I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 121 [Academy] again? !

who are you?!

As soon as Lyman opened his mouth, an ice edge spread rapidly from the ground.

His prosthetic body buzzed with energy, but Lyman only had time to take half a step before his ankle was grabbed by the ice edge.

He didn't even have time to resist before the ice edge spread directly upward, freezing his prosthetic body firmly.

Brother Tommy jumped down from the gap. With a casual wave of his hand, the floating building fell down.

Amidst the smoke and concrete blocks, he waved his hand and walked to the dissection, casually killed several experimenters who were hiding, and then lay down on the dissection table with his chin in his hands.

Oh, my poor little Rocket - Brother Tommy looked distressed, When we met before, your butt was still so upright, but now it's even cut off.

Rocket's eyes were closed tightly as he lay there unconscious.

Patting Rocket's face, Brother Tommy looked at Lyman who was struggling.

Won't you introduce yourself?

Lyman's cheeks were already covered with frost, and he shouted sternly: Who are you? How dare you attack me, I am from the [Academy]!

Brother Tommy clapped his hands: That's right - how dare you take action against us Walkers?

Walker? What, what are you going to do!

Brother Tommy looked at the other fellow walkers and made a show-off: It's a good excuse. Let the poor Rocket use his remaining energy. Let's have some fun first.


The gate of [Academy], which has been experiencing many disasters during this period, once again welcomed a group of uninvited guests.

The group of villains known as the Walkers were crowding in, and they seemed to do everything together.

A man who looked like a little giant was being carried by them. Many people were crying and laughing beside him, shouting from time to time, My poor brother——

Latiya, who had received the news early, was waiting at the entrance of [Academy] with her people.

Brother Tommy walked in the front. He looked sad and blew his nose with a dirty handkerchief from time to time. He looked funny and weird.

They came to the [Academy] without any obstruction.

Seeing Latiya, Brother Tommy took a deep breath and actually cried.

My poor brother~ [College], you have to give me an explanation!

Looking at this person's performance, Latiya said coldly: Fellow Walkers, don't you take the [Academy] and the entire Paradise City seriously?

Brother Tommy immediately dropped the handkerchief and smiled: You haven't introduced yourself yet.

[College], Dean. The shadow beside Latiya has begun to squirm.

Brother Tommy nodded thoughtfully, and then said loudly: You are slandering, slandering! This matter is a matter for us walkers and the [Academy], and has nothing to do with other friendly and harmonious forces in Paradise City. , how can you involve others?

Latiya's eyes gradually became sharper: Does the Walker think that our [college] is easy to bully?

Don't dare. Brother Tommy chuckled, and then asked someone to carry the rocket up, We are just passing through Paradise City, but we Walkers and [Academy] have no grudges in the past and have no grudges in recent times. Why are we doing this? To my good brother?”

Latiya said coldly: [Academy] doesn't know this person at all!

As she spoke, her beautiful eyes widened, and a shadow spear burning with black flames appeared directly from the shadows around her.

Obviously, once there is no evidence, she will be rude.

During this period of time, [Academy] has suffered a lot. If it is directly slapped in the face by this group of outsiders who have just arrived, there is really no need to continue driving in Paradise City.

But Brother Tommy didn't panic at all. He just took a look at the black spear, and then ordered someone to carry the other person up.

That's Lyman frozen.

Latiya's eyes narrowed, and she said indifferently: I still don't understand what you mean.

Brother Tommy spread his hands: Isn't it obvious? You [college] people have touched one of our walkers. As the families of the victims, we are here just to ask for justice. Is this too much? Isn't this too much? .”

As he spoke, he floated up and cried to some people watching from a distance: My brother is lying on the bed not knowing whether he is alive or dead, but the culprit is pointing a knife at me. Do good people have to be pointed at a gun? And Wang Is there a law? Is there a law?”

Madman... The crowd of onlookers immediately had the same idea.

After Sean, another madman comes to Paradise City.

But the difference is that the madman in front of him is strong and mentally unstable... [Academy] is really unlucky.

However, even so, other forces have no intention of siding with the [Academy].

For them, there is nothing more satisfying than bringing bad luck to their competitors, even if this group of walkers had embarrassed the entire Paradise City not long ago.

This is probably the eternal truth of Paradise City - it doesn't matter if you are unlucky, as long as others are more unlucky than you.

Including [Company], the chairman just had a draw with the other party, but they still did not send anyone to support [Academy].

Latiya's face was as cold as ice: Is it up to you to say anything? Your Excellency is too domineering!

Brother Tommy came down from the sky and shook his finger solemnly: The dean must have misunderstood me - but I really want to know why my brother is lying on the autopsy table of the core members of [Academy], why Part of my brother was cut off and sent to [the academy].”

Behind Latiya, the leader of the Ascension Team suddenly turned pale.

I shouldn't have agreed to that idiot Lyman's request for a test...

Latiya's expression remained unchanged: It's still nonsense. Instead, I want to ask, you caught the person from my [college] and deliberately framed it. Are you planning to attack my [college]?

As he spoke, the black spear completely emerged from the shadows.

At this point, she would never admit what the other party said.

Brother Tommy pointed at the [Academy]: Then let me go in and see if there is my poor brother's butt in there, okay?

Presumptuous! The black spear was nailed directly into the stone slab in front of Brother Tommy's feet. Latiya was obviously really angry.

Brother Tommy was not afraid at all. They were originally an organization of fun-loving people who made trouble. If they made trouble, they would fight. If they couldn't fight, they would run away. This was basically the consensus of the walkers.

And Paradise City was weaker than he thought, which gave him more confidence.

Even if the other party has other powerful methods...then run away!

These are all minor issues.

Brother Tommy took a step forward, carefully touched the black spear, and then took a few steps back as if he was frightened.

It's amazing, it's amazing - but, Mr. Dean, are you really not going to give me an explanation?

Latiya was furious, and the black spear trembled and floated again.

However, another lazy voice suddenly sounded.

The crowd parted a lane, and a handsome man in a gold-trimmed shirt walked in.

He grinned: Why is it so lively?

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