I'm A Real Villain

Chapter 426 Blue Star's Di Tian, ​​Current Di Tian, ​​Future...

Di Tian didn't expect that when he brought son of luck to the brothel, he actually met son of luck's spiritual guardian spirit and was reincarnated.

"Don't move, I found someone important for you, you should thank me."

Just when Di Tian was thinking, Chu Mingyu looked at the woman in front of him with shock in his eyes.

At this time, the rune appeared on Chu Mingyu's body, surrounding Chu Mingyu, setting off Chu Mingyu like a god.

"Want to know?"

"I'm leaving, it's inappropriate, isn't it?"

Even Chu Mingyu looked at the woman in front of him with disbelief in his eyes. He didn't expect this woman to actually know Di Tian. It seemed that this woman was not a simple person.

"Sir, please return the things to us."

Why? ’

The stern look in Shi Yan's eyes disappeared and turned into gentleness.

The teacher at this time has completely lost the appearance that Di Tian saw before. The current teacher's eyes are full of arrogance, and a powerful momentum burst out.

Di Tian shook his head.

"Actually, whether it is Di Tian of Blue Star, Di Tian of Chaos Heaven Realm, or Di Tian of the future, they are all alone. It's just that for certain things, they have no choice but to look like this."

Chu Mingyu said something.

"You should not be from this world, and at the same time, you are not the guardian spirit of this mirror. Who are you?"

"You don't have to act anymore, even your family evolved from you. Tell me, what's the purpose of coming here?"

Then he looked at Di Tian with a smile in his eyes.

The two people haven't reacted yet, and Di Tian's figure has disappeared.

Chu Mingyu looked at the woman and asked.

The teacher looked at Di Tian and asked a question.

"Don't you just want Chu Mingyu to surrender to you, but you can't, you don't have the qualifications yet?"

After seeing Di Tian like this, Shi Wei's eyes were filled with surprise.

"You should leave this person's body. After all, he is just a guardian spirit, and his soul is strong, but now you are talking to me with the projection of the future. This guardian spirit can't stand it. You have to have one more enemy. ?"

But when Shi Yan heard this sentence, not only did he not leave, but he looked at the ghost with relief in his eyes.

It seems that this thing, only Chu Mingyu can manipulate, or that woman.

"who I am?"

There is insight in the eyes.

"Di Tian, ​​you don't need to know, tsk tsk tsk, I didn't expect that if I didn't check it for a while, there really was a person who could fight. If it wasn't for possessing this person, I really didn't find it."

Just when Di Tian's voice fell, a female figure appeared, still the kind of **.

Di Tian said something.

"You came here, it should be what happened in the future, or what happened to Di Tian?"

"Looks like you've grown a lot!"

Di Tian looked at Zhu Ling with a question in his eyes.

"Unfortunately, there are still many things you don't know, otherwise, you will not be so calm now."

"Are you a teacher?"

"I know how, I don't know how, since you are here, isn't it just to let me follow his path, but I found that Karma has been changed, right? When Di Tian came from Blue Star, it was like this. already."

"You are very smart, as expected of his past."

"The future Di Tian is still too conceited?

"It is a wrong decision to merge the Chaos Heavenly Realm together again."

After hearing this sentence, Chu Mingyu had doubts in his eyes, not knowing what Di Tian's sentence meant.

"Di Tian, ​​stop for me."

Shi Yan looked at Di Tian with a question in his eyes.

At this time, Chu Mingyu was confused, but Zhu Ling's figure was drawn into a ray of light and entered Chu Mingyu's body.

"God ghost, it seems that you have lost your memory too. This woman is the guardian spirit of the spiritual tool. I didn't expect that you also arranged the means before, not bad."

When Di Tian heard this sentence, there was surprise in his voice, it seemed that this woman actually knew him.

Di Tian looked at the mirror in his hand with curiosity in his eyes.

This mirror is just like an ordinary mirror.

After hearing Di Tian's words, Zhu Ling was surprised.

It was Chu Mingyu who looked at the two with thought in his eyes.

"Why do you know this thing?"

Di Tian's eyes were puzzled.

"The path he arranged for you, why don't you go?"

When that Zhu Ling saw Di Tian snatched the mirror in his hand, his eyes were also inconceivable.

Di Tian looked at Zhu Ling and asked.

However, at this time, Chu Mingyu actually felt a trace of sadness.

"Master, what are you doing?"

After hearing this sentence, Shi Yan's body trembled.

A person is a race, a person is a taboo, Di Tian does not want to give up this person.

At this moment, the woman giggled, and the stern look in her eyes disappeared.

"Do you already know something?"

Especially when a mirror appeared in front of the woman, even Chu Mingyu's eyes were full of disbelief.

After hearing Di Tian's words, Shi Yan sighed.

It seems that this time Chu Mingyu's return has something to do with this woman, but he just doesn't know what happened in the first place?

"Di Tian, ​​I know what you're thinking?"

At this time, Di Tian's voice rang.

"Not too stupid."

"What else do you know?"

Di Tian said something when he looked at Zhu Ling, the teacher.

Zhu Ling looked at Di Tian with a playful look in his eyes.

The teacher sighed and looked at Di Tian.

"I don't know, but just now, when I saw you for the first time, I knew that this thing has something to do with you?"

After hearing Di Tian's words, Chu Mingyu's eyes widened, and then, a picture appeared in his mind, and this picture just disappeared in a flash.

"Who are you, get out. Get out of this woman?"

Zhu Ling also came.

"Let me see how your strength is?"

"Bring it to you."

"Di Tian, ​​you villain, you come back to me."

At this time, Chu Mingyu came over and looked at Di Tian with anger in his eyes.

Di Tian doesn't know what he will face in the future, but Di Tian has to start building his own power now.

At this time, Di Tian said something.

‘As expected of Di Tian, ​​I can actually see it, it looks like I really underestimate you. ’

"It's just my guess. When the Emperor's family disappeared before, you disappeared. I knew that this matter is not so simple."

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