I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 128 Destroy the family [Golden Ghost]!

Rocket, who finally regained consciousness, was carried to Brother Tommy's side.

Brother Tommy...what's wrong with you... Rocket had just woken up, but Rocket was still a little unconscious.

Brother Tommy stared at him: Rocket, what exactly did you encounter?

Us? Rocket paused, his chest heaving rapidly, and he subconsciously asked, Didn't Thirteen come to see you?

Brother Tommy said solemnly: Thirteen didn't show up at all.

Thirteen... Rocket's throat throbbed violently.

Immediately, his eyes turned red in an instant, and the suppressed anger in his heart exploded instantly.

Ten...three - Zhu Zhu, Sean, I want you to die badly!

Brother Tommy's forehead jumped sharply. He grabbed Rocket's neck with his good hand and shouted sternly: What on earth happened?!

With a 'click' sound, several broken teeth were spat out by Rocket along with blood.

Zhu Zhu... betrayed us!

Zhu Zhu... No wonder I feel something is wrong... Brother Tommy took a deep breath, and then asked, Where are the other things? Where is the chip?

Chip? Of course it's at [Golden Ghost]'s place!

Brother Tommy's eyes widened instantly: What did you say?!

Rocket said loudly: I entered [Golden Ghost] with the detector, and the chip is right there!

Brother Tommy immediately waved his hand: Stop!

The team stopped, and Brother Tommy called out a man, then pointed at Rocket: Make sure he is telling the truth!

Then he looked at the strong man: Rocket, tell me everything you know!

Not even a lie! Rocket roared angrily, and then said everything angrily.

After a while, Tommy gasped and raised his head. He looked at the person who called, who nodded: Rocket didn't lie.

Brother Tommy's eyes were instantly bloodshot, and after a moment, he laughed miserably.

Okay...okay...you've settled everything...

That Sean is deliberately forcing himself. He knows the chip and his own character - if he has a choice, he will definitely choose to find other forces!

However, that Sean actually played a trick!

The chip is a thousand kilometers away?

With Zhu Zhu here, of course we can do this!

With Zhu Zhu here, of course he also knows how the detector works.

No wonder, no wonder it was a thousand kilometers away from the detection limit... And by the time the group of crimson warriors arrived, Zhu Zhu would have already taken the chip and flew away!

[Golden Ghost] has perfectly cleared away the suspicion, and all subsequent forces will no longer target them. The other three major forces have to compensate for their recklessness.

Without the benefits that can drive people crazy, maintaining stability will become the main theme of Paradise City.

And his brother Tommy became the biggest unlucky guy here!

When the battle a thousand kilometers away ends, no one in their group will survive if they don't run away.

But if he says it now, will the people from the three major forces believe it? Never again...

What a deep scheming... Brother Tommy almost gritted his teeth.

Rocket roared angrily: Aren't we going to fight back?!

Brother Tommy laughed miserably: Kill him back? What to kill him with? How to kill him?

Suddenly, he paused on the spot.

Brother Tommy's mind flashed through the things he had seen along the way.

Mirror, mirror... mirror again.

At Zhu Zhu's speed...

Brother Tommy's eyes suddenly widened: Chip...is back in town!

Sanshan came over: Brother Tommy, what do you mean?

I have returned to the city, I must have returned to the city... This kind of person must hold everything in his hands to feel at ease... And under the current situation, no one dares to attack [Golden Ghost]...

Brother Tommy's speech became faster and faster, and his eyes became brighter and brighter.

But he didn't expect that Rocket has woken up now...

And now [Golden Ghost] has removed its energy field, and it's too late to restart it... Jin Kui is also a thousand kilometers away...

Brother Tommy immediately roared: Go back to the city and find someone!

He laughed ferociously: Ask the other three major forces if they are interested...

Destroy the entire family [Golden Ghost]!


In the yard, several people were sitting around the table eating barbecue.

Mo Jiajia and Xiao Ci, two little lolita, ate with their mouths full of oil, without caring about their image - Mo Jiajia originally had a pretty good taste in food, but recently Xiao Ci made her become more aggressive.

Sean crossed one leg and spread the barbecue ingredients lazily.

Come on, Xiao Ci has worked hard today. Let's take ten strings first.

The orange-haired little loli quickly took it.

Jiajia has also made great achievements. You can also take ten skewers.

Mo Jiajia also reached out to take it. She couldn't hold that much food in her stomach, so she bit off the first piece of meat on each skewer and handed it to Xiao Ci: Sister Xiao Ci, do you want to eat?!

Xiao Ci never refuses food.

Luoxi - well, originally you also had ten strings, but you were lazy when you were putting on the strings, so eight strings - also, remember to return the skewer to me. What's wrong with hiding the iron skewer every time?

The red-haired girl glared at him fiercely, but she accepted it quickly.

She and Xiao Ci have a lot in common when it comes to eating.

Zhu Zhu - great merit! Ten skewers, if you can't finish them, give them to me.

The red-haired girl's face turned slightly red. She was a little embarrassed sitting here, and she became even more embarrassed when Sean said this.

However, she was used to seeing the expressions of the people next to her, so she finally said thank you and accepted it.

“Moza—you’ve been working hard lately, come on, ten skewers!”

Moza pushed up his glasses and took it: Thank you, big brother - big brother, I don't want to eat those two skewers you roasted.

Must eat.

Okay big brother.

Sean picked up the last bunch and stuffed it into his mouth in a few bites.

He held a stick and dangled it in front of the hill-like Sherrill, and then burped: Sheryl... wait until next time.

The giant man just scratched his head innocently, with a smile on his face.

Sean jumped up and hit him on the head: You can't even cry out about grievances?

Sherrill said cheerfully: Brother will never treat me badly.

Sean said disgustedly: It's not as interesting to tease you as Moza.

He waved his hand, and a fully roasted three-eyed cow was carried in.

Eat with an open stomach today!

The courtyard suddenly burst into joy.

In the pleasant atmosphere, even Zhu Zhu's nervousness was relieved a lot.

After finding a thick branch, Sean jumped on it and sat down, picking his teeth and squinting at the scene in the yard.


Suddenly, a shrill alarm sounded throughout [Golden Ghost].

The guard who was stepping on the flying board shouted loudly: Enemy attack! Enemy attack!

The violent explosion drowned out the laughter in the yard.

The phone booth square had been smashed, and several guards fell in a pool of blood.

Opponents, weaklings... dense enemies poured in.

The chairman and the [Twilight Tower] owner looked in front of them indifferently, and one of them said calmly: If there is no chip, we will all die when Jin Kui comes back.

Brother Tommy, who was still lying down, laughed loudly: If I dare to come back, I will be confident.

More [Golden Ghost] guards were killed, and a huge crowd rushed into the core area of ​​[Golden Ghost].

The detector, which had been turned on at maximum power, sounded a violent alarm.

Brother Tommy laughed ferociously: How about it, am I right?

The chairman and the tower owner looked at each other, both seeing the excitement in each other's eyes.

That Sean was so brave... He actually dared to deceive a Crimson-level expert!

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