Li Xia said that Nie Hui gave the two little guys a meeting gift before leaving.

Chu Mengxi was stunned. She squatted down and checked the pockets of the two little guys.

Sure enough, both of them had a folded unity sheet stuffed in their pockets.

Chu Mengxi took it out and opened it. There were two brand-new banknotes. She looked at Li Xia.

Li Xia smiled and said:"Boss Nie is very particular about people and polite, so we can accept it with confidence."

Chu Mengxi nodded, walked into the bun shop and put away a few dishes.

Li Xia led the donkey cart out.

Close the store door and lock it.

The family got on the donkey cart and went home happily.

Business was very good today. In total, we sold more than 1,900 steamed buns, earning 332 yuan, 5 cents and 2 cents.

I made more than 400 portions of egg fried rice and earned 211 yuan and 50 cents.

There are more than 1,200 crystal shrimp dumplings, and the income is 103 yuan.

Adding in the 221 yuan, 6 cents and 6 cents earned from selling fish and eels, the total income has reached 869 yuan.

After excluding costs, the net profit is 800 yuan a day.

In this day and age, someone who can earn this kind of income in one day is considered a rich person.

Moreover, he is very rich, enough to live a life of singing and dancing.

Chu Mengxi's head was empty, and she could only feel that her pocket was filled with thick bills, almost unable to hold it.

Do your hands get sore when you keep accounts and organize money at night?

On the way back, the donkey cart passed by an old man selling candied haws.

The old man was walking home carrying a handful of 400 targets with candied haws on his shoulders.

There are more than a dozen red rock sugar hawthorn sticks stuck on the target.

The eyes of the two milk dumplings suddenly lit up.

Duoduo raised her little head, flashed her big eyes, and asked Li Xia:"Dad~! Are you being good today?"~!"

Li Xia lowered his head and looked at the milk dumplings, and then looked at the old man selling candied haws, there was a smile in his eyes.

Nuannuan moved her body over, hugged one of Li Xia's arms, and said in a soft and waxy voice:

"Daddy~! There are candied haws~! Daddy~! Can Nuannuan eat a bunch of candied haws?~?"

Duoduo:"Dad~! Is that okay?~!"

The two pairs of big eyes of the two breast dumplings looked at Li Xia with a slightly pleading look, which was a bit cute.

"Then daddy will buy a bunch of candied haws for each of you? OK?"

Seeing Li Xia agree, the two little guys were about to cheer, but they heard Chu Mengxi's voice:

"Duoduo and Nuannuan, your stomachs were so full before, can you still eat candied haws?"

Duoduo and Nuannuan immediately closed their bulging bellies, and then nodded in unison.

"Mom~! Look~! My belly is not big, I can still eat candied haws.~!"

"You can also eat it warmly~!"

Chu Mengxi's eyes were smiling, but she said:"One bunch of candied haws per person is too much. Children's teeth will be damaged if they eat too much candies. Dad, you can only buy one bunch and let them divide it among themselves."

The two milk dumplings heard this. I could only buy a bunch of candied haws, and my face immediately became aggrieved.

However, eating one bunch is better than eating nothing at all, so the two little guys looked at Li Xia eagerly.

Li Xia smiled and shook his head, jumped off the donkey cart, turned around and caught up with the old man, and bought a bunch of candied haws for five cents.

Li Xia handed the candied haws to the hands of the two little guys and continued to drive the donkey cart.

The two little guys started to"divide the spoils""

"One sister~! Warm one~!"

"One sister~! Warm one~!"


"Warm me up~! One sister~! Okay, gone~!"

Nuannuan looked at the candied haws in her hand and then at the one in Duoduo's hand. She felt a little strange.

She counted them with her little fingers and said dissatisfiedly:

"Sister, why do you have more than Nuannuan~! unfair~!"

There were seven candied haws on a bunch, Duoduo got four, but Nuan Nuan only had three.

Duoduo then said:"Nuan Nuan, you can share it with me."~!"

"OK~! Come and share the warmth~! Nuannuan is the fairest~!"

The two milk dumplings put the candied haws together again, and Nuannuan began to divide them.

"One sister~! Warm one~!"


"Warm me up~! Sister one~!"

The result is still the same, Duoduo has one more than Nuannuan.

