I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 137 Why do you take advantage of all the good things?

Tell me, which one is the sister-in-law?

The two guards were chattering in low voices.

Guard 1: It doesn't matter who the sister-in-law is. We are following the eldest brother, not the sister-in-law. Besides, that is the eldest brother...

Second Guard: That's right. My eldest brother has done a lot of work of killing many people... By the way, what about Miss Zhu Zhu and Miss Luo Xi?

Guard No. 1: I don't know... Let's just be honest. Except for Miss Luo Xi, when we see any one of the other three alone, we can just call her sister-in-law.

Why do you want to get rid of Miss Luo Xi? The second guard looked puzzled.

The guard sneered and pointed at the back of his head.

The second guard looked over doubtfully, and then was shocked: Damn, what a big bag! Were you injured that night?

The first guard said depressedly: No... last time I saw Miss Luo Xi, I called her sister-in-law and got beaten...

Second Guard: ...

In the room, Ran Xinzhu was sitting on a stool with a serious face.

Her expression seemed solemn and calm, but in fact she was in a state of confusion.

After that night, Ran Xinzhu had no idea how many strange thoughts popped up, and finally they turned into worries and worries.

The real world that Sean described made her a little scared, but she also understood that if she missed this step, she would inevitably drift away from Sean.

Originally, she came to [Golden Ghost] to ask Sean what the explosion was, and at the same time to persuade him - deep down in her heart, the policewoman still hopes that Paradise City can be peaceful.

Her childhood dreams, the environment in which she grew up, and the atmosphere of going to school... She is probably one of the most naive people in Paradise City.

However, the innocent policewoman lost her innocence after seeing the blue-haired woman leaving from another exit.

She wanted to ask more questions, but Sean looked unconcerned. She didn't know in what capacity she should ask, so she had to keep her serious expression.

In fact, I feel so wronged that I want to die.

You haven't paid any attention to me for so many days. I finally come to you secretly because of business, and you are cheating on me with other women!

The only thing that made her feel better was that there was no rotten smell in the house - she could never forget that smell.

Hey, hello, Ran Xinzhu? Ran Xinzhu!

Sean's voice called her back to reality.

Ran Xinzhu looked up and saw Xiao En sitting opposite, looking at her with a funny face: There is no room in the Supervision Bureau? Come to my place and relax.

Ran Xinzhu choked, and then said in a low voice: After the explosion, many people took advantage of the situation to rob. The Supervision Bureau is indeed overcrowded now.

Sean smiled casually: Thank you.

Hearing his understatement, Ran Xinzhu felt a little aggrieved. He pursed his lips and sat there, silent.

Who is Sean? How could he not see through Ran Xinzhu's thoughts.

However, in this situation, taking the initiative to explain and admit your mistakes is to put your own status below Ran Xinzhu.

Sean never puts himself at a disadvantage except in bed.

In fact, no matter what gender they are, human beings are inherently strong-willed.

When facing the opposite sex, in addition to strength in strength and status, emotional strength is also essential.

For Sean, there will never be a shortage of women around him, whether it's a casual friendship or a long-term bed warmer.

Explain to this one today, coax another one tomorrow, and admit your mistake to the third one the day after tomorrow?

He doesn't think much about it.

Gentleness, domineering, humor, weakness... Sean can provide all the qualities for a girl, as long as the girl makes him feel valuable enough to use her.

He has no bottom line in many aspects, and the same is true in terms of providing emotional value - but it is obvious that Ran Xinzhu has not yet reached the level where Sean shows weakness.

At present, only Luo Xi can barely count as one-third?

Seeing that Sean had no intention of explaining, let alone coaxing himself, Ran Xinzhu became even more aggrieved.

But these days, as I worry about gains and losses, and the Supervision Bureau fails to act more and more, I often think back to that night...

A lot of things were kneaded together, and the policewoman who used to be vigorous and resolute now looked like a little girl with tears in her eyes.

But Sean turned a blind eye. The old god was leaning on the chair, and even had the time to reflect on the beauty of Qiong Ying just now.

As expected of a top student, even though he was very unfamiliar at first, it didn’t take long for him to become proficient at it. Of course, I also have to praise myself. That low-cut maid outfit I bought is really good...

Here, Sean was slowly reminiscing. Ran Xinzhu was filled with grievances and depression and had nowhere to vent. He didn't know whether it was because his brain was twitching or because some wire suddenly short-circuited.

She suddenly stood up from the chair and pointed at Sean angrily: I don't want to be responsible after I sleep, do I?!

Ran Xinzhu regretted the words as soon as she said them. She cursed herself for being stupid and panicked again.

My little brother has suffered so much pain, how can I still lose my temper with him?

However, Sean's words made her freeze in place, and then she became angry and itched her teeth.

Aren't you sleeping with me? Sean was surprised.

I...I! Ran Xinzhu's face turned red with pure anger.

Sean sighed: You slept with me and you still want me to be responsible for you. Why do you take advantage of all the good things?

Ran Xinzhu's chest rose and fell violently. She didn't find Sean's witty words funny at all, and her beautiful eyebrows almost raised.

Under the grievance, the sense of humiliation keeps emerging.

Seeing that the policewoman was almost reaching the limit of humiliation, Sean raised his eyebrows: Sister Captain, I thought you would understand enough after that night.

Ran Xinzhu's eyes were filled with mist, and she sadly discovered that her little brother had really changed completely.

Sean pursed his lips: I thought you would understand, but you don't understand - forget it...

He went to a cabinet and rummaged around, then handed the things over.

It was a document with nothing on it but a [Golden Ghost] badge stamped on it.

Sean sat back and said leisurely: Here you go, you can issue a law and order, as long as it is not excessive, all members of [Golden Ghost] will abide by it - of course, you'd better not come up with anything exaggerated, after all... Jin Gui] and I are both bad guys, let’s give the bad guys some room to live, ha.”

Listening to the man's casual words, Ran Xinzhu's eyes were already red.

I-am I so annoying to you? She squeezed the document tightly, her knuckles turning white.

Sean said in surprise: Isn't this what you want? To maintain the long-term peace and order of Paradise City.

So you just use this to send me away? We won't know each other from now on, right? Ran Xinzhu gritted her teeth. She wiped away her tears and stared at Sean stubbornly.

But Sean's eyes did not soften at all, and he raised his lips: [Golden Ghost] is the winner, so you came to me - before, why didn't you go to [Dusk Tower] and [Company]?

Ran Xinzhu's face instantly turned pale.

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