Li Xia moved the table to the yard and started serving food.

Xu Chunsheng and his assistant were invited to Li Xia's house. As soon as they walked into the courtyard, they smelled a strong aroma.

"smell good!"

Both of them had goosebumps. They had never smelled such fragrant food. They couldn't help but salivate in their mouths!

Xu Chunsheng used to go to the mountains and countryside to play outdoor movies. No matter which village's production team entertained him, it was always like this. The table is full.

The plates are piled with meat and vegetables.

Chickens, ducks, fish, beef and sheep, all kinds of meat are available!

Some rural areas are poor, but when their movie projectionists come, they still kill chickens and ducks. Don't neglect.

You can imagine how good they usually eat.

But today, Li Xia's family entertained.

It was also a table full of dishes, but it was completely different.

Xu Chunsheng saw the sense of class, as if he had walked into a big hotel, Received like a distinguished guest

"Teacher Xu, this little brother, please take a seat. I am in a hurry and have cooked a few home-cooked dishes. I hope you won't dislike it."

The eyelids of Lou Deyi and Lao Zhaotou next to them twitched. Good guy, this is home-cooked food?!

The food on this table is even more upscale than a high-end hotel in the provincial capital!

On the other hand, the banquet at home is 15 yuan. When you treat a guest, you put chicken, duck, and fish on the plate. Apart from the large, rich, and fresh meat, the taste of the dish is just meaty at best and nothing else. The home-cooked dishes made by ordinary people are really It’s just home-cooked food.

Although Li Xia also said that what he cooks is home-cooked food, it doesn’t look like home-cooked food!

The duck meat is also wrapped in shredded bamboo shoots and starch paste, fried in a pan, and then served with fish-flavored sauce!!

This naughty thing! What kind of magical way to eat Ma?!

Only then did they understand a word, that is"delicious food"!

Xu Chunsheng and the assistant next to him looked at the dishes on the table with shock on their faces.

These dishes are just fragrant!

The key is Yes, it looks so good!

The dishes pay attention to color, aroma, and even before they taste it, the first two are already full marks!

Xu Chunsheng recognized that two of the dishes should be squirrel mandarin fish and braised chicken nuggets, but the meat dish next to it was covered with sauce. What is it?

Just looking at the surface, you can’t tell what kind of dish it is!

The vegetables also look very appetizing, including minced meat and eggplant, peas and shrimps, and spicy and sour shredded potatoes.

"Boss Xiao Li, why are the peanuts peeled and there are dried chili peppers in them?"

Xu Chunsheng pointed at a plate of peanuts and couldn't help but wonder.

He was a little confused. Isn't it troublesome to peel the peanuts when they are fried and served with wine?

Could it be that this is some god's way of eating that he doesn't know?

Does it taste different from other peanuts?

Sure enough...

Li Xia explained:"This is called Jiugui Peanuts. The peanuts are peeled and fried to make them crispier. Then add salt and a little sugar and stir-fry them to taste. They taste salty and spicy. , which can be consumed with wine or as a snack."


Wine, alcoholic peanuts!"

Xu Chunsheng said in his heart,"Fuck", Boss Xiao Li is so awesome, he can make peanuts taste different!

There are some on the table that he hasn't eaten in two days. Steamed buns!


This trip is so worth it!

Everyone sat down and prepared to have dinner.

Lou Deyi and Lao Zhaotou had already eaten, so they were too embarrassed to sit down.

But they were busy, and... Li Xia, the village chief and production team leader of Shangrong Village, held them down and sat down to accompany the wine.

Wang Guifen refused to serve at the table no matter what she said. The old rural habits were deeply ingrained in her heart. During banquets, women and children were not served at the table.

Lin Xiaomei was too embarrassed to sit down. The Eight Immortals table was only that big.

She and Wang Guifen were very satisfied eating steamed buns in the kitchen. After all, it was Li Xia who made the steamed buns.

"Aunt Wang, let's ask my brother-in-law to cook tonight's dishes again at noon tomorrow to make up for it."