The little girl tilted her head and thought for a long time, unable to figure out what was going on, and then said:

"It’s divided~! That’s it~! Nuannuan points are the fairest~!"

Duoduo nodded in agreement.

The two little guys started eating.

Li Xia and Chu Mengxi looked at each other and smiled.

Half past six in the evening. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Old Zhaotou and his wife brought over fresh vegetables picked from the fields.

Four large vegetable baskets filled with vegetables

"These are twenty-five kilograms of leeks, thirty kilograms of cabbage, two kilograms of green onions, five kilograms of carrots, and three kilograms of peas. My wife and I weighed them before they were delivered. If you are worried, (bc

)To weigh."

Li Xia glanced at the vegetable basket. The portion was more or less.

Moreover, at the bottom of the vegetable basket, there were some small green vegetables, green onions, garlic and ginger, which were given as gifts.

The people in Shangrong Village were very simple, and they were not busy in business. What kind of scheming is there?

He smiled and shook his head and said,"Uncle Zhao, I still can't trust you. No need to weigh me. I'll give you the money.""

Li Xia paid a total of 5 yuan and 50 cents according to the market price. He happily took the money, and Old Zhaotou asked tentatively:

"I heard that you opened a bun shop in Pingxiang Market? Li

Xia nodded and said,"Yes, Uncle Zhao and Aunt Tian, ​​if you go to Linshui County from now on, come to Li Ji Baozi Shop to eat steamed buns. We won't charge you." Aunt

Tian's heart was pounding:"Li Xia, are you really capable? You have opened a bun shop in Pingxiang?" Open today, how is business?"

"Business is okay. Li Xia answered with a smile.

Old Zhaotou sighed:"The youngest son of the Old Li family is really promising. He is the first businessman in our Shangrong Village!""

After chatting for a while, the old Zhaotou couple left.

It was not yet dark, and a cool evening breeze blew between the sky and the earth.

The two milk dumplings rode a pedal tricycle and went for a ride in the village.

Li Xia She and Chu Mengxi moved the vegetables into the kitchen.

Chu Mengxi washed the vegetables and Li Xia cut the vegetables.

The time came to half past seven.

It was already dark.

Chu Mengxi took care of the two milk dumplings to sleep, and Li Xia carried the fishing rod. Went fishing at night... the next day.

Li Xia woke up at five o'clock and took off Chu Mengxi's hands and feet. Chu Mengxi also woke up.

Li Xia looked at her with black eyes, smiled and said softly:"Daughter-in-law , morning~!"

"Um~!"Chu Mengxi's voice was a bit lazy and sounded numb.

"Good morning, husband~!"She stood up, raised her chin, and kissed Li Xia on the face.

The couple first made the preparations, loading the fish onto the donkey cart, cutting the vegetables for yesterday, and the overnight rice, all neatly placed on the donkey cart. quarter past five.

On the bed in the house, the two breast dumplings were still powered off.

Li Xia went to wake them up.

The two breast dumplings were in a daze, holding Li Xia's neck instinctively, their eyes still closed, and they were mumbling, not understanding what they were saying.

Li Xia held one in each hand and carried the two milk dumplings to the door and sat on a small bamboo chair.

The two breast dumplings opened their sleepy eyes, their heads drooped, and they were not yet fully awake.

Chu Mengxi used a towel with cold water and wiped the two breast dumplings' faces before they were completely awake.

"Mom and Dad~! morning~!"

"Yawn~! Daddy mommy~! Good morning~!"

The two little guys went to bed very early yesterday and have slept for more than nine hours now, which is a lot of sleep time.

They can't be allowed to sleep too much, otherwise Chu Mengxi will have a headache when the night is full of life.

The second day after Li Kee’s steamed bun shop opened.

Li Xia first went to the fish market to sell the fish.

A total of 175 kilograms of fish, earning 140 yuan.

Two milk dumplings were successfully fed by Boss Zhao, four small pieces of mung bean cake packed in cartons.

The two little guys thanked them politely and put the mung bean cake into their pockets, feeling quite happy.

The donkey cart arrived at the bun shop.

At the door of the steamed bun shop, there were already seven or eight customers waiting to eat steamed buns.

They ate Li Xia's steamed buns yesterday, as if they had tasted delicious food in the world, and they will continue to eat them today.

Li Xia opened the door


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