I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 236 I agreed to summon the evil god, why did you summon me?

Whether it was Bernard who finally woke up or the etheric projection of the townspeople who were about to disappear, everyone's eyes were surprisingly consistent.

Fear, panic, hatred, anger...

They were all staring at Sean.

No, to be precise, it was staring at the reflection of Sean reflected in the mirror.

"The evil god... Gao Zun!"

Their cries of terror were so harsh.

Ridiculous... This was Sean's first thought when he rose.

However, Bernard, the only living person in front of him, was the host of the ceremony, and the other people in the etheric projection were all sacrifices in the ceremony. Krynina was even the container for the so-called Gao Zun to come to the world.

No one knows this so-called god that Sean has just heard about not long ago than them.

Sean looked at the mirror almost uncontrollably, and even his terrifying mental control power couldn't stop him in time.

The moment he turned around, Sean realized something was wrong. He shouldn't be holding that dangerous unknown mirror.

But it was too late, a familiar yet unfamiliar shadow appeared in his field of vision.

The person reflected in the mirror was indeed Sean, with the same face and attire. The only difference was that Sean in the mirror looked more sinister, and even carried an inviolable and powerful majesty.

"I'm going to suffer..." Sean didn't think that the person in the mirror was him, and he immediately had bad thoughts.

Weird pollution, a powerful aura, a mirror of unknown origin...it will explode just by looking at it?

The escape ability gifted by Mio Thirteen must be activated immediately.

However, nothing happened.

Sean thought that some kind of mutation would occur to him, and that a monster modeled after himself would emerge from the mirror. His body would become distorted, and his mind would lose control... This is what Sean believed in his instinct.

However, everything was very peaceful.

Sean in the mirror was doing the same movements and postures as him, but the majesty of evil and divinity intertwined was chilling, and the cold smile at the corner of his mouth was even more frightening.

This mirror is indeed very dangerous...but does this danger not affect me?

Sean noticed this and felt more absurd.

When Bernard and the townspeople saw this scene, they became more and more certain.

"Gao Zun!" Bernard almost gritted his teeth, and his eyes widened in hindsight, "No wonder...no wonder you can see the lighthouse on the pocket watch!"

Sean: "..."

The prototype of the pocket watch is indeed related to me, but how did I and the so-called evil god Gao Zun get together.

Moreover, this is obviously a high-tech nano-creation that came back to life after being contaminated - your evil god lives in the nano-creation?

It doesn't seem impossible...

The most important thing is that this pocket watch is indeed a key prop... Is it just me who can see it?

As soon as Sean was about to say a few words, the townspeople who were about to disappear frantically urged Bernard.

"Kid, run!"

"Take the pocket watch away, don't let this evil god gain power!"

"My dear, get out of here quickly..."

Sean rubbed his nose. This was the first time he had passively become a villain against his will.

Bernard actually had some courage. He took one last tearful look at Krenina and the other townspeople, and ran away through the crack in the deck.

"If I were really the evil god, how could you have a stage to show love, family, and friendship..." Sean shook his head helplessly.

However, they seem to have identified Sean.

The etheric projections that were about to disappear all pounced on them.

They prepare to use their last strength to buy Bernard time to escape.

Sean's etheric body suddenly felt a sting. This group of people who had passed away long ago actually used the last remaining etheric consciousness to carry out self-destruction attacks.

"You must be sick..." Sean's brow twitched.

Even if you are a bad person, you will still be unhappy when you are wronged.

Sean's powerful mental power was displayed at this moment. Although his etheric body was throbbing crazily, he still did not lose consciousness.

Just when he was about to take action, suddenly, the dangerous mirror beside him trembled.

A huge suction force that only targeted the etheric layer suddenly surged out, and the townspeople who kept self-destructing screamed and were sucked into the mirror one by one.

Sean turned his head and looked around. His silhouette was still reflected in the mirror, but there were a lot of townspeople around him.

Sean's mirror image turned around, and the townspeople made frightened sounds.

The octopus tentacles composed of nano-creations tied them up, and the seawater from nowhere flooded their mouths and noses.