Lin Xiaomei just took a look at the dishes on the table several times. There are two dishes that she has never eaten before. She must not be reconciled to not having a chance to eat them tonight. Tomorrow she will hold Li Xia's lap and cry, she must let her He did it again.

Wang Guifen didn't ask for anything, she was very satisfied with eating steamed buns.

There were eight steamed buns in total, and she and Lin Xiaomei had four each.

Wang Guifen left two for Jiang Shunwang and took them back to him.

Li Xia would not follow the previous rules It was an old habit not to let his wife serve, but in his heart, his wife and children were the first priority.

This dish was originally a home-cooked dish, and Li Xia usually cooked it like this for his wife and two milk dumplings.

But today people There are a few more, and the dishes are also increased accordingly.

On Li Xia's right is Chu Mengxi, two milk dumplings, and on the left are Xu Chunsheng, Lou Deyi, Lao Zhaotou, and the assistant.

A table is full.

There are guests, The two breast dumplings became much more well-behaved. They looked like two porcelain dolls. They sat on the chairs and talked much less than usual.

However, their two pairs of big eyes were fixed on the dishes on the table and they swallowed quietly. Mouthwatering. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The movie officially starts at seven o'clock, and there is still more than an hour for dinner.

You can drink wine, but you can only drink it, not drink it freely.

Xu Chunsheng They usually like to drink a little wine, but Lou Deyi and Lao Zhaotou drink a small cup every day, which has become a habit.

Li Xia doesn't usually drink, and there is no good wine at home.

A pot of sorghum wine is Lou Deyi brought it over and poured four small cups. After finishing the drink, he stopped drinking and wanted to watch a movie.

Lou Deyi said:"Come on, let's bring a cup. First of all, I would like to say thank you to the teacher and the little brother. You have worked so hard to come to us soon." Movies are shown in Shangrong Village, thank you very much!

Xu Chunsheng:"The village chief is so polite!" I would like to say that I would like to express my gratitude to Boss Li for making such a delicious table of rice and vegetables!"

The four drinkers all raised their glasses and took a sip.

The spiciness of the 56-degree white wine went straight from the mouth to the chest, like a string of fire!

The wine was so strong!

It was so exciting!

Everyone started to move their chopsticks.

Li Xia is very good at cooking. Every dish he requested was his work, so even the few vegetarian dishes he cooked carefully without perfunctoryness.

However, because of his excellent cooking skills, on the surface, Li Xia seemed to be busy on the stove. It's the same as making home-cooked food.

But if you change the place, such as the back kitchen of a big hotel, wearing white clothes and hats, Li Xia's style will suddenly come up.

Golden and crispy, sweet and sour squirrel mandarin fish.

The meat. Three-cup chicken with strong aroma, sweet and salty, salty and fresh. 303 Twice-cooked duck with bright red color, crispy skin and tender meat. Spicy and sour, delicious and crispy potato shreds


After several people tasted it with chopsticks, they got goosebumps all over their bodies!

Every dish is so delicious!

Super delicious!

No matter the texture or taste of the food, it is the ultimate wonderful taste!

The taste buds on the tip of the tongue were strongly bombarded!

The eyes of Xu Chunsheng, Lou Deyi, Lao Zhaotou and the assistant were constantly shining.

They have never tasted such delicious food!

It's always a blessing to have such a delicious dish, but today we have this big dish!

I just want to die of happiness!

Chu Mengxi ate vegetables and meals generously, and the men drank as they pleased, but she didn't interfere. When the conversation reached her side, she responded with a polite smile.

This cold temperament is completely unlike that of an ordinary rural woman.

In addition, she was beautiful. To use the term later generations to describe, in front of outsiders, Chu Mengxi was a goddess with a cold temperament.

She put a piece of fish-flavored twice-cooked duck into each of the two milk dumplings. The crispy bamboo shoot paste wrapped the delicate and fragrant duck meat, plus the sweet and sour fish-flavored sauce. The two milk dumplings chewed quickly with their small mouths.

Because it tasted so good, my two little feet dangled happily under the table.

If there were no outsiders, they would definitely use soft and waxy voices to worship and praise Li Xia.

This duck meat tastes amazing!


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