time, do you like boys or girls - eh, how do you hit someone?"

Luo Xi said angrily: "Who wants to have a baby with you?"

Sean wondered: "I didn't say I wanted you to have a baby with me, I was just giving an example - of course, if you want, I can reluctantly accept it."

Luo Xi glanced at him and stopped talking. She turned around and continued to observe the movements of the beast tide.

The density of crazy beasts at the foot of Chiheifeng Mountain is far higher than that in other areas, and there will only be some vacancies during a few fixed periods.

This is also the main reason why the Hongchao clan cannot move. Only the strong can pass through those few vacant areas, but there are many old people and children in the clan, not to mention the more people, the bigger the target.

Luo Xi once thought about how to take two people down the mountain at a time, but after calculating the number of people, even if she ran a dozen times a day, it would take more than a year to take everyone away.

The supplies of the Hongchao clan no longer support this approach.

Zhu Zhu's mirror space can accommodate dozens of people, but opening up access to the mirror space to strangers requires Zhu Zhu to expend mental energy. It's okay to bring a few people and move some things, but if he moves tens of thousands of people, Zhu Zhu will Zhu died of exhaustion within a few moments.

If the whole family wants to relocate, they must face the tide of crazy beasts.

Not long after, there was an opening in the beast tide. Luo Xi called back, and the group of people rushed into the beast tide.

Even though the density of several areas has dropped significantly, the crazy beasts are still rushing forward one after another. If not solved in time, the crazy beasts will attract similar people around them when they become restless, and the areas that are finally vacant will be filled again.

However, Sean and his team were all good players, and it didn't take long for them to break out of the encirclement.

Arriving at the foot of the mountain, they cleaned up the crazy beasts around them while climbing up a steep mountain road.

The Red and Black Peak is extremely high, otherwise it would not go deep into the evil dome. When more than half way up the climb, even Sean frowned.

For them, the burden is not bad, but this is still going up the mountain. It is easy to go up the mountain but difficult to go down. For the weaker Hongchao people, this road is no different from a dead end.

Soon, the iron-green evil dome appeared in front of us.

There are very few opportunities to observe the Evil Dome at close range. If you get closer, you can smell many pungent smells.

In a piece of stone that was tilted almost at ninety degrees, Luo Xi searched carefully.

"You will be poisoned if you are always in the evil dome. My grandfather's generation began to dig through the rock mass, but they could only dig through a small path." Luo Xi's tone was calm, but his delicate face was full of helplessness.

"We barely broke through the evil dome, but we couldn't handle the tide of beasts at the foot of the mountain. My grandfather and father both died in the tide of beasts." She pursed her lips and said softly.

Sean didn't speak, he just kept observing his surroundings.

It didn't take long for Luo Xi to find the trail buried in the rock mass - to be precise, it was an upward tunnel, narrow and steep.

After climbing for a long time, I finally saw the gap. The sudden white light made it difficult to open my eyes. It was out of the scope of the tunnel, and the cold current from high places kept coming.

The vision suddenly opens up.

Sean immediately understood why this place was called Rainbow Nest.

A small plain appeared in front of Chihei Peak, surrounded by continuous mountains. This plain was like a bird's nest on the mountainside.

And directly above the bird's nest, there is the sun that no one else in the world can see. The gentle light shines down, slightly removing some of the chill. Above a giant tree, the snow water gathers into a waterfall, spilling a large area around it. rainbow.

Moza and others, who had been living under the evil dome all year round, also looked surprised. Zhu Zhu and Xiao Ci looked around in shock.

This kind of natural beauty is difficult to see in other corners of the world.

A rare girlish pure smile appeared on Luo Xi's face, and she went home.

"Welcome to the Rainbow Nest." Luo Xi turned his head and smiled proudly and shyly at Sean, "You may be the first guests of the Rainbow Nest in the past century."

Sean took out a thick coat and wrapped it around Xiao Ci. He looked around and marveled: "It would be a waste not to develop this scenery into 5A."

Following a steep path in, it didn't take long before a village built on the mountain appeared in front of us.

Luo Xi did not forget to explain: "There are many mutated wild beasts nearby. My mother said that before the village was built, there were often mutated nocturnal giant wolves that snatched away children."