The townspeople are suffering inhumane torture.

Sean found that there was suddenly something more in his mind.

"It's the method and content of the ceremony..." His eyes widened in surprise.

The sacrificial ceremony that Bernard held many years ago completely entered Sean's mind, and what made his brows twitch even more was that there was one point mentioned in that knowledge.

The consciousness of the sacrifice remains in the etheric layer, but how can the sacrifice attack the master of the ritual?

What happened in the mirror was not the consciousness of some evil god playing tricks, but the mirror's automatic counterattack.

If the master is offended, even the awareness of the sacrifice's participation should be punished.

The shrill screams continued to echo, and the corners of Sean's mouth twitched violently.

Damn it...is this really the master this ritual is directed towards?

No, not a complete master, otherwise this mirror should completely obey my orders, instead of being able to fight back independently like it is now.

But in any case, Sean can indeed be equated with the Lurker Gao Zun to a certain extent.

He couldn't help but be irritated by the ridiculous speculations that ran through his mind.

Because, this is the only way it makes sense...

The real reason why I came to this world... is that sacrifice ceremony?

Bernard, who was deceived, held a sacrificial ceremony, but for some reason, the ceremony directed at the Lurker Stilt finally called Sean.

Is this how I dress?

What you want to summon is the born evil god. Why the hell are you summoning me? !

Bernard escapes, and the townspeople in the mirror stop screaming.

Sean looked inside again. This time, the mirror seemed completely normal, and there was nothing unusual about him in the mirror.

"What a toy..."

Before he finished speaking, the mirror suddenly disappeared from the spot. At the same time, the ground fluctuated in a strange way.

Those nano-creations suddenly went berserk.

"Isn't I an evil god? Do I have to run away too?"

Those nano-creations were rushing towards Sean at no slow speed. He complained and had no choice but to run away.

Sean habitually wrapped his body in gray mist to further strengthen his physical fitness. Who knows, as soon as the gray mist came over his body, and he didn't know what happened, the progress of the nano-creatures' rampage suddenly slowed down.


After escaping the attack of a nano-whale, Sean didn't dare to neglect and ran away.

The small aircraft that deliberately kept its flames on went straight up into the sky. At this time, Sean no longer had the thought to worry about the crazy flying beasts he might encounter.

Fortunately, after leaving the Black Reef Group, the riots of nano-creatures calmed down a lot.

Naturally, this gray sea cannot all be made of nano-creations. These things that are already considered a group of mechanical life can swim anywhere, but it seems that they can only be completely free near the black reef group.

Leaving there, the number of nano-creations dropped sharply and were scattered far and wide. If there was no way to command them, there would be no way to assemble them and pose a threat.

"Bernard's chain seems to be one of the ways to gather nano-creations, and it must be paired with a pocket watch..."

Sean was not in a good mood now. He had followed Bernard for so many days just to uncover the secret of the pocket watch. Unexpectedly, he unexpectedly learned the truth about the time he had passed through.

"Whoever provokes me..."

The anger flashed across Sean's eyes.

Soon, he found Bernard's trace.

The opponent's speed is not slow, but he seems to be deliberately preventing the conduction of the nano-creations in the iron chain, and his body is rapidly failing.

Bernard also noticed the aircraft following behind.

He ran desperately, and also deliberately chose the direction to go to the depths of the Gray Sea.

Sean didn't play the cat-and-mouse game with him and stopped him directly.

Looking at Bernard with hatred in his eyes, Sean calmly stretched out his hand: "Take out the things."

Bernard gasped, clutched his pocket watch, and finally smiled sadly.

"Gao Zun... No, you haven't obtained the power of the evil god yet. You are not considered Gao Zun yet..."

Sean was in no mood to explain to the other party, he just wanted to study the pocket watch.

The gray mist condensed, but Bernard attached the pocket watch to the iron chain.

The iron chain seemed to have turned into a hollow pipe, and the pocket watch began to slide downward.

A dark shadow swam under the ground.

Bernard laughed miserably: "You can't even think of coming... I said, that's the fish I caught. It will take your power to a place where you can never find it again."

