I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 133 Where is a [Golden Ghost] as big as me?


Amidst the laughter, a fat heart almost half the size of a human was dug out.

The heart was covered with crimson veins. As soon as it appeared in the air, the blood mist around it began to twist crazily as if it had come alive.

Below, the three people who saw this scene felt as if they were struck by lightning. Even Sherrill, the strongest, felt a huge sense of nausea and madness.

His skin was twisting, as if something was about to burst out of his body!

Injection! Sean, who was even more unbearable, roared through gritted teeth and pressed the temporary injection on the protective suit.

After the anti-riot medicine was injected, the twisting under the skin gradually subsided.

Sean's eyes were full of shock. Just by seeing that heart, he was almost contaminated!

At this time, Jin Kui's eyes flashed with cold light, and the supernatural power in his body burst out instantly!

The huge beating heart seemed to be equipped with an engine, beating even more violently.


The living heart made the sound of a balloon popping after beating to the extreme.

The bright red surface quickly turned gray, and after three flashes, it exploded into dust!

The twisted red mist calmed down, and the crazy beast that was about to be resurrected also completely lowered its head.

Shaking off the dust on his hands, Jin Kui laughed loudly: How happy!

Sean's dissatisfied voice sounded from below: Boss, can you take care of the flowers and plants around you when you are fighting!

Jin Kui lowered his head. He had no protection and flew to the ground with a smile: Why, do you want to care about the flowers around you?

Bah - Luo Xi secretly spat, and most of the shock and admiration for the boss in his heart just now disappeared.

Not a family, don't enter the same door!

Only then did Sean cautiously raise his head and nod: Is your mind really clean? - Hey, hey, hey! Don't talk nonsense, I'm a weakling!

Jin Kui actually tore off his protective clothing.

However, after being completely exposed to the environment, except for some discomfort, Sean found that he had not transformed into anything weird.

Turning around, Jin Kui, who had lost one of his hands, was looking at him with a smile.

Sean then adjusted his clothes and said, Oh, that's all.

Jin Kui sneered and slapped Sean's head unceremoniously: You can't help but wait for me to come back, right?

Sean chuckled: Just curious.

I knew... take it off. The trick is dead. The level of pollution has been greatly reduced. And as long as I'm here, I can't pollute you.

Only then did several people realize that they were surrounded by a light gray translucent energy.

Jin Kui looked at the unresponsive crazy beast leisurely: The increase in schemas is more serious than I thought. No wonder he couldn't help it.

What exactly is proliferation? Luo Xi couldn't help but ask.

Jin Kui looked back at her, raised his eyebrows at Sean, and explained with the girl's somewhat stiff expression: After stepping into Crimson, the blood of the crazy beast integrated into the body will be completely entangled with you.

Every time you grow, every time you use your power, you will multiply a part of it - this part is difficult to understand, but it will gradually accumulate into the appearance of the crazy beast you integrate into your blood.

Luo Xi was shocked and said in disbelief: Isn't that the crazy beast resurrected in another way?

It can be understood - Jin Kui nodded, The longer you stay at the crimson level, the more serious the proliferation will be.

He took out a cigar from nowhere and put it to his mouth. Sean immediately went over to light it - even if you don't smoke, you still need to bring a lighter. This is the second in command of [Golden Ghost]!

After swallowing a puff of smoke with satisfaction, Jin Kui coughed a few times: You will become less human, because the most real thing about the crazy beast is entangled with you.

Human instinct will make you resist, but resistance will make you lose power - as long as you want to stay in the deep red, you must embrace the crazy beast. This is the so-called 'pollution'.

Once you enter deep red, resisting contamination becomes a top priority, so the chip that can purify it makes these guys crazy.

Jin Kui took a leisurely puff of his cigar: Ji Xin and the others are all in the upper level of crimson, and they have been in this state for many years. Their proliferation has almost reached the limit, and even the crazy beasts that have multiplied have shared a life with them. . They cannot leave here for a long time. On the one hand, it is unsafe, and on the other hand, leaving for too long will lead to a decline in strength and an outbreak of pollution.

Ha, it's quite interesting, isn't it? Drag it to the back. Once you are far away, you will be polluted faster.

Luo Xi listened blankly, and said to herself: Because it is no longer clear which one is the true body and which one is the crazy beast.

The little girl is quite talented. Jin Kui praised.

He looked at a few more people: Stay another five minutes and go up there to feel the pollution and residual power of this place. This will be good for you to advance to Crimson in the future.

Hearing this, the three of them subconsciously sensed this place.

Let them feel it, Jin Kui explained casually: Pollution is inevitable, but it can be slowed down. Remember this feeling, you will need it in the future.

When the time came, Jin Kui took the lead and walked to the exit.

Sean looked back at the crazy beast. The supernatural powers in his body seemed to be rioting again, and he quickly looked away.

Looking at Jin Kui again, he asked without hesitation: Boss, what about the increase in your pollution?

I have it with me - Jin Kui stopped and looked back with a smile.

A huge translucent shadow flashed past, and all three of them trembled subconsciously.

That thing...

Looking at the panting Sean, Jin Kui laughed and said, Do you still want to see it?

You think I'm farting. Sean's head shook like a rattle.

Luo Xi, who had seen a lot today, was a little frightened. She took a deep breath and then followed Sean.

She had one more question.

But that doesn't explain my previous problem...

Sean looked over leisurely: This is dark red...what about dark blue? Or even higher levels?

Or...what about this world?

Luo Xi's pupils were like an earthquake.


Returning to the ground, everyone immediately lowered their heads when they saw Jin Kui appearing.

Jin Kui was not very arrogant. He smiled and greeted everyone, and even patted Endeli on the shoulder: Sean told me that you are a good boy.

Endeli almost wet his pants with excitement - well, actually it was because Jin Kui's power and pollution had not completely dissipated.

Don't worry about the proliferation of machine core. Just burn it with fire. It's useless to keep it.

After giving the instructions, Jin Kui took Sean back in the direction of [Jin Gui].

On the way, he looked around leisurely and talked casually about the 'little things' he encountered.

That boy Endeli does have his own way of making things. As soon as I take action and they feel the fluctuation, no one can tell the difference.

Tsk, plus that crimson-level crazy beast, haha, I haven't hit the ground so happily for a long time.

Hourglass? That kid is the most polluted and the fastest crazy. If he runs away, it is estimated that a new crazy beast will appear somewhere in a while.

Coffin? I'm back to the [Academy]. I think I'm half dead. I've also lost a lot of strength. I used one hand in exchange for something.

Other forces? I didn't care. They probably killed a few and ran away - hahaha. In the end, Hourglass ran away with the device. They probably have to search all over the world.

However, you are indeed insidious. If I had picked you up when I was young, [Golden Ghost] would have dominated Paradise City by now.

But you have to be careful during this time. I have to go back to recuperate for a long time - oh, you didn't blow up my recuperation room, right? From what you described, that big bomb is quite powerful.

Then, Jin Kui's footsteps stopped in front of the huge pothole.

His brow twitched.

Where is [Golden Ghost] as big as me?

Sean smiled shyly, and then pointed to the hole.

Here it is.

Double the last few hours! Asking for a monthly ticket!

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