I'm A Real Villain

Chapter 494 The Forbidden Taste, Heavenly Emperor Is Cruel To Own!

When they saw the state of Heavenly Emperor, the people of Immortal Demon Palace had horror in their eyes.

"It takes out its own bones and paints on it one by one. The middle bones undergo numerous fractures, and finally a little is carved, just like this little by little."

"Will it hurt him?"

At this moment, Heavenly Emperor patted the coffin and said something.

Huangfu Feiyan said something.

"You are all paying attention to his methods, haven't you discovered his strength?"

"come out."

"Yeah, but I guess this little guy has his own means, otherwise he wouldn't use this trick."

A sword intent emanated from the emperor's body, and at this moment, the emperor's knives were united.

In the dark, a strong man of Great Luojin Immortal said something.

When they saw this scene, many people took a deep breath and looked at Heavenly Emperor.

'Da Luozhen Immortal. ’

"The moment when a formation is formed is the most dangerous. A person's physical body cannot tolerate this kind of taboo formation at all."

'They just amaze the disciples and these methods are powerful. ’

After hearing this sentence, many people recovered from their shock and felt the breath of Heavenly Emperor.

Hearing Xiao Ha say this, the two looked at each other and saw the horror in each other's eyes.

"Okay, then wait and see."

"He's Hearts Demon, he's a pawn, a pawn at the mercy of others, and he wants to live."

Then, his face changed again.

Hearing this sentence, the two were surprised, wondering why Huangfu Feiyan believed in Heavenly Emperor so much.

After hearing what Emperor Ba said, Heavenly Emperor looked like he didn't care. After all, when he used this skill to escape before, he didn't use the Immortal's ability to ban formation at all.

"Yeah, this time he fought for himself."


"Is this my apprentice, when did he become so arrogant?"

'At this moment, the thoughts reacted, looking at the scene in the sky, startled, and exclaimed. ’

"He engraved the formation on his own bones."

Heavenly Emperor looked at this Immortal Emperor with light in his eyes.

One of the strong men said something.

At this time, the Heavenly Emperor did not enter the formation by himself, and the burial coffin appeared. "

When looking at what appeared in the coffin, even the emperor's complexion changed. At this moment, he also felt a sense of danger.

'There is news that Di Tian is dead and seems to have a relationship with Heavenly Emperor. Now the relationship between the two is a little complicated. However, why have I never heard of this formation, and it is the first time I have seen it. ’

‘I was skeptical before, but now it seems I guessed right. ’

Tantai Yujing asked, with disbelief in her tone.

"This is, can't be, is this an Immortal Emperor?"

‘Heavenly Emperor, you used this trick before, do you really think we were unguarded, spare your life, you don’t know how to be grateful, and you still want to shoot at us. ’

The ancestors of the Immortal Demon Palace looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes.

At this time, the emperor looked at Heavenly Emperor and was about to shoot.

"I didn't expect that this burial coffin appeared again, and the devil would not use this thing as an eye."

"You mean, he painted formation on himself."

'No, this is too fake, there is an Immortal emperor in it. ’

Missing said word by word.

Huangfu Feiyan said something.

"I didn't expect that Heavenly Emperor actually has this kind of good fortune, but if it is revealed now, trouble in the Immortal world will be inevitable in the future."

‘What kind of despair is it to force a person into this state. ’

Missing smiled bitterly, but looking at Heavenly Emperor, she felt more distressed.

"It was there before, but not now."

"This is a taboo formation, even the world is difficult to imprint, but he painted this formation on his body, stroke by stroke, do you know the hardships involved, it is more dangerous than the thunder tribulation of Emperor Immortal that we broke through. ."

"But have you ever thought about how old Heavenly Emperor is, he can already operate these taboo methods."

"Actually, the real eye is Heavenly Emperor. He painted formation on himself."


'That's right. ’

'This is the method I remember. ’

Now I don't think that I still have these methods.

Missing said this sentence, with a complex tone in her tone.

"No, you are wrong."

Huangfu Feiyan looked at Heavenly Emperor and said word by word.

Missing said word by word.

"why would you say so?"

'Enter. ’

Tantai Yujing looked at Missing and sighed.

Is this the devil of the Immortal Palace? Why does it have these means, even an Immortal emperor can't have these means, how did it do it?

"Let's see, if it doesn't work, let's take action. It's a big deal to fight Kunlun, and we have to help this little guy out."

'The formation is strong, but it lacks an eye. If it is replaced by a big Luojin Immortal, it can compete with two people, but now this little guy's Realm is too low, and it is still a few levels worse. ’

"That's the emperor of Kunlun. I didn't expect that it is now the devil of the Immortal palace. Why is this?"

Just then, a dog came over.

"Because he wants to live."

Even the people in the Immortal Palace feel the breath of Heavenly Emperor.

"I feel the same, the coffin is powerful, but this weapon has no consciousness."

'Look at it again, I feel that Tu'er's plan is not so simple. ’

Emperor Ba watched with a sneer in his eyes after Heavenly Emperor made this move.

"Taboo, I feel like a taboo is about to appear in the Immortal world."

'Like the burial coffin, even the Immortal King may not be able to operate, and that formation. ’

Tantai Yujing covered her mouth and looked at the Heavenly Emperor in the sky.

The devil of the Immortal palace, the powerful means, the forbidden formation, the forbidden emperor, and the realm of the great Luozhen Immortal.

Thinking of this, Heavenly Emperor was suspended in the void, looking at the Emperor and Shangguan Immortal Yue.

'Is this our devil, is this powerful, this is the coffin for the funeral, the forbidden imperial soldier. ’

If you put it on anyone of the younger generation, you can become a monstrous genius.

"He's fighting for himself right now, giving it a shot for himself."

"No wonder you smelled the forbidden smell. It seems that you have a hunch."

"Now I don't know, Heavenly Emperor is taboo or something."

"Forbidden taste."

"No, these methods are powerful and not false, they are all taboos."

Then, they looked at Heavenly Emperor with satisfaction and pride in their eyes.

"I believe in him."

But the current emperor is the Immortal emperor after all, and the emperor will not be his opponent, even if there is a taboo formation.

But when these things appear in a person, it is not as simple as a monster, it is a taboo.

At this time, in the mountains behind the Immortal Demon Palace, one after another strong man watched this scene.

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