I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 145 The No. 1 Businessman in the Imperial Capital

Luo Xi was called back, and Endeli was also called to the improvised experimental site.

Xiao Ci was placed on a small experimental device and looked a little nervous.

Sean walked over and his mind went blank: Why are you nervous? Sit down and sit down. Your brother, I want to help you check your body. Eat popsicles at night.

Seeing that he still had this indifferent attitude, the tight body of the paralyzed little Loli suddenly relaxed a lot.

The test results came out quickly, and there was no change in the energy in Xiao Ci's body.

On the contrary, after this period of training, the energy that originally contracted and expanded has slowly shrunk.

It's not an energy riot... Luo Xi's face looked a little strange. She had just communicated with Xiao Ci.

Sean has never understood why the big one and the small one can communicate so smoothly about the use of energy - this thing is very mysterious to him.

Until Luo Xi said, She and I can feel it naturally.

Sean decided not to broach the subject with either of them in the future.

Luo Xi looked at Sean: I originally thought it might be the sequelae of the last chip riot - now it seems that it is an awakening...

Awakening? A strange color flashed in Xiao En's eyes. Wasn't Xiao Ci's superpower awakened long ago?

Luo Xi's expression was equally strange: The energy riot of the chip in Xiao Ci's body prompted her to undergo positive changes... Xiao Ci seems to be an adaptable multi-power veto.

Adaptable multi-power veto... Sean's mouth twitched.

Each veto has only one ability, which is the consensus of most people.

Of course, occasionally there will be dual-power vetoers due to talent or accident, such as Sean.

Adaptability is specifically used to describe those with multiple abilities.

The next ability awakened by this kind of veto will cooperate with the previous ability, either as a complementary type or as an enhancement type of the same type.

Luo Xi continued: I just discovered a little sign that Xiao Ci's awakening may not be over yet... Normal vetoers don't have many abilities, but the module in that chip brought some mutations to Xiao Ci.

The good news is that these are all positive changes. If Xiao Ci's powers are all awakened, and she only needs to master them normally, she will have peak king-level strength.

The bad news is that her change will be very sudden. Some strong people may be able to detect the change in energy. By then [Golden Ghost] may be in trouble again.

Listening to Luo Xi's description, Sean sighed inwardly.

I really picked up a super genius...

Endeli, who was looking up a large amount of superpower information, raised his head. This inheritance from the [Twilight Tower] provided many references in terms of superpowers.

Brother, there is some information in it. Energy changes can be masked with a potion. However, Paradise City does not have any in stock. The application range of this thing is very small. It seems that it is only produced in the imperial capital. Wasteland merchants occasionally bring a few copies.

The Imperial Capital... Sean frowned.

He can't leave Paradise City for the time being. It seems that he has to find a wasteland merchant...

However, before Sean could look for it, the wasteland merchant himself came to his doorstep.

A large caravan from the imperial capital has entered the city. I have never seen such a large caravan in the past few years. The other party did not deliberately cover it up. The caravan's logo is the word 'AI'. Moza sent back the news.

Sean grinned, as if... he was an acquaintance.

In a hotel room in the trade district, a middle-aged man with white hair and beard took off his prosthetic eye and dripped 'eye drops' with machine oil.

Beside him, a man who looked like a butler was reporting the information he had collected.

...That's it, Master. The butler told in detail what had happened in Paradise City during this period.

As soon as he entered the city, he was able to find out so much news. The man called Master nodded.

He took good care of his prosthetic eye and inserted it into the mechanical eye socket with a pop.

After a moment, he sighed: That kid Huagan... is still spoiled by his mother.

Ai Huaqian is his son, and the visitor is Ai Youqian, a famous businessman in the imperial capital.

The housekeeper lowered his head: The key now is to find the young master first. Bai Ya is dead, and the whereabouts of the young master are unknown... Do you want to contact the forces in Paradise City and ask them to help find them? Or go to the important people of the [Academy], White Crow died in their hands, and the young master most likely died in their hands as well.

Ai Youqian pinched his eyebrows with a headache: If only it were that simple... the white crow was killed by the [Golden Ghost].

The housekeeper looked confused: [Golden Ghost]? According to the information we collected, White Crow should have just reached a cooperation with [Golden Ghost], just to frame the [Academy]?

Ai Youqian lit a cigarette and took a puff: Huh... [Jin Gui] is going to attack [College]... This is giving the dean a reason to clean up the house. I don't know if the dean and Jin Kui have any Reached an agreement...

He smoked very quickly, and after a few puffs all that was left was the cigarette butt.

The metal fingers wiped out the red dots in his hands, and he sighed and said: Hua Gan came from the Imperial Capital and temporarily diverted to Paradise City... Huh, that kid must have a relationship with the Walker.

The Walkers were completely wiped out, and Hua Qian was probably also directly controlled by the [Golden Ghost].

The butler's expression became serious, and he asked tentatively: Do you want to save the young master? He may be in danger.

Ai Youqian shook his head: At most, you will have to suffer a little, but your life will not be in danger.

But the other person may not know the young master...

Ai Youqian denied: Even if we didn't know each other at first, we got to know each other later.

His fingers tapped the armrest rhythmically, and his eyes were deep: The two forces were destroyed, a war broke out a thousand kilometers away, and the chip was taken away by an hourglass... There seemed to be no problem, but there was the most important node inside. Why are the two forces going to [Golden Ghost]?

It's not certain whose hands the chip will fall into. Who will give them the courage to find trouble with [Jin Gui]? If Jin Kui doesn't die, they will all die...

There are capable people in [Golden Ghost]... There is a high probability that the chip is still in the hands of [Golden Ghost]. Haha, he used such a precious thing as a bait, attracting several forces to run back and forth, and finally even fell into a situation where he could not survive. trap.

Ai Youqian sighed: That kid Hua Gan's little ideas are nothing in front of others, and my name doesn't matter here either.

The butler's eyes flickered: Master, if the chip is still in [Golden Ghost]'s hands, do we want it?

Ai Youqian frowned: Stupid, this is a guess, not a conclusion. Moreover, there is such a big hole in the city, and we don't have any more information. If we take action rashly, the end will never be good.

Some people have already stepped on the trap. We are businessmen. What do businessmen need? It's profit, and peace is the most important thing. The chip in our hands is just in exchange for profit, why bother?

Bring a gift, go and see the second-in-command of the [Golden Ghost], and lower your attitude.

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