Someone was seen on the wooden building not far away, and immediately someone raised his bow and arrow and shouted nervously: "Who?!"

"It's me, Brother Muhai, I'm back!" Luo Xi took a step forward.

Although she is a princess, she is still young, and the young adults in the clan are all her brothers and sisters. In addition, she has not been home for a long time, so her words do not have the majesty of a princess, but more like a little girl meeting an acquaintance.

Sean, who has seen too much high technology and towering buildings, is still a little uncomfortable with this primitive tribe - there are actually people using bows and arrows these days?

The guard named Mu Hai on the wooden floor rubbed his eyes, and then made a surprised voice: "Luo Xi?!"

"It's me, I'm back!" Luo Xi's eyes turned red.

While Mu Hai asked people to raise the door, he shouted excitedly toward the inside: "Luo Xi! Luo Xi is back!"

By the time Sean and his group walked in, Wuyang Wuyang's crowd had already gathered around.

There is basically no productivity in this place. Young adults wear old coats that may have been passed down for several generations, and women and children wear animal skin coats and raincoats.

The Hongchao clan is basically all white-haired and red-haired, and at a glance they almost merge with the snow-capped mountains in the distance.

Luo Xi seemed to know most of the people, and she was surrounded by a group of little ones with a smile on her face.

After a while, a team that looked obviously better-dressed came over. The leader was a strong man with an open chest. His red pupils were a little heavy, and his eyebrows were quite powerful.

"Luo Xi!" He opened his big hands after seeing Luo Xi.

"Uncle Luo Ming..." Luo Xi's eyes were filled with joy. He was about to shout but then paused, then knelt down on one knee, "King, I have returned."

"Okay, okay..." Luo Ming looked at Sean and others, "Who are these?"

"They are friends I met in the outside world. They are the ones who sent me back this time."

"From the outside world..." Sean and others immediately attracted a lot of attention, and a few gleams flashed in Luo Ming's eyes.

His originally friendly expression faded a bit, and he glanced at Luo Xi with slight dissatisfaction, as if blaming the other party for not notifying him before bringing someone back.

Luo Ming reluctantly turned his head and nodded not enthusiastically at Sean. The situation was a little awkward.

Sean didn't care, he was looking around.

Luo Xi pursed her lips slightly, as if she didn't expect Luo Ming to be so disrespectful.

Before coming, she naturally told Sean about the current situation of the Hongchao clan. According to Sean, the Hongchao clan is a typical mountain king model.

Although collectively referred to as one clan, there are nearly ten thousand people in the clan and there are also branches. The Qing clan, the Bai clan, the Yellow clan, the blue clan, and the red clan are the main components of the entire Hongchao.

The leader of the tribe comes from the most powerful Red Clan and is called the King of Rainbow Nest.

Roxi's father is the former king, and her sister is the former princess.

Later, her father and sister died in the beast tide, she became the princess, and her uncle Luo Ming became the temporary king.

In a few years, he should give up his position to Losey.

Wherever there are people, there is humanity. Luo Xi had a blank slate before and naturally didn't think much about it, but with Sean's tireless indoctrination, she began to gradually understand some key points that she didn't understand before.

Luo Ming obviously doesn't want to pass...

However, what Luo Xi didn't expect was that Luo Ming would show off to her friend in front of so many people.

A sense of sadness rose up.

Sitting in a well and looking at the sky... If you knew Sean's weight in the outside world, would you still dare to do this?

"Brother, Luo Xi's status here doesn't seem to be high." Moza came over and whispered softly.

Sean looked at Luo Xi's back cheerfully: "She knows how to do it. She'll get away with it when she's bad..."

The atmosphere was a little stagnant, and just when Luo Ming felt that he was about to show off his power and was about to speak again, Luo Xi spoke first.

"These are the distinguished guests of the Hongchao clan. In the future, when we move out of Chihei Peak, we will stay in Mr. Sean's city."

Relocation has been the dream of the Hongchao clan for many years. Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, the eyes of the surrounding clansmen when they looked at Sean suddenly changed.

Moreover, this young man still has a city under his control?

Luo Ming's expression was slightly displeased, but Luo Xi spoke in front of him. Does this mean he doesn't take me seriously now that his wings have grown?

And, a city?

He glanced at Sean.

