I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 135 What a sin!

come over.

Because of the disappearance of [Golden Ghost], Sean directly lived in a nearby residence.

This place is naturally not as good as his original magnificent bedroom, but for Qiong Ying, the less luxurious place makes her more familiar and natural.

After not seeing him for a long time, she thought she could still remain a little reserved and calm when she saw Sean.

However, when she saw the man smiling and opening his arms to her, she couldn't help but pounce on him.

After lingering in Sean's arms for a while, she said in a soft voice: I miss you...

Sean smiled and said, I didn't miss you.

Qiong Ying didn't care, she just rubbed her head: I just want you to be fine...

After rubbing it, she suddenly smelled a faint smell of medicine.

Raising her head slightly, Qiong Ying noticed that some bandages were exposed on Sean's shoulder.

She immediately frowned and said distressedly: Are you injured?

Ah? What about this? Sean pulled the collar to cover the bandage, It's just a small problem. I only suffered a few injuries by destroying [Dusk Tower] and [Company]. Don't you think it's a great deal?

Grabbing Qiong Ying's hand to check his injury, Sean smiled and said, The medicine I just changed, please don't open my wound.

Qiong Ying had no choice but to give up and sighed: As long as you are injured, I don't think it's a good deal...

Outside the courtyard, two guards were leaning against the wall and chatting.

Brother Sean is too cruel. One [Golden Ghost] headquarters is exchanged for two major forces. There is no better deal.

Another personal guard also nodded repeatedly: Regardless of his acting skills, when he confronted the two parties in the yard, I thought he was helpless - eh, wasn't your shoulder injured? Why didn't you put a bandage on it?

The other party exposed his shoulder, and the wound there had turned into a tender red mark, with only a trace of blood seeping out.

He pulled up his clothes proudly: Brother Sean just called me over to take off the bandage, and then personally injected me with a nano-treatment potion. This thing on the market is used to treat emergency wounds. It costs tens of thousands of credits for one pill. Woolen cloth.

Brother is so kind to us. Another guard was a little envious that this guy could actually have his eldest brother personally administer the medicine.

Isn't that right? Hey, you can brag after your shift ends in the evening.

In the room, lying on the not-so-large bed, the two of them were already used to being so close to each other.

Qiong Ying was afraid of touching Sean's wound, so she didn't lean into Sean's arms, but lay beside him obediently.

The door of [Academy] is closed. I don't know what happened. When talking about business, Qiong Ying's expression became serious.

She frowned slightly: I didn't dare to get too close to the [Academy]. I was worried that Latiya had started to use the receiver. Once I got close, she would find out that I didn't have anything in my body...

Not only that, those students who were in class were also sent home. I heard that no one is allowed to enter the core area.

Sean, who was expecting it, smiled casually: I gave Latiya a reason, she still has such a good opportunity, it would be too shameful not to take action -

Qiong Ying's brows furrowed when she thought of what Sean had said.

Her teacher is crazier than she imagined...

Take another look at the man next to you. Although he is still smiling lazily as before, he will frown visibly when his actions occasionally involve injuries.

The already firm determination was once again strengthened.

Qiong Ying twisted her body, put her hands on Sean's chest, and said softly: Implant it for me, it's time for me to go.

Sean's body stiffened.

Feeling the changes in the man's body, Qiong Ying laughed instead.

You feel sorry for me... hurry up, I'm worried that Latiya is almost finished. If I don't go over to show my loyalty, it will be difficult for me to enter the core area.

After a moment of silence, Sean sighed and frowned: It won't take long to fully accept the power of [Dusk Tower] and [Company]. After that, even if Boss Jin Kui doesn't come forward, [Jin Gui] It also has the ability to confront the [Academy] head-on.”

Qiong Ying shook her head and smiled mischievously: It's different...I know you like the feeling of being in control. And...

Her eyes flickered for a moment, and her voice was as soft as water blowing in the breeze: I don't want you to get hurt again.

Sean said helplessly: Then it will be fine if you are injured?

Qiong Ying nodded seriously: Compared to you getting hurt, I would rather it be me -

As she said that, she smiled mischievously: Of course, it would be best if I don't get hurt.

She was so gentle that she was still trying to get Sean to let go of his heavy heart.

Sean hesitated for a long time, and finally sighed.

He said solemnly: You know what will happen, so I will add an extra uninstall button for you. If anything goes wrong, you can immediately uninstall the receiver out of the body and don't worry about other things. Do you understand?

Qiong Ying nodded vigorously.

Of course, she had already made up her mind to accomplish everything she could.

The receiver fixed on top of the Steinway III was taken out.

Endeli made a small implant device that allows the receiver to be implanted on the top of the prosthesis with just one click, allowing it to function when it is needed.

This thing is obviously Latiya's plan to control the entire [Academy]. By now, Sean estimates that Latiya no longer hides it inside the [Academy].

Only those with implanted receivers can gain her trust, and the same goes for Qiong Ying.

Although they still didn't figure out the specific use of this thing, they agreed after discussion that this thing might be some way to change the mind.

Either the recipients of the receiver implants are tortured, or they are directly controlled.

All in all, Latiya must have started taking action.

Looking at the girl's white swan-like nape, Sean pretended to hesitate for a moment.

However, it was Qiong Ying who stopped him first.

The girl's face was a little pale, and she said timidly: It's possible to have your mind changed... right?

Sean nodded: There is a possibility. If it is fully controlled, Endeli's modified receiver will stimulate it within a fixed period of time, and then you will wake up. Don't hesitate and run directly.

Qiong Ying shook her head. She was not worried about this, but...

The girl took a few deep breaths and seemed to be making a difficult decision.

Soon, she made up her mind.

Climbing out of bed, she ran to another room.

wait for me……

After a while, Qiong Ying came out again.

However, this time she put on a maid outfit, and her pure white stockings made some traces on her thighs, perfectly interpreting purity and lust.

The girl twitched her fingers nervously, but her shy eyes reflected boldness.

Shawn's eyes flashed with surprise. He wanted to speak, but was stopped by Qiong Ying.

Qiong Ying took a few more deep breaths, the trembling mountain peaks making her dizzy.

I'm a little afraid...I'm afraid of nothing else... she said, her eyes a little red, I'm afraid that my mind will be changed and I will forget you...or even hate you.

The girl raised her head slightly, letting Sean look at every part of her body.

So...so... Qiong Ying stuttered a little.

Sean's eyes shone slightly, and he was ready.

However, Qiong Ying showed some regret: But you are injured... I can't hurt you...

Sean's temple twitched.

What a sin!

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