I'm A Real Villain

Chapter 529 Should I Call You Wukong, Or Martial God...

When Wu Kong heard this sentence, his face became ugly, and he was a holy son after all. Do you want to talk so loudly?

At this moment, a voice rang out.

At this moment, Heavenly Emperor's voice was full of jokes.

After watching Heavenly Emperor appear, Wu Kong's eyes were filled with disbelief, how did this guy know that he would come to this place.

After hearing this sentence, Heavenly Emperor laughed and looked at Wu Kong with a sneer in his eyes.

When Yueqing heard this sentence, there was surprise in his eyes, was he threatened? He never thought that a person from Immortal Emperor Ninth Stage was actually threatened by a person from Immortal, and This person is still from the Realm on the first floor of Da Luozhen Immortal.

"You said this before, I don't believe it. After all, the Martial God family cannot be replaced by others."

"What do you mean by that sentence?"

Wu Kong said something softly, and when the voice fell, he saw a pattern in the key that was suspended in the air. Looking closely, it was the same as the magic formula Wu Kong had just pinched.

When she heard this sentence, Yueqing's eyes were full of surprise, because she was controlled by Heavenly Emperor. She still had her own thinking. Hearing Heavenly Emperor say this, it seems that the person who communicated with her before was Heavenly Emperor. Well, I didn't expect that at that time, Heavenly Emperor had already been laid out.

When I saw Yueqing coming over, if it hadn't appeared by myself, I'm afraid I would have rushed over directly.

At this moment, a voice rang out. After hearing this sentence, Wu Kong's expression changed and he looked behind him.

When he heard this sentence, Wu Kong of course wanted to say that he knew, but he couldn't.

After hearing this sentence, Heavenly Emperor was no exception. After all, there was a figure outside staring at him furtively.

The power of the soul revealed by the previous Heavenly Emperor really made him dread.

When she thought that she was being controlled by Heavenly Emperor and the relationship between Huangfu Feiyan and Heavenly Emperor was unusual, Yue Qing suppressed the ups and downs in her heart.

After hearing what Tiandi said to herself, Yueqing also became quiet, knowing that Heavenly Emperor will not aimlessly, presumably, there is some plan, with the help of Heavenly Emperor, he can break through Immortal Emperor Ninth Stage, even other people must also Yes, I just don't know how powerful the power behind Heavenly Emperor is, but he doesn't care anymore.

"Yueqing, come here."

Hearing this sentence Heavenly Emperor's face darkened, even Yueqing looked at Huangfu Feiyan with a hint of embarrassment in her eyes, if this person was not related to Heavenly Emperor, Yueqing would have given Huangfu Feiyan two punched.

Hearing this sentence, Wukong knew that even if he knew it, he couldn't admit it.


Heavenly Emperor didn't bother to pay attention, and chased after Wu Kong's direction.

Originally, Yueqing wanted revenge, but Heavenly Emperor said that if you go by yourself, there may be danger. Wait for a while, and then there will be someone from Immortal Emperor Ninth Stage to help you.

There were several Cultivation Techniques in his secret realm before, which seemed to be aimed at the soul.

Therefore, even if Wu Kong entered, no vision would appear.

Hearing this sentence, Heavenly Emperor laughed.

"I didn't expect it, but I really found it.",

Given the chance, Ascension's own strength is the most important.

"Should I call you Wu Kong or Martial God?"

"This secret realm should be left over from your last life."

Hearing Heavenly Emperor's laughter, Wu Kong now wants to kill Heavenly Emperor, but he knows that he can't do it, unless he gets what he left behind and his strength is breakthrough, he will have a chance.

When Wu Kong set up this thing before, it was for the sake of the family.

Heavenly Emperor watched the son of luck come out of the nest with a light in his eyes.

"Do you know that the bloodline of the Martial God family has changed?"

But after thinking that I had made a breakthrough, I looked at Heavenly Emperor with gratitude in my eyes.

Heavenly Emperor transmits sound to Yue Qing. ,

"Let's go."

Heavenly Emperor heard this sentence, with a strange look in his eyes, is this son of luck praising himself?

At this time, the son of luck Wu Kong came to a remote place. Looking at this place, Wu Kong had nostalgia in his eyes.

Hearing this sentence, Wu Kong's pupils shrank a little, then calmed down.

Heavenly Emperor is a little embarrassed to be seen by Huangfu Feiyan?

'why are you laughing? ’

"He's not something you can get your hands on, remember your identity?"

Then, a whirlpool appeared, and only one person could be accommodated in it.

"I'll go as well."

Now I don't get much attention in the Wu family.

In the previous life, he thought that he couldn't use these things, and it was too dangerous to use his soul to attack. If he didn't get it right, he would encounter backlash.

Looking at Heavenly Emperor's movement, Huangfu Feiyan looked at Yueqing.

After Huangfu Feiyan said this, she turned and left, chasing after Heavenly Emperor.

However, this level of praise is really not that good.

'Sir. ’

Watching Heavenly Emperor expose himself without hesitation, Huangfu Feiyan was not embarrassed, and looked at Heavenly Emperor carefully.

When he saw this vortex appear, Wu Kong couldn't control the joy on his face. After all, he didn't know many things before, and there were all kinds of treasures.

Afterwards, Wu Kong took out the key, and there were fluctuations in his eyes. After all, after returning from this life, he still had a little boyishness.

Could it be that the son was the enemy of Martial God before.

After thinking of this, Wu Kong's pace quickened and passed in the direction he remembered.

After thinking of this, Wu Kong was thankful that he had made a correct decision before.

‘It’s not like you can’t do it, in such a short time, you can’t do it. ’

"I don't know, what do you mean, I still know about Martial God, the founder of the city of Martial God."

Seeing Yueqing like this, Heavenly Emperor naturally knows what Yueqing is thinking, but Heavenly Emperor doesn't care. This month Yueqing is under his control, and his thoughts are also under his control. If Heavenly Emperor wants to know his thoughts, it is easy .

When she thought that Wu Kong was Martial God, Yueqing's eyes were full of wonder, but what she couldn't understand was that she could be said to have been in close contact with Martial God before, and when she saw Wu Kong, Without guessing above, why did Heavenly Emperor know that this person is Martial God.

Just when it appeared, at the same time, Wukong held a magic formula in his hand.

"Come on, let's meet your old friend."

"It is rumored that Martial God is powerful, sincere, and talented. If I were Martial God, I could laugh in my dreams."

But when he thought of the key in his hand, Wu Kong automatically blocked these words.

"Huangfu Feiyan, if you want to come, just come, no one will stop you, like a thief."

'What do you see me doing? ’

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