I'm A Real Villain

Chapter 472 The Killing In10t Of The Emperor, The Shock Of Heavenly Emperor, Luck...

When they were plotting against Huangfu Feiyan before, they didn't expect that this silly white sweet, who was also a black belly, pretended to be a pig to eat a tiger, and almost killed Di Tian at the beginning.

At that time, Di Tian said that he had a way.

Several disciples have not yet responded.

Heavenly Emperor laughed. It seems that Master Own is not a reckless person, he just doesn't know, what is Master Own's method?

Heavenly Emperor inadvertently saw the movement of Missing.

Otherwise, if you come by yourself, Shangguan Immortal Yue will definitely appear.

Seeing his master's self-confidence, Heavenly Emperor felt that it would be better for him to speak out.

Moreover, the emperor's family also put in a forbidden weapon and buried it in a coffin.

Di Tian created the Immortal Demon and used the blood of Huangfu Feiyan to make a layout. What he didn't expect was that Hearts Demon actually had his own consciousness and gave birth to his own complete personality, even if he couldn't act anymore.

"I feel that the Emperor Family is going to plot against us?"

When the previous emperor was still playing the role of his own father, the system detected that the emperor was a son of luck, but now he is not a son of luck, which is a contradiction.

But after Di Tian was defeated and Hearts Demon was created, the Qi of Chaos actually merged with Hearts Demon.

Then a Black Tortoise figure appeared, guarding several disciples inside.

After all, the young master is still in the Closed Door Training and has not come out. They are waiting.

Hearing Di Tian's voice transmission, Missing's surface remained calm.

Then, he raised his middle finger.

Thinking of this, Huangfu Feiyan gently clasped her fingers together.

Thinking of the emperor's explanation, no matter how angry you are, you need ninjas.

When thinking of this, several disciples took a deep breath, moved their bodies, and came to the ring.

When the people of the Emperor's family heard about this, they were also shocked.

It was because of that incident that Di Tian produced Hearts Demon. Di Tian did not expect that the person he had calculated was actually stronger than himself, and when he was fighting with this woman, it was simply a devastating blow.

Destiny: Goddess Empress, Son of Dao

Name: Huangfu Concubine Yan

It seems that the emperor gave his own chance to his own son, Di Tian, ​​which caused his own luck to drop. This is not a son of luck anymore.

The emperor said a word indifferently.

"What's the matter?

It can only be said in this sentence.

"Heavenly Emperor didn't care about what happened before. When he saw that he beat himself up, Heavenly Emperor was very angry."


Even a few disciples looked ugly. They knew what Huangfu Feiyan's gesture meant?

When Huangfu appeared, he looked at a few disciples and said something.

Because, at this time, Heavenly Emperor found that the recent turning point of Huangfu Feiyan had changed.

"Forget it, this is your secret. It seems that this time I underestimated the enemy. I didn't expect that this guy would make breakthroughs without limits."

Strength: Taiyi Xuan Immortal Peak

Even if he knew that these few would lose, he still didn't care.

Heavenly Emperor was unmoved, Huangfu Feiyan did this, and he had already guessed it.

Several around in a circle.

It can be seen from the previous Heavenly Emperor that Shangguan Immortal loves his own children, but now it has not come out, there is only such a result.

At this time, Heavenly Emperor secretly and misses voice transmission.

When several disciples of Emperor Peak looked at Huangfu Feiyan in the ring and looked at them with disdain, a burst of anger rose.

Hearing this sentence, Missing's surface did not move, but Heavenly Emperor saw that his master Missing's mood changed.

"The Emperor is the power of the Immortal Emperor."

Later, according to Di Tian's practice, he did not expect to cultivate an enemy.

"I know, I also have a feeling, but I believe in being a teacher."

Now that the emperor has come out, Shangguan Immortal Yue has not come out. Heavenly Emperor knows that Shangguan Immortal Yue will probably also give his own background to his own son Di Tian.

Through the cold, the heart is flying.

Heavenly Emperor was unmoved, looking at Huangfu Feiyan on the ring, thinking in his eyes, should he take this guy's chance, but why would he beat himself after this guy came back.

If it wasn't for the arrival of his family, he might have really died.

When the Di Family heard the news, they were overjoyed.

Many people you look at me, I look at you, confused.

"How did you know?"

Heavenly Emperor can see that Huangfu Feiyan naturally knows it.

Many people feel that there are hundreds of thousands of grass and mud horses galloping past on their foreheads.

Thinking of this, Emperor Ba was a little worried, and he wanted to kill Heavenly Emperor and Huangfu Feiyan now.

When they saw this scene, many people were surprised. The anger of the few disciples just now didn't seem to be fake. They wanted to kill Huangfu Feiyan, but as soon as you appeared, you summoned a Black Tortoise shield to protect yourself inside. what is it.

This coffin was obtained by the Di Family in a secret realm. The secret realm had no name, but it was obtained by Di Tian, ​​and it also obtained an air of chaos.

Huangfu Feiyan was surprised.

Destiny: Destiny's Body (Gold) Shocking Luck (Gold) Retrograde Attack Immortal (Gold) Prosperous (Gold) Talent (Gold)

Then the hands are tied.

To force the current Emperor Family, he had to use his own background to gain the strength of Ascension Di Tian.

"Six hours later, when I left Kunlun, I encountered someone from the imperial family, and I was separated from the people from the Immortal Palace. There are three Great Luo Gold Cores in it, after taking Medicine Pill, ten days later, he broke through the Immortal Realm of Taiyi Gold, and then returned to the Immortal Devil Palace and beat Heavenly Emperor."

The few disciples didn't know what the purpose of their coming out was, that is, to drag the devil of the Immortal Devil Palace, and the Immortal child.

Thinking of this, Heavenly Emperor's eyes were filled with thought, and it seemed that the Emperor Family was secretly prepared.

The previous emperor, and Shangguan Immortal Yue also thought that Hearts Demon had already completed its transformation, and it was time to wait for the time to come. He never thought that Heavenly Emperor would actually notice it, causing the planned miscarriage.

‘Let’s go together, or you are really not her opponent. ’

Then, I saw a few spears of the earth appear in the shields of a few people.

Hearing this sentence, many people's expressions changed, even Kunlun's people also changed. After all, they knew what physique Huangfu Feiyan was, but now they saw that Huangfu Feiyan didn't leave a face for Kunlun at all. , still a little angry.

"Come together."

A terrifying Restrictions appeared in front of several people.

Heavenly Emperor knew that Master Own would not be the emperor's opponent, even if the emperor was injured.

Heavenly Emperor froze for a moment, then laughed, and it seemed that they were stalling for time.

At this time, Heavenly Emperor, with a condensed gaze, looked at Huangfu Feiyan.

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