I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 152 Mutants and rare elements

After entering the entrance, there is a dark passage.

The surrounding ruins have fallen down, making it very inconvenient to move forward.

Luo Xi did what she said, and after a few steps passed by, she disappeared to no one knows where.

I really don’t know how she hid her figure... Sean muttered in his mind and continued to move forward.

His concentration was extremely concentrated in order to cope with the attacks that might appear at any time in the dark.

This place is not small. After trudging forward for a while, the surrounding ruins began to gradually decrease. Sean knew that he was almost at the core of this area.

In the darkness, Sean accidentally stepped on a huge damaged screw, and the crisp sound of metal collision echoed throughout the passage.

Squeaks-- Suddenly, there was a rushing mouse crying, but the sound was almost like a lion roar.

A pair of scarlet eyes flashed through the darkness, and immediately, Sean felt a chill coming from above his head!

Roche's long combat training was taking effect at this moment, and Sean took an almost instinctive step back.

A huge black shadow rushed towards the place where he was standing just now and missed.

Sean's backhand was a knife.

The alloy war blade produced by [Company] cut firmly on the black shadow.

A large stream of blood spattered out, and the black figure let out a cry of pain.

And Sean finally saw the other party's appearance clearly in the darkness - it was a mutated mouse comparable to the size of a lion. There were many gaps in the purple-black fur, like huge squinted human eyes.

The rat was in pain and subconsciously swung its tail straight towards Sean's chest.

Sean pushed the alloy blade a little further into the wound and used the force to jump forward.

A heavy kick hit the mutant rat's spine, and Sean pulled out his sword and swung it suddenly.

Blood splashed down, and the mutated mouse collapsed to the ground. Only half a ring of scalp connected to its head was left on its neck.

After winning the first battle, Sean was not overjoyed. He swung his knife to cut off the mutated mouse's head, then found the right position and stabbed the opponent's heart again.

After doing all this, Sean's tight body relaxed a little.

He understood very well the terrifying vitality of these mutants. Neither Kakarot nor Vegeta were advisable. Trunks, the only Saiyan who never strayed, was worth learning from.

Although the first battle was sudden, it was relatively easy for Sean. He weighed the knife in his hand and dug out the mutated rat's chest.

A huge heart covered with purple veins was still beating hard, and Sean stabbed him again with an expressionless face.

After breaking it open, he was a little disappointed. There were no tiny crystals mixed with purple and blue inside.

Bodesu will quickly solidify into a granular solid after the death of the organism, which can be used after being treated with toxins.

This mouse has an elite level of strength, and it is not surprising that there is no special element produced in the body.

Leaving the body behind, Sean continued inside.

The field of vision gradually broadened. It seemed that this place was a research institute before the fall. Sean saw a lot of broken experimental equipment covered with cobweb dust.

Just after passing a corner, several rapid running sounds sounded from several directions at the same time.

Sean was not surprised but happy, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

His body twisted continuously in unscientific postures, and he avoided several attacks from sharp claws.

Without any hesitation, Sean took advantage of the inertia of the opponent's attack and struck out with his backhand.

Amidst the sound of pain, a thick tail fell to the ground, twisting continuously.

It's still a little slow... Sean thought in his mind, and his muscles exerted force again.

The light of the sword flashed in the darkness, and after the fierce battle, the three mutant rats lay on the ground.

After completing the processing work as usual, Sean wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Although he didn't gain much, he could feel that he was getting more accustomed to the fight between life and death.

He is absorbing the things Luo Xi taught him in a more thorough way.

No wonder she looks so neat when she cuts people...

Sean muttered and strode towards the darkness.

After some time, Sean had killed fifty-two mutant rats, and he finally obtained the special element.

This was obtained from the body of an extra large mutant mouse, only five of which were the size of grains of salt.

This shows the scarcity of this thing.

This place is much larger than Sean imagined, and the terrain is slowly extending downwards. In some places, there are even small pools formed by underground water.

Climbing up a high step, Sean, who had become accustomed to darkness, suddenly saw a dim light appearing in front of him on the left.

He approached it cautiously, and immediately discovered that it was a strange plant emitting fluorescence.

The plant was planted in an experimental field. It should be a certain plant that was cultivated back then. It mutated into what it looks like today after losing the light of the artificial sun.

It looks like many jackfruits that have been enlarged several times and planted in the soft soil. There is a swaying ball-shaped root stem sticking out from the top, emitting a faint light.

Sean, who had never seen this thing before, glanced around and then stepped forward to see if this thing had any additional value.

However, he had just taken a few steps when the ground suddenly shook violently.

The earth broke open, and a big purple-green mouth burst out of the ground!

Sean, who had been alert for a long time, used an unsightly but flexible roll to avoid the fatal bite.

When he looked back, the ground was rolling, and the surrounding area seemed like an earthquake.

That’s not many plants, that’s one plant!

Those thick stems that looked like huge pineapples split from the middle and turned into terrifying giant mouths one after another. The glowing stems at the top shook crazily on the upper jaw of the giant mouth.

In the center of the plant is a huge and ugly stem with a long mouth, and it is pulling out its big mouth that can eat people from the soil.

A combination of anglerfish and plants? Sean frowned.

The plant showed agility that was different from its size, and countless big mouths that made click-click sounds came at speed from all angles!

Gray mist!

Without any hesitation, Sean summoned the abilities brought to him by the Mio Thirteen manuscript.

His body took on a semi-illusory appearance, and his speed and strength further increased.

Deftly avoiding the staggered attacks of the two big mouths, Sean laughed evilly and stepped forward instead of retreating.

He jumped up, dodged the sudden attack from the ground again, and then stepped directly on the upper jaw of the big mouth, using the force to move forward!

The plant also seemed to have the instinct and wisdom of animals. When it noticed Sean stepping forward, it actually made its main body retreat a lot, and replaced it with its tentacles and big mouth at the front.

But Sean kept using his strength to jump up and dodge wildly in the Big Mouth Jungle.

He got closer and closer, and the plant concentrated its mouths in front.

He kicked his legs and jumped out again, and several big mouths twitched towards him. The big mouths actually opened to nearly 270 degrees, directly blocking him in mid-air where he could not use his strength.

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