Sean narrowed his eyes slightly. This meant that the other party actually had the ability to control some nano-creations.

The so-called fish is probably the sea beast that Bernard captured back then, and the consciousness of the sea beast was merged with part of the nano-creation...

Sean looked at the other party for a moment, and finally chuckled: "Mr. Bernard, use your brain, if I were the evil god, would I still reunite you with your wife? Would I let you throw it out of the palm of my hand? Finally, Is it reasonable that those things attacked me too?”

Bernard's eyes wavered.

Sean continued to approach me: "Have you forgotten that you took the initiative to find me - if you hadn't talked to me yourself, we wouldn't have had any interaction."

When Bernard looked confused again, Sean took a step closer: "I don't know what a stilt is at all, but at least I am fulfilling my promise to you seriously - I let you meet your wife. "

At the mention of Krenina, Bernard's expression began to look painful.

Sean has already come to the other party: "I sympathize with your experience, but you have to understand that in fact, I can choose not to help you - if only I can see and sense the lighthouse, it will eventually be me. Yes, why should I be in a hurry?"

"You, you..." Bernard covered his temples in pain.

Sean took another step closer.

"I have no ill intentions towards you, otherwise, I would have snatched the pocket watch. There will be plenty of opportunities along the way, right?"

As he spoke, Sean reached out to the chain in Bernard's hand.

His eyes flashed sharply, and he suddenly reached out and grabbed the chain, and at the same time kicked Bernard directly.

Sean succeeded, but Bernard didn't know where he got the strength to hold on to the chain and didn't let go.

"I don't understand!" Bernard shouted desperately.

The thick pollution aura erupted from his heart, and even Sean could only retreat temporarily.

He glanced at Sean for the last time in despair and murmured: "No matter what, we can't let Gao Zun come..."

His arm was broken at the sound, and it was about to sink into the ground along with the chain. The fish below was about to swim away with the chain in its mouth.

Sean pounced forward, grabbed the chain, and entered the gray mist to take back the pocket watch.

But Bernard's fish was so powerful that the chain slipped.

As the ground turned completely into sand and gravel, the chains, fish, and pocket watches disappeared together.

Sean opened his hands with an ugly expression, and there was only half a pointer in his palm.

Those were the fragments that Gray Mist brought back from the pocket watch.

"Is this thing so unreliable..."

Sean cursed silently.

He turned his head, and Bernard, who had lost his nano-creation and one arm, was already lying weakly on the ground.

Bernard happened to be leaning on a lonely black reef. He raised his head and seemed to see a lot of things.

He yelled while crying and laughing, and his body quickly weathered.

In the end, he failed to escape death or break free from confusion.

Bernard's bones seemed to have been tortured by the wind and sand for countless years, leaning desperately and sadly against the edge of the black reef.

Everything on him fell out, including the necklace, skull, treasure map, kettle and key. Five objects that exuded heavy pollution were scattered on the ground.

The oil paper that could cover up the pollution was also scattered, and there was a yellowed photo inside.

The shy but happy newlyweds stood in the center as the townspeople laughed and cheered them on.

Sean looked at it for a while and finally smiled disdainfully.

"They're all just unlucky people."

He picked up the contaminated props and wrapped them in oil paper.

Picking up the photo and looking at it, Sean grabbed hold of Bernard's bones and climbed onto the lonely black reef, where there was no mirror.

He found a random place and buried the bones and photos together.

With his feet flattened on the ground, Sean lit a cigarette - he didn't have the habit of smoking, but influenced by Jin Kui, he occasionally wanted to see the smoke.

After taking two random puffs, he threw the cigarette on the ground and left.

There is a small grave mound on the lonely black reef, and there seem to be many figures flashing past in the floating smoke.

"I don't know where the pocket watch was taken... If I want to find out, I'm afraid I have to go back to the reef group... Not now, I'll come back later..."

After muttering a few words, Sean wanted to take out the half pointer and take a look.

But he came up empty handed.

Suddenly, Sean discovered that his powers... seemed to have some changes?

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