He is lazy, has no posture, and is weak. He is not aware of the threat, and he doesn't seem to be very strong.

You know, he is forty-five years old this year, and he is only one step away from being fully promoted to Crimson. He can be regarded as half-step to Crimson - no matter where he is, he is a genius.

How strong can this young man be in his early twenties?

He glanced at Luo Xi again - when this girl came down from the mountain, she was a middle-level king, and her talent was even scarier than his own. Now she is probably an upper-level king, right? I'm afraid there's hope of becoming a crimson before the age of thirty.

Moreover, Luo Xi's appearance and talent were as top-notch. The boy was probably attracted to Luo Xi, so he went all out to please him - he was probably the young master of some big power in the outside world, and he had a city under his command. That was an exaggeration.

Luo Xi is young, and after hearing the young man's exaggerated words, he felt that he could help the Hongchao clan, and now he even dared to refute my reputation...

In just a short moment, Luo Ming imagined a series of stories about the relationship between the princess and the children of the wealthy family.

Interestingly, Luo Ming did not fall out.

He took a step forward and said in the tone of an elder giving advice to his younger generation: "Young people, don't be too ambitious. Luo Xi, you can bring your friends back, but don't be deceived in this kind of thing."

To Luo Ming's surprise, he felt that he had a good attitude, but Luo Xi suddenly turned his face in front of him.

"Uncle Luo Ming, although you are temporarily assuming the position of king, it does not mean that you can disrespect my friends!" Luo Xi, who used to be respectful to him, changed his face, with a cold look on his eyebrows. "You are ruining the relocation of our Hongchao clan!"

I don’t know what others think, but at least Sean felt comfortable listening to Luo Xi’s words.

His attitude is obvious enough, and he blames Luo Ming first, so he doesn't suffer any loss inside or outside.

"I really learned it..." Sean muttered with a smile.

Luo Ming's face suddenly turned ugly, and he said in a deep voice: "How could I ruin the relocation? Luo Xi, use your brain before you speak."

Luo Ming did not continue to get angry at Luo Xi, but instead turned his attention to Sean: "Young man, this is an important matter for our clan. Since you have come here, you have seen the situation at Chihei Peak - ask yourself, are you trying to please Luo Xi?" Can those promises made by Xishi be fulfilled?"

After that, he flicked his sleeves and his tone became much gentler.

"I haven't been home for a long time. Let's go back and visit first and then have dinner together."

Then, Luo Ming left here directly.

Sean chuckled: "Luoxi, your uncle is quite interesting."

Luo Xi bit her lip: "Sean, he..."

Sean shook his head and smiled frankly at Luo Xi: "Do I need to care?"

Luo Xi choked, yes, Sean holds Paradise City, a mountain king of a remote tribe, there is no need to care at all.

However, the bitterness that just arose was quickly broken.

Sean came closer and laughed softly: "Have you forgotten what I said? I don't care who is in charge of the Hongchao clan. I don't care about your clan either. The problem is that I care about you. I hate it when you say that."

After that, he waved his hand: "Let's go, it's my first time, why don't you take me around?"

Luo Xi was stunned for a moment, then smiled and followed quickly.

The Hongchao clan is indeed short of supplies. Luo Xi rarely comes home and has guests, and the things used for entertaining are mediocre. This is not Luo Ming's intention. Sean has observed that this place is indeed very poor.

He didn't care. After eating, he lay half-ly on a chair, picking his teeth, and listened to Luo Xi talking about the situation within the clan.

"...The leader of the Qing clan has always been very stubborn. He is reluctant to leave the Red Black Peak and feels that life in the outside world is more difficult..."

Sean interrupted Roche mid-hearing.

Under the girl's puzzled gaze, he raised his fingers and said, "Our goals this time are twofold. First, let you advance to Crimson. Second, resolve the unsettling factors within your clan."

He came closer and smiled brightly: "Before we had children, I only trusted you in the Hongchao clan."

Luo Xi first glanced at Sean subconsciously, and then she was slightly stunned.

She glanced at Sean with some confusion, then stood up after hesitating for a moment.

"I'm going to find the high priest—"

The high priest is a transcendent elder in the Hongchao tribe. Even the king's ascendancy requires his approval.

Luo Xi's tone gradually became colder: "We don't have so much time to waste..."

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