I'm A Real Villain

Chapter 459 Ye Lang Is Self Important And Immortal Son. Heavenly Emperor Made Him Human...

The eyes of the person who secretly looked at Heavenly Emperor also changed.

Looking at Mo Changsheng, many people started to discuss.

Seeing this scene, many people reacted, you look at me, I look at you, and looked at each other, not expecting that Mo Chang was so angry.

"I was really careless just now. Who knows, this guy doesn't resist."

"It shouldn't be, this one is probably the size of a finger's skull joint when it is hard, and a swollen pepper is much stronger than this, right?

Zhou Zhiruo vomited out a mouthful of blood, her face turned pale, and she passed out.

This person was startled by the distance that Mo Changsheng highlighted the blood spurting, and exclaimed.

"Hey, I didn't expect that Young Master Changsheng wouldn't work. The power of this launch is still quite large. I just don't know if this thing below is also so fierce. Isn't there a word for it to be short and powerful?"

"Are you really a talent?

'It's really small, it's really strange that you haven't put it away yet, it's so embarrassing, could it be that he's such a small one, and he's still an exhibitionist. ’

"Because I have tried it, I can pass my own head through below, and then I can twist my head one hundred and eighty degrees."

Hearing this sentence, many people couldn't bear it any longer and laughed.

Mo Changsheng's face changed again, even the expressions of other people also changed, looking at Mo Changsheng with sympathy.

"Hey, this matter is very simple. Although they are not very useful, they are very powerful. This kind of thing, even if you dig with your fingers, is much stronger than this."

Looking at each other, they saw the disbelief in each other's eyes.

Mo Changsheng glanced at these people with killing intent in his eyes.

Mo Changsheng had panic in his eyes and wanted to make a move, but found himself blocked, raised his head, looked at Heavenly Emperor, and looked at the disdain in Heavenly Emperor's eyes, he knew that this time he was really arrogant. .

"Senior Brother Mo, why bother?"

Missing asked a question.

"Time stands still, space cuts."

"Senior sister, Brother Mo is dead. Look, how about we try it out?"

At this time, Mo Changsheng also reacted, feeling that he was cold below, and heard another voice.

"Why do you say that?

Fifth Peak voice transmission said something.

"It makes sense, I feel the same way."

"You said, if Young Master Changsheng does things to others, will the woman feel it?

After hearing the words of these people, the Peak Master of the Fifth Peak turned black as he watched the other senior brothers look down at him.

At this moment, a figure appeared and hugged Zhou Zhiruo.

Hearing the frantic voice of the Fifth Peak Peak Master, the other Peak Masters laughed.

"Why did I only see two eggs?"

Heavenly Emperor said something at this time.

Heavenly Emperor feels that he should help this guy. This guy has no self-knowledge, and now let him know how to act in the future. Heavenly Emperor feels that he is really a good person.

Heavenly Emperor said indifferently.

She said something to Zhou Zhiruo softly.

Heavenly Emperor looked at Zhou Zhiruo.

Mo Changsheng lowered his head, looked under his own, and saw two eggs. If he hadn't looked carefully, he would have thought there were none.

"I really know people and faces, but I don't know what's going on!"

"You don't feel bad."

Missing looked at his disciple with a strange look in his eyes. He wondered if Heavenly Emperor kept his hand or if it was intentional. Mo Changsheng just broke his clothes.

"Be confident and get rid of the feeling. It's too small. I'm a real Immortal Realm anyway. After looking at it for a while, I found out that I thought it wasn't there. Just sticking a tongue in can feel better than this."

The other women, looking at Mo Changsheng, also widened their eyes.

That being the case, I would like to see how strong the younger brother is?

Zhou Zhiruo looked at Heavenly Emperor with fear in her eyes.

After the short eight words, after everyone reacted, they widened their eyes and took a deep breath, as if to clean the air around them.

Many people were startled and lowered their heads.

"You promise, you won't tear my clothes when you practice."

Mo Changsheng was still confused at this time, and when he looked carefully, there was confusion in his eyes.

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhiruo also put away her hilarious smile.

"What's wrong, it's just a traitor, it's not that you don't know."

"No, look carefully, there is still a little bit."

"I think it's possible. It's the first time I've seen such a small child. I feel like I was bigger than this when I was born."

After Heavenly Emperor felt it, there was no turbulence in his heart, he became his own world, and after swallowing the chaotic heaven, he could evolve any law.

At this moment, Heavenly Emperor's eyes flashed.

"I feel like I don't like him anymore."

When he came to challenge himself, Missing why agreed so happily, he knew what Heavenly Emperor was thinking.

Even in the forbidden area of ​​the Immortal Demon Palace, there were also eyes, looking at Heavenly Emperor, with surprise and a hint of joy in his eyes.

But at this time, Mo Changsheng's body fell down, without a trace of breath, and at the same time, his hands tightly covered his own bottom.

Looking at Heavenly Emperor, with a solemn expression, it is the other few inheritors. Looking at Heavenly Emperor, it is also solemn. After all, Heavenly Emperor is an existence that can control time. This kind of move is hard to prevent.

The fifth peak is the main reaction.

Hearing this sentence, Heavenly Emperor's face darkened. Many looked at Heavenly Emperor, and almost laughed. Just thinking about it, the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching. Why didn't he realize that Zhou Zhiruo still had such a cute side.

'I didn't expect to accept a disciple, but it's so small. If I knew, I wouldn't accept it. No, when I accept a disciple, it doesn't look at this size. ’

Hearing the mocking voices of everyone, Mo Changsheng's face turned red, and then he spat out a mouthful of blood, which was three feet long.

Heavenly Emperor knew that if he fought with Di Tian, ​​he would have the determination to let the Immortal palace block everything for him.

The light in Heavenly Emperor's eyes faded.

Seeing that Zhou Zhiruo was about to shoot, Heavenly Emperor stretched out his palm.

The voices of discussion rang out.

The laws of time, space, and Samsara are all very few. One has not appeared in tens of thousands of years. I didn't expect that there is a person who masters the laws of time now.

After checking his breath, he breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that Heavenly Emperor had left his hand just now, but he had to recuperate for a month, and he was still in a coma.

"Win the award, won the award. The last time I saw you fought a dozen men alone, they all fell down."

What are you looking at, I'm big, I don't believe it, come over at night to compare it, take it out and it's bigger than you all.

Hearing Heavenly Emperor, many people laughed.

"I suddenly feel confident."

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