I'm A Real Villain

Chapter 457 I Want To Verify My Strength And Inherit...

After Heavenly Emperor heard the sentence of Missing, he looked at himself, the cheap master, with disbelief. He never thought that he could ask for anything from his master.

Just when Miss Miss said this sentence, many people had already been watching this place, and when they heard this sentence, many people had black lines on their foreheads.

After hearing Heavenly Emperor's rejection, Missing revealed a pity.

Heavenly Emperor looked at Miss Nian's sloppy eyes and was a little speechless.

"Exactly, my apprentice is here."

Missing body moved and disappeared.

Seeing Mr. Changsheng appear, Hua Immortal and Xue Immortal also said hello.

"Sir Changsheng, the descendant of the fifth peak."

"No, I just feel that Ascension's strength has been a little slow recently, and I want to find someone to learn from."

When they saw the person who came, many people had fear in their eyes. The person who appeared had an elegant temperament, but those who knew him knew how cruel this person was.

"What's the matter, look at that little girl Zhou Zhiruo."

"haven't seen you for a long time."

"I'll join in the fun too."

Heavenly Emperor was a little speechless. He was a master who was doing well, but he forgot to bring his apprentice.

"The Seventh Peak still has a few powerful people, especially the successor Zhou Zhiruo, known as the Heartless Princess, who has practiced a lost claw technique.

"I didn't expect that Gong Hai also came out."

"Since Junior Brother is so elegant, Senior Brother is not good to brush your face, I wonder when will Heavenly Emperor come over?"

"Sixth Peak Snow Immortal is here too."

This man is a treasure of the Immortal Palace, and now he has arrived at the Golden Immortal Realm, but he doesn't know which Realm he has arrived at in the Golden Immortal.

Even when some elders in the dark saw it, their eyes were also amazed.

After hearing this movement, many people retreated a few steps and looked at the layers of ice that appeared below, like absolute zero.

Seeing Heavenly Emperor's gaze, Missing asked.

"You came out too, I thought you weren't coming out."

Heavenly Emperor has no choice but to pass by himself.

"I don't know, just see if you don't know. How many disciples wanted to worship under the sect of Ninth Master Uncle, but none of Ninth Master Uncle liked it."

Just when Heavenly Emperor appeared, one after another glanced over, and then one after another figure was revealed.

"I didn't expect that Snow Immortal and Flower Immortal would come out."

At this moment, the peak masters of several peaks looked at the person who appeared, with a sigh and softness in their eyes.

"Seventh Senior Brother, come out quickly, let's take a gamble, one of your Seventh Peak disciples counts as one, my disciple can defeat them, let's set up a gamble."

But when he heard Heavenly Emperor, there was a strange look in Miss's eyes, and he suspected that Heavenly Emperor was in Versailles.

"Let's see how the disciples received by Uncle Ninth are like, I haven't seen them yet."

Hearing Heavenly Emperor, Missing also put away her hippie smile, well, let's go and see.

Heavenly Emperor looked at Missing and covered his forehead.

Heavenly Emperor said something indifferently.

A figure suddenly appeared beside a few people, and even after these heirs reacted, they were stunned for a moment.

When they saw this figure, many disciples bowed and bowed with respect in their eyes.

Yueqing's side appeared directly.

"You should really come and see."

Thinking that this woman will go to that mine in three days, Heavenly Emperor's eyes light up.

A white dress, a small waist that cannot be grasped, and a cold figure with eyes that no strangers can enter.

"Today my apprentice will challenge you to the seventh peak alone, so be prepared!"

A voice rang again. Looking at the people who appeared, many people took a deep breath. Even the other people who appeared looked at this person with fear.

Heavenly Emperor refused without thinking.

"Hey, the third peak, Young Master Qingzhu is here."

At this time, a figure appeared, and when this person appeared, there were still shadows behind him.

At this moment, Missing suddenly remembered that he had come too in a hurry and had forgotten Heavenly Emperor.

After Heavenly Emperor came back to his senses, he looked at the seventh peak.

"I didn't expect to accept a disciple."

At the same time, a trace of the moon was revealed, and those who did not know thought that this person was a moon.

A voice came from far away.

"Crack clap."

A figure also appeared, without a trace.

"Do you think they will be Zhiruo's opponents?"

Young Master Changsheng, looking at Young Master Yueqing, sighed with emotion.

"Hurry up and start, call all your disciples up."

The last time Gong Hai was in Closed Door Training, he had already reached the peak of Golden Immortal. This time, I don't know if there is a breakthrough.

Missing looked at the eyes of his own apprentice with curiosity in his eyes.

"Master, let's take a look, I just want to verify the extent of own strength?"

"I didn't expect you to leave too."

At this time, a man in white clothes with a warm jade hanging from his waist and a jade crown appeared.

One was wearing a blue dress. When he appeared, he was surrounded by thousands of flowers, as if he had come out of the flowers.

At this moment, a voice also sounded.

Heavenly Emperor looked at the few people who appeared, and his eyes were calm. Heavenly Emperor thought that there would be a few sons of luck, but there were none. Although there were none, these people should not be underestimated.

"I've waited to see Senior Brother Gong Hai."

‘I don’t know, it’s probably still Closed Door Training. ’

Many disciples looked at the person wearing a blue shirt, with a handsome face and elegant temperament, like a mountain and flowing water, with admiration in their eyes.

"Fuck, I forgot my apprentice, wait a moment."

"Master Lengshuang from the second peak has also appeared. It is estimated that several other descendants will also appear. Why didn't the descendants of the seventh peak appear."

Heavenly Emperor looked at the master in the void and shook his head.

When Heavenly Emperor looked at these people, these people looked at Heavenly Emperor.

Geng Nianqi looked at the thoughts in the sky, with helplessness in his eyes, and a little funny at the same time, it seems that this little junior brother is rich again, otherwise he wouldn't do it like this.

"The Eighth Peak, Flower Immortal is here."

"At the most important time, people's little girls are beautiful."

When seeing these figures, many disciples' eyes widened.

"I dont go."

It seems that this woman should be the heroine of luck.

At this moment, the arrogant voice of missing rang out.

"Young Master Yueqing is here."

Heavenly Emperor heard the voice of his master halfway along the way.

"You came out. I thought you would have to wait for a while. Why not wait for a while to break through before coming out."

"I think that peak is quite close to us."

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