I'm A Real Villain

Chapter 414 You Can't Deal With Him, It's Too Bad...

When Chu Mingyu saw these souls disappear, there was a smile in his eyes.

When Chu Mingyu finished saying this, a portal appeared behind him.


After seeing this, Di Tian's eyes were filled with surprise.

The ghost said something, and a strong wave appeared, defusing Di Tian and Chu Mingyu's attacks.

But no one answered him, only two big hands answered him, pulling her into the portal.

‘Di Tian, ​​give me this stone, and I can refine something for you. ’

After Chu Mingyu heard that this person was going to take him away, there was anger in his eyes.

'The next battle has just begun, isn't it, Chu Mingyu. ’

"It would be great if the tomb of Emperor Dao was this simple."

"Coming and not being indecent, you asked me to pay, didn't you mean to invite me to dinner, but I paid the bill. This time, I will invite you to eat evil spirits."

"You must be the person from the Dao Emperor Realm, right?"

The scene was so quiet.

'Got you. ’

After Di Tian finished saying this, the void opened and a weapon appeared.


The body moved and grabbed the stone.

As these words fell, a force of attraction appeared in the portal.

'I didn't expect it to be seen by you. ’

When Di Tian said this, he crushed a stone in his hand.

"Come out, god damn it."

When he heard this sentence, Chu Mingyu had a smile in his eyes.

"What method is this?

But after waiting for a long time, there was no movement.

"Di Tian, ​​you despicable villain, you come out for me.


At this time, Chu Mingyu's eyes were closed.

Di Tian made a move, the blood spear returned to his own hand, and charged towards the last ghost.

"Di Tian, ​​you are playing with me again."

"Junior, since you ruined my plan, I think you want to die."

Chu Mingyu made a seal on his hands and saw mysterious runes appearing on his body again.

Chu Mingyu and Di Tian, ​​standing together, looked at this ghost.

Di Tian looked at Chu Mingyu with disgust in his eyes.

When the Taoist finished saying these words, there was greed in his eyes.

After Chu Mingyu saw it, he said something to the ghosts he summoned.

After the person has said this, he will start.

One after another phantoms roared and appeared, just like the ghosts crawling out of The Underworld.

Hearing this sentence, Di Tian has doubts in his eyes, seeing that the two are getting along without incident, but Di Tian knows that the two are calculating each other now.

He rushed towards the ghost behind him.

At this time, a person appeared in front of Chu Mingyu, with anger in his eyes.

Surrounded by thunder.

The ghost at the back saw shock in his eyes after seeing the two attacking.

At this moment, Chu Mingyu's side appeared one after another with weapons exuding terrifying fluctuations.


"Come out."

"What do you think, I destroyed my relatives just to come again. I didn't expect to be destroyed by you, but your body is not bad, so I laughed."

Chu Mingyu, with ingratitude in his eyes, looked at the Dao Emperor Realm in front of him and said something.

"Di Tian, ​​do it."

One after another rune appeared next to Chu Mingyu, and soon drew a portal.

Looking at the stone in Di Tian's hand, Chu Mingyu's eyes were filled with depression.

Dao Emperor Realm's soul is strong, and there is actually fear in his eyes.

Chu Mingyu opened his own eyes, looked at the powerful soul of Dao Emperor Realm in front of him, and said something.

"It seems that those people you overcame before have all turned into your means of attack!"

At this time, Di Tian was hidden in the void, and when he saw this picture, there was fear in his eyes, this portal appeared, and it felt like a ghost came out.

At this moment, Di Tian said something.

After Chu Mingyu said this, he put away his hippie smile and looked at Di Tian.

"How did you say I found you, Chaos Sombra."

Chu Mingyu also said something.

"What spar, isn't it a soul?"

Di Tian said calmly.

Then, Di Tian's eyes moved and saw a black stone.

Just when Chu Mingyu was about to touch the stone, the stone disappeared.

At this time, one after another, the power of protection appeared around the ghosts, not only that, but also turned into a black smoke, stepped on the thunder, and rushed towards Di Tian.

"Your portal can't deal with this guy, you are too bad."

Chu Mingyu roared.

"How did you find me."


Di Tian hid in the void and did not speak, to see what means this son of luck had.

It was the first time that Meiyu saw this method, and there was curiosity in her eyes.

'Got you? ’

As Di Tian's voice fell, he inserted the blood spear in his hand on the ground, and the power of thunder turned into a dense net, charging towards these ghosts.

There was a smile in Di Tian's eyes.

Di Tian made an overview, and at the same time became more alert to Chu Mingyu.

"Come on if you can. If you can, I won't rob you of this stone."

Hearing Di Tian's sentence, Chu Mingyu's eyes were filled with surprise. He didn't expect that Di Tian could actually see it. It seemed that his enemy was really not to be underestimated!

The door opened, and figures came out from inside, everyone was terrifying, and ten sharp claws exuded a cold light.

pass away.

Instead, he faced the thunder and charged in the past.

When the ghosts encountered the power of thunder, they were not afraid.

Even Chu Mingyu took out the stone he had obtained before and crushed it.

Chu Mingyu roared.

When Chu Mingyu watched the soul disappear, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"You are so brave!"

"senior, can I say this is a misunderstanding?"

These big hands were obscured by a layer of black smoke, making it impossible to see the true face.

When Meiyu saw these things, there was alertness in his eyes.

Then a big hand appeared.

Just now, Chu Mingyu turned his head, there was no trace of Di Tian, ​​and there was no one behind.

"Looking for death, toasting, not eating and eating fine wine."

But then, Chu Mingyu's smile was put away, and there was embarrassment in his eyes.

Hearing Di Tian's words, Chu Mingyu couldn't help but twitch at the corners of his mouth.

"Brother Chu, it's been a long time since I saw you alive, I'm so relieved!"

When he saw this weapon, Chu Mingyu's eyes were filled with greed.

"What means is this?"

When he saw this stone, Chu Mingyu's eyes showed surprise.

"This stone should not be the same. The soul that appeared before is also a trace of will, and it should also be a chaotic spar."

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